# This Source Code Form of OSSEval is subject to the terms of the GNU AFFERO
# GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, v. 3.0. If a copy of the AGPL was not
# distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt
# OSSeval is powered by the SOS Open Source AGPL edition.
# The AGPL requires that you do not remove the SOS Open Source attribution and copyright
# notices from the user interface (see section 5.d below).
# OSSEval Copyright 2014 Bitergium SLL
# SOS Open Source Copyright 2012 Roberto Galoppini
# Author: Davide Galletti
import importlib
from django.db import models
from datetime import datetime
from random import randrange
from pygal import Radar, Bar
from pygal.style import NeonStyle, DarkSolarizedStyle, LightSolarizedStyle, LightStyle, CleanStyle, RedBlueStyle, DarkColorizedStyle, LightColorizedStyle, TurquoiseStyle, LightGreenStyle, DarkGreenStyle, DarkGreenBlueStyle, BlueStyle
from entity.models import Entity
from OSSEval.utils import xmlMinidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Node
class Methodology(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
description = models.CharField(max_length=2000,null=True,blank=True)
documentation = models.TextField(null=True,blank=True)
active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
# The entity type the methodology helps you assess
entity = models.ForeignKey(Entity)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.name = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Name')
self.description = xmlMinidom.getString(xmldoc, 'Description')
self.documentation = xmlMinidom.getString(xmldoc, 'Documentation')
self.active = (xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Active') == "True")
e = Entity()
xml_entity = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Entity')[0]
e.from_xml(xml_entity, insert)
self.entity = e
# I save so I get the ID (in case insert == True)
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<Description><![CDATA[" + self.description + "]]></Description>"
str_xml += "<Documentation><![CDATA[" + self.documentation + "]]></Documentation>"
str_xml += self.entity.to_xml()
return '<Methodology Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Name="' + self.name + '" Active="' + str(self.active) + '">' + str_xml + "</Methodology>"
class HasPages(models.Model):
def bar_chart(self, weight_profile_id):
weight_scenario = WeightScenario.objects.get(pk=weight_profile_id)
if self.__class__.__name__ == "Page":
g = Graphs.objects.get(page = self, weight_scenario=weight_scenario)
g = Graphs.objects.get(methodology_version=self, weight_scenario=weight_scenario)
return g.bar_chart
def radar_chart(self, weight_profile_id):
weight_scenario = WeightScenario.objects.get(pk=weight_profile_id)
if self.__class__.__name__ == "Page":
g = Graphs.objects.get(page = self, weight_scenario=weight_scenario)
g = Graphs.objects.get(methodology_version=self, weight_scenario=weight_scenario)
return g.radar_chart
# radar_chart = models.TextField(blank=True)
def create_graphs(self, instances, weight_scenario, include_max = True):
# I draw the graphs for the report
#styles = [NeonStyle, DarkSolarizedStyle, LightSolarizedStyle, LightStyle, CleanStyle, RedBlueStyle, DarkColorizedStyle, LightColorizedStyle, TurquoiseStyle, LightGreenStyle, DarkGreenStyle, DarkGreenBlueStyle, BlueStyle]
bar_chart = Bar(width=300, height=400, explicit_size=True, rounded_bars=5, disable_xml_declaration=True, style=style)
radar_chart = Radar(width=400, height=400, explicit_size=True, legend_at_bottom=True, disable_xml_declaration=True, style=style)
if self.__class__.__name__ == "Page":
radar_chart.title = self.name
g = Graphs.objects.get(page = self, weight_scenario=weight_scenario)
radar_chart.title = 'Summary graph'
g = Graphs.objects.get(methodology_version=self, weight_scenario=weight_scenario)
radar_chart.x_labels = []
instance_scores = {}
for instance in instances:
instance_scores[instance.id] = []
if include_max:
# I use 0 as an id for the max score
instance_scores[0] = []
for page in self.page_set.all():
for instance in instances:
ps = PageScore.objects.get(page=page, instance=instance)
if include_max:
print page.name + " - " + str(page.max_score_weighted)
for instance in instances:
radar_chart.add(instance.name, instance_scores[instance.id])
bar_chart.add(instance.name, sum(instance_scores[instance.id]))
if include_max:
radar_chart.add("MAX", instance_scores[0])
bar_chart.add("MAX", sum(instance_scores[0]))
g = Graphs()
g.radar_chart = radar_chart.render()
g.bar_chart = bar_chart.render()
if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Page':
g.page = self
g.methodology_version = self
g.weight_scenario = weight_scenario
# self.radar_chart = radar_chart.render()
# self.bar_chart = bar_chart.render()
# self.save()
class Meta:
