Commit | Date | |
Added tags to the create ticket page
[96cd21] by |
2010-02-05 | Tree |
Added tags to the tracker FORGE-296
2010-02-05 | Tree |
FORGE-148: Added a recent-changes section to di...
2010-02-05 | Tree |
FORGE-148: Added a style to the recent-changes ...
2010-02-05 | Tree |
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[30a307] by |
2010-02-04 | Tree |
Cleaned up some broken stuff from my attachment...
[763d18] by |
2010-02-04 | Tree |
Added attachments to the wiki FORGE-287
[312806] by |
2010-02-03 | Tree |
FORGE-244: replace Ticket's assigned_to str wit...
[a48581] by |
2010-02-02 | Tree |
Updated wiki to match wireframes as in FORGE-22...
[b1f258] by |
2010-02-01 | Tree |
Use 'Ticket' rather than 'Issue'
[40bf73] by |
2010-01-29 | Tree |
FORGE-149: initial implementation of attachment...
[0ad09a] by |
2010-01-22 | Tree |
FORGE-257: fix relative URLs within the tracker
[34faf3] by |
2010-01-22 | Tree |
FORGE-153: author isn't being saved properly, s...
[c4cd35] by |
2010-01-20 | Tree |
FORGE-153: Changed comment styling to correspon...
[06220f] by |
2010-01-20 | Tree |
Custom fields for the tracker
[160d5d] by |
2010-01-19 | Tree |
Make status hold user-defined values
[04617c] by |
2010-01-15 | Tree |
Custom admin page for the tracker
[ec3c41] by |
2010-01-15 | Tree |
Better date formatting
[b4691f] by |
2010-01-14 | Tree |
Add css for Markdown code highlighting
[8fd032] by |
2010-01-13 | Tree |
Fill out issue editing
[f63562] by |
2010-01-13 | Tree |
Make existing issues editable using Rick's edit...
[097f7a] by |
2010-01-13 | Tree |
Description can contain paragraphs
[341b0e] by |
2010-01-13 | Tree |
Apply Markdown rules to issue description
[a1c382] by |
2010-01-13 | Tree |
tracker index page: css for alternating rows
[c42119] by |
2010-01-13 | Tree |
Real template for single issue
[3b1e5f] by |
2010-01-11 | Tree |