Commit | Date | |
[#930] Convert default tool option/permission p...
[dbb69c] by Paul Sokolovsky |
2010-09-27 | Tree |
[#930] Convert Neighborhood Moderate page to Ji...
[07ff38] by Paul Sokolovsky |
2010-09-27 | Tree |
[#971] - include code highlighting site-wide
[0235cb] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-27 | Tree |
[#969] Fix test faiure on sandbox due to html e...
[d50129] by Paul Sokolovsky |
2010-09-24 | Tree |
[#968] - load sfx forwarding address as a claim...
[b9d436] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-24 | Tree |
[#954] - Sane handling of artifact/tool subscri...
[00fac9] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-24 | Tree |
[#964] - allow *anonymous and *authenticated as...
[e6bcb4] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-24 | Tree |
[#383] Tracker saved search ui improvements
[0f932d] by Jenny Steele |
2010-09-24 | Tree |
[#817] Appearance improvements for ForgeChat
Rick Copeland pushed [2700ac] by Jenny Steele |
2010-09-23 | Tree |
[#229] - Add a blog tool
[30c45d] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-23 | Tree |
[#818] Appearance improvements for the blog tool
Rick Copeland pushed [54e906] by Jenny Steele |
2010-09-23 | Tree |
[#783] - make sure we use the proper validators...
[33c74f] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-23 | Tree |
[#858] arrange for correct CSS to fix ticket ti...
[7b8fe9] by Wolf |
2010-09-23 | Tree |
[#916] need some space between sentences
[e3aa20] by Wolf |
2010-09-23 | Tree |
[#939] Discussion UI updates
[365ba4] by Jenny Steele |
2010-09-23 | Tree |
Merge branch 'master' into dev
[3b688d] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-22 | Tree |
[#893] Jinja templates for discussion
[7c7fe1] by Jenny Steele |
2010-09-22 | Tree |
[#957] - fix some places where we needed really...
[8f3820] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-21 | Tree |
Fixed comment action link overlap
[3d7d6a] by Jenny Steele |
2010-09-21 | Tree |
[#957]- allow chardet a shot (IIRC, latin-1 dec...
[e5a398] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-21 | Tree |
[#957] - fix 500 error on unicode author/commit...
[b701ca] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-21 | Tree |
[#952] Normalized font sizes across the site an...
[2f6027] by Jenny Steele |
2010-09-21 | Tree |
broken test: look at category links only
[aa4ed1] by Wolf |
2010-09-21 | Tree |
switch second expose of neighborhood_project_li...
[55c723] by Wolf |
2010-09-21 | Tree |
[#907] - make incoming email look at the From: ...
[94b175] by Rick Copeland |
2010-09-21 | Tree |