git clone osp-osp-allura

File Date Author Commit
command 2012-01-27 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 164d09acb9a6a56648c203ab3c779af6b19b0f62> [#3655] Added new trove cats and fixed project ...
config 2012-03-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 0c15698d8f26744a423d174a9184586a8fc4c881> [#3067] Replace optional dependency on zarkov w...
controllers 2012-03-21 bolkimen bolkimen [ffa76f] ticket:33 merge nb_admin and project_admin
etc 2010-09-28 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 28f675e83e19241381f1b1d63a921879ba6e4f50> Add restructured text as a supported mime type
ext 2012-03-12 bolkimen bolkimen <Commit 1037a2bd73a45ff6986dea01cccbae83b959e472> ticket:9 merge Neighborhood and Project menu items
i18n 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...
lib 2012-03-27 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 0f381ae97a059630ec49cbd3221a2d3ee1247ec5> cleanup: remove unused
model 2012-03-21 bolkimen bolkimen [ffa76f] ticket:33 merge nb_admin and project_admin
nf 2012-03-27 Dave Brondsema Dave Brondsema <Commit 5d78081b1e53fc907f55a5439a6ffe2da91b13f2> ticket:8 make text shadow work with custom CSS ...
public 2012-03-13 Cory Johns Cory Johns <Commit 5042b649c49f9dbc4bee7890aade7e59a79956db> [#3881] Made inline diff view much prettier
tasks 2011-12-14 John Hoffmann John Hoffmann <Commit 0ede04bac73658eb9d76a5ca7178196a880b7ab6> [#2962] Notify project users who have the moder...
templates 2012-03-21 bolkimen bolkimen [ffa76f] ticket:33 merge nb_admin and project_admin
tests 2012-03-22 Cory Johns Cory Johns <Commit 479cd9eb34174521aba58063420bbba5e63a2c65> [#3852] Fixed Fixed unicode encode error when g...
websetup 2012-03-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 0eda3c75b7ce014e7b35ede648fc06830ee88374> [#3861] Minor update to use preferred method of... 2011-03-17 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit a0cd2744d01ab2398bab80ae681c2f9490fb6d3f> [#1723] [#1590] ForgeMail refactoring - move in... 2012-02-06 Tim Van Steenburgh Tim Van Steenburgh <Commit 4223b996db88d7ca6be9284e8049310f3365cdd0> [#3701] Implement sidebar_menu_js on the base A... 2010-08-13 Rick Copeland Rick Copeland <Commit 3abb2e55fdc2bbc9ac316dc4ac9bfe71166737d0> [#176] - s/pyforge(the egg)/Allura/g, s/pyforge...