# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import Image, StringIO
import allura
from nose.tools import assert_true
from ming.orm.ormsession import ThreadLocalORMSession
from mock import patch
from allura import model as M
from allura.lib import helpers as h
from allura.tests import decorators as td
from alluratest.controller import TestController
from forgewiki import model
# RootController methods exposed:
# index, new_page, search
# PageController methods exposed:
# index, edit, history, diff, raw, revert, update
# CommentController methods exposed:
# reply, delete
class TestRootController(TestController):
def setUp(self):
super(TestRootController, self).setUp()
def setup_with_tools(self):
def test_root_index(self):
r = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/').follow()
assert 'tĂŠst' in r
assert 'Create Page' in r
# No 'Create Page' button if user doesn't have 'create' perm
r = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/',
assert 'Create Page' not in r
def test_root_markdown_syntax(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/markdown_syntax/')
assert 'Markdown Syntax' in response
def test_root_browse_tags(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/browse_tags/')
assert 'Browse Labels' in response
def test_root_browse_pages(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/browse_pages/')
assert 'Browse Pages' in response
def test_root_new_page(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/new_page?title=tĂŠst')
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
def test_root_new_search(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/search?q=tĂŠst')
assert 'Search wiki: tĂŠst' in response
def test_page_index(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert 'tĂŠst' in response.follow()
def test_page_edit(self):
response = self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/edit')
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
def test_activity(self, create_activity):
d = dict(title='foo', text='footext')
self.app.post('/wiki/foo/update', params=d)
assert create_activity.call_count == 1
assert create_activity.call_args[0][1] == 'created'
d = dict(title='foo', text='new footext')
self.app.post('/wiki/foo/update', params=d)
assert create_activity.call_count == 1
assert create_activity.call_args[0][1] == 'modified'
d = dict(title='new foo', text='footext')
self.app.post('/wiki/foo/update', params=d)
assert create_activity.call_count == 1
assert create_activity.call_args[0][1] == 'renamed'
def test_title_slashes(self):
# forward slash not allowed in wiki page title - converted to dash
response = self.app.post(
assert 'foo-bar' in response
assert 'foo-bar' in response.request.url
def test_dotted_page_name(self):
r = self.app.post(
assert 'page.dot' in r
def test_subpage_attempt(self):
assert '/p/test/wiki/Home/' in self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/Home/')
self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/notthere/', status=404)
def test_page_history(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/history')
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
# two revisions are shown
assert '2 by Test Admin' in response
assert '1 by Test Admin' in response
# you can revert to an old revison, but not the current one
assert response.html.find('a',{'href':'./revert?version=1'})
assert not response.html.find('a',{'href':'./revert?version=2'})
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/history', extra_environ=dict(username='*anonymous'))
# two revisions are shown
assert '2 by Test Admin' in response
assert '1 by Test Admin' in response
# you cannot revert to any revision
assert not response.html.find('a',{'href':'./revert?version=1'})
assert not response.html.find('a',{'href':'./revert?version=2'})
def test_page_diff(self):
self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/revert', params=dict(version='1'))
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert 'Subscribe' in response
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/diff?v1=0&v2=0')
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
def test_page_raw(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/raw')
assert 'TEST' in response
def test_page_revert_no_text(self):
response = self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/revert', params=dict(version='1'))
assert '.' in response.json['location']
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
def test_page_revert_with_text(self):
response = self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/revert', params=dict(version='1'))
assert '.' in response.json['location']
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
def test_page_update(self):
response = self.app.post(
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
