--- a/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/model/ticket.py
+++ b/ForgeTracker/forgetracker/model/ticket.py
@@ -228,8 +228,6 @@
_id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId)
created_date = FieldProperty(datetime, if_missing=datetime.utcnow)
- super_id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId, if_missing=None)
- sub_ids = FieldProperty([schema.ObjectId])
ticket_num = FieldProperty(int, required=True, allow_none=False)
summary = FieldProperty(str)
description = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='')
@@ -443,82 +441,15 @@
return TicketAttachment.query.find(dict(
app_config_id=self.app_config_id, artifact_id=self._id, type='attachment'))
- def set_as_subticket_of(self, new_super_id):
- # For this to be generally useful we would have to check first that
- # new_super_id is not a sub_id (recursively) of self
- if self.super_id == new_super_id:
- return
- if self.super_id is not None:
- old_super = Ticket.query.get(_id=self.super_id, app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
- old_super.sub_ids = [id for id in old_super.sub_ids if id != self._id]
- old_super.dirty_sums(dirty_self=True)
- self.super_id = new_super_id
- if new_super_id is not None:
- new_super = Ticket.query.get(_id=new_super_id, app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
- if new_super.sub_ids is None:
- new_super.sub_ids = []
- if self._id not in new_super.sub_ids:
- new_super.sub_ids.append(self._id)
- new_super.dirty_sums(dirty_self=True)
- def recalculate_sums(self, super_sums=None):
- """Calculate custom fields of type 'sum' (if any) by recursing into subtickets (if any)."""
- if super_sums is None:
- super_sums = {}
- globals = Globals.query.get(app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
- for k in [cf.name for cf in globals.custom_fields or [] if cf['type'] == 'sum']:
- super_sums[k] = float(0)
- # if there are no custom fields of type 'sum', we're done
- if not super_sums:
- return
- # if this ticket has no subtickets, use its field values directly
- if not self.sub_ids:
- for k in super_sums:
- try:
- v = float(self.custom_fields.get(k, 0))
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- v = 0
- super_sums[k] += v
- # else recurse into subtickets
- else:
- sub_sums = {}
- for k in super_sums:
- sub_sums[k] = float(0)
- for id in self.sub_ids:
- subticket = Ticket.query.get(_id=id, app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
- subticket.recalculate_sums(sub_sums)
- for k, v in sub_sums.iteritems():
- self.custom_fields[k] = v
- super_sums[k] += v
- def dirty_sums(self, dirty_self=False):
- """From a changed ticket, climb the superticket chain to call recalculate_sums at the root."""
- root = self if dirty_self else None
- next_id = self.super_id
- while next_id is not None:
- root = Ticket.query.get(_id=next_id, app_config_id=c.app.config._id)
- next_id = root.super_id
- if root is not None:
- root.recalculate_sums()
def update(self, ticket_form):
# update is not allowed to change the ticket_num
ticket_form.pop('ticket_num', None)
self.labels = ticket_form.pop('labels', [])
- custom_sums = set()
custom_users = set()
other_custom_fields = set()
for cf in self.globals.custom_fields or []:
- (custom_sums if cf['type'] == 'sum' else
- custom_users if cf['type'] == 'user' else
+ (custom_users if cf['type'] == 'user' else
if cf['type'] == 'boolean' and 'custom_fields.' + cf['name'] not in ticket_form:
self.custom_fields[cf['name']] = 'False'
@@ -538,17 +469,11 @@
user = c.project.user_in_project(v)
if user:
self.assigned_to_id = user._id
- elif k != 'super_id':
+ else:
setattr(self, k, v)
if 'custom_fields' in ticket_form:
for k,v in ticket_form['custom_fields'].iteritems():
- if k in custom_sums:
- # sums must be coerced to numeric type
- try:
- self.custom_fields[k] = float(v)
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- self.custom_fields[k] = 0
- elif k in custom_users:
+ if k in custom_users:
# restrict custom user field values to project members
user = self.app_config.project.user_in_project(v)
self.custom_fields[k] = user.username \
@@ -561,11 +486,6 @@
attachment.filename, attachment.file,
- # flush so we can participate in a subticket search (if any)
- session(self).flush()
- super_id = ticket_form.get('super_id')
- if super_id:
- self.set_as_subticket_of(bson.ObjectId(super_id))
def __json__(self):
return dict(super(Ticket,self).__json__(),