Switch to side-by-side view

--- a
+++ b/Allura/allura/templates/widgets/repo/revision.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+{% from 'jinja_master/lib.html' import email_gravatar with context %}
+{% if value.author_url %}
+  Authored by
+  <a href="{{value.author_url}}">{{email_gravatar(value.authored.email, title=h.really_unicode(value.authored.name), size=16)}}</a>
+  <a href="{{value.author_url}}">{{h.really_unicode(value.authored.name)}}</a>
+{% else %}
+  Authored by
+  {{email_gravatar(value.authored.email, title=h.really_unicode(value.authored.name), size=16)}} {{h.really_unicode(value.authored.name)}}
+{% endif %}
+{% if value.authored.date %}{{h.ago(value.authored.date)}}{% endif %}
+{% if value.committed.email != value.authored.email %}
+  {% if value.committer_url %}
+    Committed by
+    <a href="{{value.committer_url}}">{{email_gravatar(value.committed.email, title=h.really_unicode(value.committed.name), size=16)}}</a>
+    <a href="{{value.committer_url}}">{{h.really_unicode(value.committed.name)}}</a>
+  {% else %}
+    Committed by
+    {{email_gravatar(value.committed.email, title=h.really_unicode(value.committed.name), size=16)}} {{h.really_unicode(value.committed.name)}}
+  {% endif %}
+  {% if value.committed.date %}{{h.ago(value.committed.date)}}{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+<a href="{{value.url()}}tree/">Tree</a><br/>
+{% if prev %}
+  Parent(s):
+  {% for ci in prev %}<a href="{{ci.url()}}">{{ci.shorthand_id()}}</a>{% endfor %}
+  <br/>
+{% endif %}
+{% if next %}
+  Child(ren):
+  {% for ci in next %}<a href="{{ci.url()}}">{{ci.shorthand_id()}}</a>{% endfor %}
+  <br/>
+{% endif %}