abstract = True
class MethodologyVersion(HasPages):
number = models.IntegerField()
created = models.DateField()
current = models.BooleanField(default=False)
methodology = models.ForeignKey(Methodology)
def __str__(self):
return self.methodology.name + " - " + str(self.number) + (" (Active version)" if self.current else "")
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.number = xmldoc.attributes["Number"].firstChild.data
self.created = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Created')
self.current = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Current')
m = Methodology()
xml_methodology = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Methodology')[0]
m.from_xml(xml_methodology, insert)
self.methodology = m
# I save so I get the ID (if insert == True)
# Pages
for xml_child in xmldoc.childNodes:
# Some nodes are text nodes (e.g. u'\n ') I need to look just at ELEMENT_NODE
if xml_child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and xml_child.tagName == 'Pages':
xml_pages = xml_child
for xml_page in xml_pages.childNodes:
if xml_page.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and xml_page.tagName == 'Page':
p = Page()
p.from_xml(xml_page, self, None, insert)
xml_weight_scenarios = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('WeightScenario')
for xml_weight_scenario in xml_weight_scenarios:
ws = WeightScenario()
ws.from_xml(xml_weight_scenario, self, insert)
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = self.methodology.to_xml()
str_xml += "<Pages>"
for page in self.page_set.all():
str_xml += page.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Pages>"
str_xml += "<WeightScenarios>"
for weight_scenario in self.weightscenario_set.all():
str_xml += weight_scenario.to_xml()
str_xml += "</WeightScenarios>"
return '<MethodologyVersion Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Number="' + str(self.number) + '" Created="' + str(self.created) + '" Current="' + str(self.current) + '">' + str_xml + "</MethodologyVersion>"
class Page(HasPages):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
order = models.IntegerField(null=False,blank=False)
parent = models.ForeignKey('self',null=True,blank=True)
methodology_version = models.ForeignKey(MethodologyVersion,null=True,blank=True)
max_score_weighted = models.IntegerField(null=False,blank=False,default=0)
def questions(self):
q = list(self.question_set.all())
for p in self.page_set.all():
q += p.questions()
return q
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, methodology_version, parent_page, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.name = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Name')
self.order = xmldoc.attributes["Order"].firstChild.data
if methodology_version is not None:
self.methodology_version = methodology_version
if parent_page is not None:
self.parent = parent_page
# Pages
for xml_child in xmldoc.childNodes:
# Some nodes are text nodes (e.g. u'\n ') I need to look just at ELEMENT_NODE
if xml_child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and xml_child.tagName == 'Pages':
xml_pages = xml_child
for xml_page in xml_pages.childNodes:
if xml_page.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and xml_page.tagName == 'Page':
p = Page()
p.from_xml(xml_page, None, self, insert)
# Questions
for xml_child in xmldoc.childNodes:
# Some nodes are text nodes (e.g. u'\n ') I need to look just at ELEMENT_NODE
if xml_child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and xml_child.tagName == 'Questions':
xml_questions = xml_child
for xml_question in xml_questions.childNodes:
if xml_question.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and xml_question.tagName == 'Question':
q = Question()
q.from_xml(xml_question, self, insert)
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<Pages>"
for page in self.page_set.all():
str_xml += page.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Pages>"
str_xml += "<Questions>"
for question in self.question_set.all():
str_xml += question.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Questions>"
return '<Page Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Name="' + self.name + '" Order="' + str(self.order) + '">' + str_xml + "</Page>"
def calculate_scores(self, instance, weight_scenario, instances):
self.max_score_weighted = 0
# Let's reset the score to 0
ps = PageScore.objects.get(page=self, instance=instance)
ps = PageScore(page=self, instance=instance, score=0)
ps.score = 0
# and calculate the score for child pages and add it to current page's score
for page in self.page_set.all():
ps.score += page.calculate_scores(instance, weight_scenario, instances)
self.max_score_weighted += page.max_score_weighted
# Loop on questions
for question in self.question_set.all():
weight = weight_scenario.question_weight(question.id)
