[#3623] Enhance neighborhood template features for BerliOS.

  1. Now you can add users to a pre-existing group when the
    project is created. Previously, you could create a new
    group and add users to that, but you couldn't add users
    to a group that already existed.

  2. Now you can use string templates in tool config option
    values. All attrs from project.dict['root_project']
    are available. So, for example, when configuring a link
    tool, you can do something like this:

    "tools": {
    "link": {
    "label": "My Link",
    "mount_point": "mylink",
    "options": {
    "url": "http://example.com/$shortname/"

Signed-off-by: Tim Van Steenburgh tvansteenburgh@geek.net

Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh 2012-02-09

Cory Johns Cory Johns 2012-02-10

changed Allura/allura/lib/plugin.py
Allura/allura/lib/plugin.py Diff Switch to side-by-side view