Commit Date  
[#4054] limit my_projects macro to user-project...
[e18066] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-24 Tree
[#4027] Fixed searching discussions and refacto...
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [f368db] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-04-18 Tree
Merge branch 'dev' of git://sfi-engr-scm-1/forg...
[6f8e88] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-04-18 Tree
Merge branch 'js/2818' into dev
[14de2b] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-04-18 Tree
[#4063] add nbhd help page for the projects macro
Jenny Steele Jenny Steele pushed [099409] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-18 Tree
[#4063] remove all useless className='nav_child...
Jenny Steele Jenny Steele pushed [ddd389] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-18 Tree
[#4063] nbhd menu: add link to add project, rem...
Jenny Steele Jenny Steele pushed [802951] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-04-18 Tree
[#3600] Changed Remove Project to editable Proj...
Jenny Steele Jenny Steele pushed [0a6486] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-04-16 Tree
[#3943] Removed references to beta, allura, and...
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [19af3e] by Cory Johns Cory Johns
2012-03-29 Tree
ticket:9 merge Neighborhood and Project menu items
Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema pushed [1037a2] by bolkimen bolkimen
2012-03-28 Tree
[#3599] Clarify fields on metadata page using c...
root root pushed [a9c7f7] by John Hoffmann John Hoffmann
2012-01-26 Tree
[#3462] Fix audit log html.
[916bee] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-01-20 Tree
[#3615] Fix bug that was causing permissions to...
Rick Copeland Rick Copeland pushed [3b2244] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-01-20 Tree
[#3462] fix audit log query correctly; add test
[9b92f0] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2012-01-18 Tree
[#3462] - Fix query in audit log
[55d854] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2012-01-18 Tree
[#3462] Add (basic) UI for viewing audit log
John Hoffmann John Hoffmann pushed [13b725] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2012-01-12 Tree
[#3496] Trim whitespace when adding usernames t...
John Hoffmann John Hoffmann pushed [f2cd36] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2012-01-03 Tree
[#3437] Remove 'Update Description' link from a...
John Hoffmann John Hoffmann pushed [daed6a] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2011-12-20 Tree
[#3345] Make trove selection work like classic ...
John Hoffmann John Hoffmann pushed [19728b] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2011-12-01 Tree
[#3017] remove unused show_download_button opti...
[80b717] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2011-11-23 Tree
[#301] use neighborhoods for set_project(), upd...
[88d43f] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2011-11-23 Tree
[#3078] remove code that duplicates /auth/repo_...
Rick Copeland Rick Copeland pushed [4a42c2] by Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema
2011-11-07 Tree
[#3005] Improved project delete to support proj...
Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh pushed [d59406] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2011-10-18 Tree
[#2383] Extend short_desc and add tagline.
Kyle Adams Kyle Adams pushed [f7e239] by John Hoffmann John Hoffmann
2011-10-18 Tree
[#2635] Added config option to turn off self-se...
John Hoffmann John Hoffmann pushed [28ab1c] by Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh
2011-10-18 Tree
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Showing results of 211