Commit Date  
[88] re-did Mako template in Genshi text
[8c2c47] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-16 Tree
forgot to add a file
[c82303] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-16 Tree
[88] show ticket changes and fold successive ch...
[619cd7] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-16 Tree
[88] post a discussion comment if ticket is edited
[b0cd57] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-16 Tree
[88] logic to fold ticket update into previous one
[d5e6e2] by Max Ischenko Max Ischenko
2010-04-16 Tree
[#86] Add custom fields to search output
[e0671b] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-14 Tree
Add Ticket.ordered_custom_field_values property
[0fe811] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-14 Tree
Convert forms to use new tracker Globals for_cu...
[08c8e3] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-14 Tree
Add for_current_tracker classmethod to Globals ...
[c33074] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-14 Tree
Separate setup-app from WSGI app setup in track...
[bac0e2] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-14 Tree
Moved the PIL support test into a helper and ad...
[25b53e] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-13 Tree
[#107] Fixed error when uploading image types n...
[dd9f89] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-13 Tree
[#207] Changed tags to labels
[96d495] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-12 Tree
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
[8066bd] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-08 Tree
[#140] Fixed error when deleting ticket attachment
[f492e8] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-08 Tree
[#126] Updated discussion admin screens to look...
[80a827] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-08 Tree
[#197] Renamed "all" to "all searches" for save...
[a61d41] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-08 Tree
[#77] Changed saved bin delete to button
[dc4b7d] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-08 Tree
[#178] Applied markdown to ticket description i...
[e95cd7] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-08 Tree
Merge branch 'rc/194'
[fcb49f] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-04-07 Tree
[#186] - Test updates to support new path compo...
[a168ad] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-04-07 Tree
[#137] Markdown editor is now used in discussio...
[03e6de] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-06 Tree
Fix failing tracker tests
[a857d3] by Gary Bernhardt Gary Bernhardt
2010-04-06 Tree
[#115] - Fix broken migrations code
Jonathan T. Beard Jonathan T. Beard pushed [c521e5] by Rick Copeland Rick Copeland
2010-04-05 Tree
[#90] Tab position is now saved in a cookie
[afb10b] by Jenny Steele Jenny Steele
2010-04-05 Tree
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Showing results of 312