# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""WSGI middleware initialization for the allura application."""
import mimetypes
import pkg_resources
from webob import exc
from tg import redirect
from paste.deploy.converters import asbool
import ew
import ming
from allura.config.app_cfg import base_config
from allura.config.environment import load_environment
from allura.config.app_cfg import ForgeConfig
from allura.lib.custom_middleware import StatsMiddleware
from allura.lib.custom_middleware import SSLMiddleware
from allura.lib.custom_middleware import StaticFilesMiddleware
from allura.lib import patches
__all__ = ['make_app']
# Use base_config to setup the necessary PasteDeploy application factory.
# make_base_app will wrap the TG2 app with all the middleware it needs.
make_base_app = base_config.setup_tg_wsgi_app(load_environment)
def make_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf):
return _make_core_app('root', global_conf, full_stack, **app_conf)
def make_tool_test_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf):
return _make_core_app('test', global_conf, full_stack, **app_conf)
def _make_core_app(root, global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf):
Set allura up with the settings found in the PasteDeploy configuration
file used.
:param root: The controller module containing the TG root
:param global_conf: The global settings for allura (those
defined under the ``[DEFAULT]`` section).
:type global_conf: dict
:param full_stack: Should the whole TG2 stack be set up?
:type full_stack: str or bool
:return: The allura application with all the relevant middleware
This is the PasteDeploy factory for the allura application.
``app_conf`` contains all the application-specific settings (those defined
under ``[app:main]``.
[pkg_resources.resource_filename('allura', 'etc/mime.types')]
+ mimetypes.knownfiles)
# Create base app
base_config = ForgeConfig(root)
load_environment = base_config.make_load_environment()
make_base_app = base_config.setup_tg_wsgi_app(load_environment)
app = make_base_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf)
# Configure MongoDB
# Wrap your base TurboGears 2 application with custom middleware here
# app = MingMiddleware(app)
if app_conf.get('stats.sample_rate', '0.25') != '0':
stats_config = dict(global_conf, **app_conf)
app = StatsMiddleware(app, stats_config)
if asbool(app_conf.get('auth.method', 'local')=='sfx'):
app = SSLMiddleware(app, app_conf.get('no_redirect.pattern'))
app = ew.WidgetMiddleware(
compress=not asbool(global_conf['debug']),
# compress=True,
script_name=app_conf.get('ew.script_name', '/_ew_resources/'),
url_base=app_conf.get('ew.url_base', '/_ew_resources/'))
app = StaticFilesMiddleware(app, app_conf.get('static.script_name'))
app = set_scheme_middleware(app)
app = credentials_middleware(app)
return app
def set_scheme_middleware(app):
def SchemeMiddleware(environ, start_response):
if asbool(environ.get('HTTP_X_SFINC_SSL', 'false')):
environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
return app(environ, start_response)
return SchemeMiddleware
def credentials_middleware(app):
def CredentialsMiddleware(environ, start_response):
from allura.lib import security
environ['allura.credentials'] = security.Credentials()
return app(environ, start_response)
return CredentialsMiddleware
def get_tg_vars(context):
import pylons, tg
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from urllib import quote, quote_plus
context.setdefault('g', pylons.g)
context.setdefault('c', pylons.c)
context.setdefault('h', h)
context.setdefault('request', pylons.request)
context.setdefault('response', pylons.response)
context.setdefault('url', pylons.url)
context.setdefault('tg', dict(