self.max_score_weighted += question.max_score() * weight
answer = Answer.objects.get(question=question, instance=instance)
answer.score = weight * (answer.value_integer-1)
ps.score += answer.score
except Exception as ex:
#I haven't found an answer, nothing to add
self.create_graphs(instances, weight_scenario)
return ps.score
class Meta:
ordering = ['order']
class QuestionType(models.Model):
For future use; at the moment a question is just a multiple choice
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.name = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Name')
def to_xml(self):
return '<QuestionType Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Name="' + self.name + '"/>'
class Question(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
text = models.CharField(max_length=500)
order = models.IntegerField()
eval_description = models.TextField(null=True,blank=True)
eval_value = models.TextField(null=True,blank=True)
question_type = models.ForeignKey(QuestionType)
def __str__(self):
return self.page.name + " - " + self.text
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, page, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.text = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Text')
self.order = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Order')
#Do so that QuestionType default is 1
qt = QuestionType.objects.get(pk=1)
self.page = page
self.question_type = qt
self.eval_description = xmlMinidom.getString(xmldoc, 'EvalDescription')
self.eval_value = xmlMinidom.getString(xmldoc, 'EvalValue')
# Queries
xml_queries = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Query')
for xml_query in xml_queries:
q = Query()
q.from_xml(xml_query, self, insert)
# Choices
xml_choices = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Choice')
for xml_choice in xml_choices:
c = Choice()
c.from_xml(xml_choice, self, insert)
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<EvalDescription><![CDATA[" + ("" if self.eval_description is None else self.eval_description) + "]]></EvalDescription>"
str_xml += "<EvalValue><![CDATA[" + ("" if self.eval_value is None else self.eval_value) + "]]></EvalValue>"
# We do not use question_type at the moment as we have just one type
# str_xml += self.question_type.to_xml()
str_xml += "<Queries>"
for query in self.query_set.all():
str_xml += query.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Queries>"
str_xml += "<Choices>"
for choice in self.choice_set.all():
str_xml += choice.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Choices>"
return '<Question Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Text="' + self.text + '" Order="' + str(self.order) + '">' + str_xml + '</Question>'
def max_score(self):
max_score = 0
for choice in self.choice_set.all():
if choice.order-1 > max_score:
max_score = choice.order-1
return max_score
class Meta:
ordering = ['order']
class Query(models.Model):
Queries against web search engines used to automate the answer to a question and/or as a hint to the reviewer
question = models.ForeignKey(Question)
eval_text = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
eval_site = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
eval_site_exclude = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, question, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.question = question
self.eval_text = xmlMinidom.getString(xmldoc, 'EvalText')
self.eval_site = xmlMinidom.getString(xmldoc, 'EvalSite')
self.eval_site_exclude = ""
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<EvalText><![CDATA[" + self.eval_text + "]]></EvalText>"
str_xml += "<EvalSite><![CDATA[" + self.eval_site + "]]></EvalSite>"
return '<Query Id="' + str(self.id) + '">' + str_xml + '</Query>'
class Choice(models.Model):
question = models.ForeignKey(Question)
text = models.CharField(max_length=200)
order = models.IntegerField()
todo = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, question, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.question = question
self.text = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Text')
self.order = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Order')
self.todo = xmlMinidom.getString(xmldoc, 'Todo')
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<Todo>" + self.todo + "</Todo>"
return '<Choice Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Text="' + self.text + '" Order="' + str(self.order) + '">' + str_xml + '</Choice>'
class Meta:
ordering = ['order']
class Weight():
used by WeightScenario so I need to define it first
class WeightScenario(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
methodology_version = models.ForeignKey(MethodologyVersion)
active = models.BooleanField(blank=False)
def question_weight(self, question_id):