def test_page_label_unlabel(self):
response = self.app.post(
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
response = self.app.post(
assert 'tĂŠst' in response
def test_page_label_count(self):
labels = "label"
for i in range(1, 100):
labels += ',label%s' % i
'title': 'tĂŠst',
'text': 'sometext',
'labels': labels,
'labels_old': labels,
'viewable_by-0.id': 'all'})
r = self.app.get('/wiki/browse_tags/')
assert 'results of 100 ' in r
assert '<div class="page_list">' in r
assert '(Page 1 of 4)' in r
assert '<td>label30</td>' in r
assert '<td>label1</td>' in r
r = self.app.get('/wiki/browse_tags/?page=3')
assert '<td>label77</td>' in r
assert '<td>label99</td>' in r
def test_new_attachment(self):
content = file(__file__).read()
self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/attach', upload_files=[('file_info', 'test_root.py', content)])
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert 'test_root.py' in response
def test_new_text_attachment_content(self):
file_name = 'test_root.py'
file_data = file(__file__).read()
upload = ('file_info', file_name, file_data)
self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/attach', upload_files=[upload])
page_editor = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/edit')
download = page_editor.click(description=file_name)
assert_true(download.body == file_data)
def test_new_image_attachment_content(self):
self.app.post('/wiki/TEST/update', params={
file_name = 'neo-icon-set-454545-256x350.png'
file_path = os.path.join(allura.__path__[0],'nf','allura','images',file_name)
file_data = file(file_path).read()
upload = ('file_info', file_name, file_data)
self.app.post('/wiki/TEST/attach', upload_files=[upload])
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
page = model.Page.query.find(dict(title='TEST')).first()
filename = page.attachments.first().filename
uploaded = Image.open(file_path)
r = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/attachment/'+filename)
downloaded = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(r.body))
assert uploaded.size == downloaded.size
r = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/attachment/'+filename+'/thumb')
thumbnail = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(r.body))
assert thumbnail.size == (255,255)
# Make sure thumbnail is present
r = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/')
img_srcs = [ i['src'] for i in r.html.findAll('img') ]
assert ('/p/test/wiki/TEST/attachment/' + filename + '/thumb') in img_srcs, img_srcs
# Update the page to embed the image, make sure the thumbnail is absent
self.app.post('/wiki/TEST/update', params=dict(
text='sometext\n[[img src=%s alt=]]' % file_name))
r = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/')
img_srcs = [ i['src'] for i in r.html.findAll('img') ]
assert ('/p/test/wiki/TEST/attachment/' + filename) not in img_srcs, img_srcs
assert ('./attachment/' + file_name) in img_srcs, img_srcs
def test_sidebar_static_page(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert 'Edit this page' not in response
assert 'Related Pages' not in response
def test_related_links(self):
response = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/').follow()
assert 'Edit TEST' in response
assert 'Related' not in response
self.app.post('/wiki/TEST/update', params={
self.app.post('/wiki/aaa/update', params={
self.app.post('/wiki/bbb/update', params={
h.set_context('test', 'wiki', neighborhood='Projects')
a = model.Page.query.find(dict(title='aaa')).first()
a.text = '\n[TEST]\n'
b = model.Page.query.find(dict(title='TEST')).first()
b.text = '\n[bbb]\n'
response = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/')
assert 'Related' in response
assert 'aaa' in response
assert 'bbb' in response
def test_show_discussion(self):
self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/update', params={
wiki_page = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert wiki_page.html.find('div',{'id':'new_post_holder'})
options_admin = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/options', validate_chunk=True)
assert options_admin.form['show_discussion'].checked
options_admin.form['show_discussion'].checked = False
options_admin2 = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/options', validate_chunk=True)
assert not options_admin2.form['show_discussion'].checked
wiki_page2 = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert not wiki_page2.html.find('div',{'id':'new_post_holder'})
def test_show_left_bar(self):
self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/update', params={
wiki_page = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert wiki_page.html.find('ul',{'class':'sidebarmenu'})
options_admin = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/options', validate_chunk=True)
assert options_admin.form['show_left_bar'].checked
