--- a/Allura/allura/model/filesystem.py
+++ b/Allura/allura/model/filesystem.py
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
+import os
from mimetypes import guess_type
-from datetime import datetime
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import pylons
import Image
-import pymongo
from gridfs import GridFS
-import tg
-from .session import project_doc_session
-from ming.base import build_mongometa
from ming import schema
from ming.orm.base import session
-from ming.orm.property import FieldProperty, ForeignIdProperty, RelationProperty
-from ming.orm.mapped_class import MappedClass, MappedClassMeta
+from ming.orm.property import FieldProperty
+from ming.orm.mapped_class import MappedClass
from .session import project_orm_session
@@ -25,69 +22,80 @@
class File(MappedClass):
class __mongometa__:
session = project_orm_session
- name = 'fs.files' # must always end in '.files'
- indexes = [
- 'metadata.filename' ] # actual "stored" filename
+ name = 'fs'
+ indexes = [ 'filename' ]
- _id=FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId)
- # We don't actually store the filename here, just a randomish hash
- filename=FieldProperty(str, if_missing=lambda:str(pymongo.bson.ObjectId()))
- # There is much weirdness in gridfs; the fp.content_type property is stored
- # in the contentType field
- contentType=FieldProperty(str)
- length=FieldProperty(int)
- chunkSize=FieldProperty(int)
- uploadDate=FieldProperty(datetime)
- aliases=FieldProperty([str])
- metadata=FieldProperty(dict(
- # the real filename is stored here
- filename=str))
- md5=FieldProperty(str)
- next=FieldProperty(None)
+ _id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId)
+ file_id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId)
+ filename=FieldProperty(str, if_missing='unknown')
+ content_type=FieldProperty(str)
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ super(File, self).__init__(**kw)
+ if self.content_type is None:
+ content_type = guess_type(self.filename)
+ if content_type: self.content_type = content_type[0]
+ else: self.content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
def _fs(cls):
- return GridFS(session(cls).impl.db)
+ return GridFS(
+ session(cls).impl.db,
+ cls._root_collection())
- def _grid_coll_name(cls):
- # drop the '.files' suffix
- return cls.__mongometa__.name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
+ def _root_collection(cls):
+ return cls.__mongometa__.name
def remove(cls, spec):
- return cls._fs().remove(spec, collection=cls._grid_coll_name())
+ for fobj in cls.query.find(spec):
+ fobj.delete()
- def list(cls):
- return cls._fs().list(collection=cls._grid_coll_name())
+ def from_stream(cls, filename, stream, **kw):
+ obj = cls(filename=filename, **kw)
+ with obj.wfile() as fp_w:
+ while True:
+ s = stream.read()
+ if not s: break
+ fp_w.write(s)
+ return obj
- def save(cls, filename, content_type, content, **metadata):
- f = cls.by_metadata(filename=filename).first()
- if f is None:
- fn = str(pymongo.bson.ObjectId())
- else:
- fn = f.filename
- with cls._fs().open(fn, 'w', collection=cls._grid_coll_name()) as fp:
- fp.content_type = content_type
- fp.metadata = dict(metadata, filename=filename)
- fp.write(content)
- return cls.query.get(filename=fn)
+ def from_path(cls, path, **kw):
+ filename = os.path.basename(path)
+ with open(path, 'rb') as stream:
+ return cls.from_stream(filename, stream, **kw)
- def by_metadata(cls, **kw):
- return cls.query.find(dict(
- ('metadata.%s' % k, v)
- for k,v in kw.iteritems()))
+ def from_data(cls, filename, data, **kw):
+ return cls.from_stream(filename, StringIO(data), **kw)
- @classmethod
- def create(cls, content_type=None, **meta_kwargs):
- fn = str(pymongo.bson.ObjectId())
- fp = cls._fs().open(fn, 'w', collection=cls._grid_coll_name())
- fp.content_type = content_type
- fp.metadata =dict(meta_kwargs)
+ def delete(self):
+ self._fs().delete(self.file_id)
+ super(File, self).delete()
+ def rfile(self):
+ return self._fs().get(self.file_id)
+ def wfile(self):
+ fp = self._fs().new_file(
+ filename=self.filename,
+ content_type=self.content_type)
+ self.file_id = fp._id
return fp
+ def serve(self, embed=True):
+ '''Sets the response headers and serves as a wsgi iter'''
+ fp = self.rfile()
+ pylons.response.headers['Content-Type'] = ''
+ pylons.response.content_type = fp.content_type.encode('utf-8')
+ if not embed:
+ pylons.response.headers.add(
+ 'Content-Disposition',
+ 'attachment;filename=%s' % self.filename)
+ return iter(fp)
def save_image(cls, filename, fp,
@@ -108,15 +116,13 @@
format = image.format
if save_original:
original_meta = original_meta or {}
- with cls.create(content_type=content_type,
- filename=filename,
- **original_meta) as fp_w:
- filename = fp_w.name
+ original = cls(
+ filename=filename, content_type=content_type, **original_meta)
+ with original.wfile() as fp_w:
if 'transparency' in image.info:
image.save(fp_w, format, transparency=image.info['transparency'])
image.save(fp_w, format)
- original = cls.query.get(filename=fp_w.name)
original = None
@@ -139,24 +145,16 @@
if thumbnail_size:
image.thumbnail(thumbnail_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
thumbnail_meta = thumbnail_meta or {}
- with cls.create(content_type=content_type,
- filename=filename,
- **thumbnail_meta) as fp_w:
+ thumbnail = cls(
+ filename=filename, content_type=content_type, **thumbnail_meta)
+ with thumbnail.wfile() as fp_w:
if 'transparency' in image.info:
image.save(fp_w, format, transparency=image.info['transparency'])
image.save(fp_w, format)
- thumbnail = cls.query.get(filename=fp_w.name)
return original, thumbnail
def is_image(self):
- if not self.contentType:
- return False
- return self.contentType.lower() in SUPPORTED_BY_PIL
+ return (self.content_type
+ and self.content_type.lower() in SUPPORTED_BY_PIL)
- def open(self, mode='r'):
- return self._fs().open(self.filename, mode, collection=self._grid_coll_name())
- def delete(self):
- self.remove(self.filename)