Switch to side-by-side view

--- a
+++ b/ForgeClassic/sfx/hosted_apps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#-*- python -*-
+import logging
+from tg import expose, redirect, flash
+from tg.decorators import with_trailing_slash
+from pylons import c
+from pyforge.app import DefaultAdminController, SitemapEntry
+from pyforge.lib import helpers as h
+from . import model as SM
+from .app_base import SFXBaseApp
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class HostedAppsApp(SFXBaseApp):
+    '''This is the Hosted Apps app for PyForge'''
+    permissions = [ 'configure', 'admin', 'read']
+    tool_label='Classic Hosted Apps'
+    default_mount_label='Hosted Apps'
+    default_mount_point='sfx-hosted-apps'
+    ordinal=10
+    class AdminController(DefaultAdminController):
+        @with_trailing_slash
+        @expose('sfx.templates.hosted_admin')
+        def index(self, **kw):
+            all_apps = SM.HostedApp.all()
+            enabled_features = set(SM.HostedApp.enabled_features())
+            enabled_apps = [ app for app in all_apps if app.feature_type in enabled_features ]
+            disabled_apps = [
+                app for app in all_apps if app.feature_type not in enabled_features ]
+            return dict(
+                enabled_apps=enabled_apps,
+                disabled_apps=disabled_apps)
+        @expose()
+        def enable(self, ft=None):
+            enabled_features = set(SM.HostedApp.enabled_features())
+            if ft in enabled_features: return
+            ha = SM.HostedApp.get(ft)
+            if ha is None:
+                flash('%s not found' % ft, 'error')
+            else:
+                ha.enable()
+                flash('%s queued for enable' % ha.description)
+            redirect('.')
+        @expose()
+        def disable(self, ft=None):
+            enabled_features = set(SM.HostedApp.enabled_features())
+            if ft not in enabled_features: return
+            ha = SM.HostedApp.get(ft)
+            if ha is None:
+                flash('%s not found' % ft, 'error')
+            else:
+                ha.disable()
+                flash('%s queued for disable' % ha.description)
+            redirect('.')
+        @expose()
+        def grant_admin(self, ft=None):
+            enabled_features = set(SM.HostedApp.enabled_features())
+            if ft not in enabled_features: return
+            ha = SM.HostedApp.get(ft)
+            if ha is None:
+                flash('%s not found' % ft, 'error')
+            else:
+                ha.addperm()
+                flash('Manage permissions on %s queued for %s' % (
+                        ha.description, c.user.username))
+            redirect('.')
+    def __init__(self, project, config):
+        SFXBaseApp.__init__(self, project, config)
+        self.root = HostedAppsController()
+    def sidebar_menu(self):
+        enabled_features = set(SM.HostedApp.enabled_features())
+        return [
+            SitemapEntry(ha.description, ha.format_column('application_url'))
+            for ha in SM.HostedApp.all() if ha.feature_type in enabled_features ]
+    @property
+    @h.exceptionless([], log)
+    def sitemap(self):
+        menu_id = self.config.options.mount_label.title()
+        return [
+            SitemapEntry(menu_id, '.') ]
+class HostedAppsController(object):
+    @with_trailing_slash
+    @expose('sfx.templates.hosted_index')
+    def index(self, **kw):
+        all_apps = SM.HostedApp.all()
+        enabled_features = set(SM.HostedApp.enabled_features())
+        enabled_apps = [ app for app in all_apps if app.feature_type in enabled_features ]
+        disabled_apps = [ app for app in all_apps if app.feature_type not in enabled_features ]
+        return dict(
+            enabled_apps=enabled_apps,
+            disabled_apps=disabled_apps)