options_admin.form['show_left_bar'].checked = False
options_admin2 = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/options', validate_chunk=True)
assert not options_admin2.form['show_left_bar'].checked
wiki_page2 = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/',extra_environ=dict(username='*anonymous'))
assert not wiki_page2.html.find('ul',{'class':'sidebarmenu'})
wiki_page3 = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert not wiki_page3.html.find('ul',{'class':'sidebarmenu'})
def test_show_metadata(self):
self.app.post('/wiki/tĂŠst/update', params={
wiki_page = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert wiki_page.html.find('div',{'class':'editbox'})
options_admin = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/options', validate_chunk=True)
assert options_admin.form['show_right_bar'].checked
options_admin.form['show_right_bar'].checked = False
options_admin2 = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/options', validate_chunk=True)
assert not options_admin2.form['show_right_bar'].checked
wiki_page2 = self.app.get('/wiki/tĂŠst/')
assert not wiki_page2.html.find('div',{'class':'editbox'})
def test_edit_mount_label(self):
r = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/edit_label', validate_chunk=True)
assert r.form['mount_label'].value == 'Wiki'
r = self.app.post('/admin/wiki/update_label', params=dict(
mount_label='Tricky Wiki'))
r = self.app.get('/admin/wiki/edit_label', validate_chunk=True)
assert r.form['mount_label'].value == 'Tricky Wiki'
def test_page_links_are_colored(self):
params = {
'title':'space page',
'text':'''There is a space in the title!''',
self.app.post('/wiki/space%20page/update', params=params)
params = {
* Here is a link to [this page](TEST)
* Here is a link to [another page](Some page which does not exist)
* Here is a link to [space page space](space page)
* Here is a link to [space page escape](space%20page)
* Here is a link to [TEST]
* Here is a link to [Some page which does not exist]
* Here is a link to [space page]
* Here is a link to [space%20page]
* Here is a link to [another attach](TEST/attachment/attach.txt)
* Here is a link to [attach](TEST/attachment/test_root.py)
self.app.post('/wiki/TEST/update', params=params)
content = file(__file__).read()
self.app.post('/wiki/TEST/attach', upload_files=[('file_info', 'test_root.py', content)])
r = self.app.get('/wiki/TEST/')
found_links = 0
for link in r.html.findAll('a'):
if link.contents == ['this page']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['another page']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['space page space']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['space page escape']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['[TEST]']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['[Some page which does not exist]']:
assert 'notfound' in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['[space page]']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['[space%20page]']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['another attach']:
assert 'notfound' in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
if link.contents == ['attach']:
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
found_links +=1
assert found_links == 10, 'Wrong number of links found'
def test_home_rename(self):
assert 'The resource was found at http://localhost/p/test/wiki/Home/;' in self.app.get('/p/test/wiki/')
req = self.app.get('/p/test/wiki/Home/edit')
req.forms[1]['title'].value = 'new_title'
assert 'The resource was found at http://localhost/p/test/wiki/new_title/;' in self.app.get('/p/test/wiki/')
def test_page_delete(self):
self.app.post('/wiki/aaa/update', params={
self.app.post('/wiki/bbb/update', params={
response = self.app.get('/wiki/browse_pages/')
assert 'aaa' in response
assert 'bbb' in response
response = self.app.get('/wiki/browse_pages/')
assert 'aaa' in response
assert '?deleted=True">bbb' in response
def test_mailto_links(self):
params = {
* Automatic mailto #1 <darth.vader@deathstar.org>
* Automatic mailto #2 <mailto:luke.skywalker@tatooine.org>
* Handmaid mailto <a href="mailto:yoda@jedi.org">Email Yoda</a>
self.app.post('/wiki/test_mailto/update', params=params)
r = self.app.get('/wiki/test_mailto/')
mailto_links = 0
for link in r.html.findAll('a'):
if link.get('href') == 'mailto:darth.vader@deathstar.org':
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
mailto_links +=1
if link.get('href') == 'mailto:luke.skywalker@tatooine.org':
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
mailto_links += 1
if link.get('href') == 'mailto:yoda@jedi.org':
assert link.contents == ['Email Yoda']
assert 'notfound' not in link.get('class', '')
mailto_links += 1
assert mailto_links == 3, 'Wrong number of mailto links'