git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
README 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README
login.twill 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README
smoke-front-page.twill 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README
smoke-project-home.twill 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README
smoke-tracker-search.twill 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README
smoke-tracker.twill 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README
smoke-user-profile.twill 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README
smoke-wiki.twill 2010-05-13 Wolf Wolf [e6ce10] initial twill tests and README

Read Me

Twill Tests

First, you'll need twill-sh:

  sudo easy_install twill

Files in this directory ending with '.twill' are tests to be run by twill-sh

  twill-sh --url= twill-tests/*.twill


  twill-sh --url= twill-tests/*.twill

If you just want to run the quick "smoke tests":

  twill-sh --url=... twill-tests/smoke*.twill