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import os, re, sys, subprocess
signoff = re.compile('^Signed-off-by: ', flags=re.MULTILINE)
no_commit = '0' * 40
def run(*args):
p = subprocess.Popen(list(args), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return p.stdout.readlines()
def git_user():
if 'GITOSIS_USER' in os.environ:
user = os.environ['GITOSIS_USER']
user = run('id', '-u', '-n')
if user == 'scollins':
user = 'wolf'
return user
def unwrap_commit_ids(git_output):
return [ commit_id[:-1] for commit_id in git_output ]
def all_commits_signed_off(from_rev, to_rev):
commits = unwrap_commit_ids(run('git', 'rev-list', '%s..%s' % (from_rev, to_rev)))
for commit in commits:
body = ''.join(run('git', 'log', '-1', '--format=format:%b', commit))
if not
return False
return True
def deny_update(message):
print message
def main():
ref_name = sys.argv[1] # the branch being updated, e.g., refs/heads/master
old_rev = sys.argv[2] # the pre-update commit-id of that branch (or '0'*40 if we're creating the branch)
new_rev = sys.argv[3] # the post-update commit-id of that branch (or '0'*40 if we're deleting the branch)
user_name = git_user()
if old_rev == no_commit:
action = 'create'
merge_base = '%s^' % new_rev # not ideal, we don't know how many commits your new branch contains
# so you could squeeze unsigned commits into the repo; but you couldn't get them onto master or dev
elif new_rev == no_commit:
action = 'destroy'
action = 'update'
merge_base = unwrap_commit_ids(run('git', 'merge-base', old_rev, new_rev))[0]
if ref_name.startswith('refs/heads/') and not ref_name.startswith('refs/heads/%s/' % user_name[0:2]) and user_name != 'wolf':
substitutions = (user_name, ref_name, 'refs/heads/%s/*' % user_name[0:2])
if action == 'create':
deny_update("You (%s) may not create '%s'; you have full rights over '%s'." % substitutions)
elif action == 'destroy':
deny_update("You (%s) may not destroy '%s'; you have full rights over '%s'." % substitutions)
elif old_rev != merge_base:
deny_update("You (%s) may not rewind or rebase '%s'; you have full rights over '%s'." % substitutions)
if ref_name.startswith('refs/heads/') and action != 'destroy' and not all_commits_signed_off(merge_base, new_rev):
deny_update('Not all commits were signed-off.')
# If we were going to report via email (e.g., to a Jabber bot) we would do something like this:
# report = run('git', 'log',
# '--no-color',
# '--pretty=oneline',
# '--abbrev-commit',
# '%s..%s' % (merge_base, new_rev))
# subject = '%s..%s FORGE %s (%s)' % (old_rev[0:7], new_rev[0:7], ref_name, user_name)
# ...but we're not currently using that feature of the existing hook, so...
if __name__ == '__main__':