[#1419],[#1426],[#1446],[#1458], and [#1461]: overhaul push_re.py

  • use GNU readline (or the equivalent) to allow line editing
  • prompt you to merge dev up into master for allura, forge-classic, and sftheme
  • when git commands fail, print the output
  • when printing the git command to execute (or that failed), quote correctly
  • allow (but don't require) pushing to the public repo
  • allow the user to pick an alternate tag for the last successful push
    did this with readline history, so you can arrow through the list
  • also apply the .git/ logic to fix-up theme_path
  • don't push all tags (--tags), just the new one
  • for testing, allow calling the script with a --dry-run parameter to prevent
    actual pushing
  • ask what level of verbosity you want:
    • print each git command and wait for you to hit enter
    • echo each git command as it is executed (but no waiting)
    • git commands are silent (except for error)
  • added the parens for the print function where needed

Signed-off-by: Wolf wolf@geek.net

Wolf Wolf 2011-02-07

changed Allura/push_re.py
Allura/push_re.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view