returns the weight; default is 1
weight = 1
for w in self.weight_set.all():
if w.question.id == question_id:
weight = w.weight
return weight
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, methodology_version, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.methodology_version = methodology_version
self.name = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Name')
self.active = (xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Active') == "True")
xml_weights = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Weight')
for xml_weight in xml_weights:
w = Weight()
w.from_xml(xml_weight, self, insert)
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<Weights>"
for weight in self.weight_set.all():
str_xml += weight.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Weights>"
return '<WeightScenario Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Name="' + self.name + '" Active="' + str(self.active) + '">' + str_xml + '</WeightScenario>'
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class Graphs(models.Model):
bar_chart = models.TextField(blank=True)
radar_chart = models.TextField(blank=True)
# Graphs are generated for instances of classes that have a "pages" attribute
# which is a list of instances of the Class Page
# page and methodology_version have pages so this instance of graph has
# either a page or methodology_version not null
page = models.ForeignKey(Page,null=True,blank=True)
methodology_version = models.ForeignKey(MethodologyVersion,null=True,blank=True)
weight_scenario = models.ForeignKey(WeightScenario)
class Weight(models.Model):
question = models.ForeignKey(Question)
weight = models.FloatField()
scenario = models.ForeignKey(WeightScenario)
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, scenario, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.scenario = scenario
self.weight = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'weight')
self.question = Question.objects.get(pk=xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'question_id'))
# If I am inserting I must check that there's no other Weight for the same
# couple ('question', 'scenario') as I have a unique_together constraint
if not self.id:
# I look for a Weight for the same question and scenario
w = Weight.objects.get(scenario_id=self.scenario.id, question_id=self.question.id)
# I didn't find one; nothing to do
def to_xml(self):
return '<Weight Id="' + str(self.id) + '" question_id="' + str(self.question.id) + '" weight="' + str(self.weight) + '"/>'
class Meta:
unique_together = ('question', 'scenario')
class Analysis(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
description = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
comment = models.TextField(null=True,blank=True)
created = models.DateField(default=datetime.now, blank=True)
methodology_version = models.ForeignKey(MethodologyVersion)
user_login = models.CharField(max_length=50)
visible = models.BooleanField(default=True)
weight_scenario = models.ForeignKey(WeightScenario)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
def calculate_scores(self, weight_scenario_id):
Calculates scores for each couple (instance, page) and (instance, question)
Stores them on the db
#let's get the weight from the scenario if any; the default is 1
if weight_scenario_id > 0:
weight_scenario = WeightScenario.objects.get(pk=weight_scenario_id)
weight_scenario = self.weight_scenario
# an empty one will set all weights to 1
weight_scenario = WeightScenario()
#loop through the pages to reset scores to 0; when I calculate a question
#then I add its score to the corresponding page
#loop on top level pages and recursive calculation on child pages
for page in self.methodology_version.page_set.all():
for instance in self.instance_set.all():
page.calculate_scores(instance, weight_scenario, self.instance_set.all())
self.methodology_version.create_graphs(self.instance_set.all(), weight_scenario)
return weight_scenario
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, insert = True):
All but the MethodologyVersion so that we can independently import from xml
MethodologyVersion and Analysis
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.name = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Name')
self.comment = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Comment')
self.created = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Created')
self.methodology_version = MethodologyVersion.objects.get(pk=xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'MethodologyVersionId'))
self.user_login = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'UserLogin')
self.visible = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Visible')
xml_weight_scenario = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('WeightScenario')[0]
ws = WeightScenario()
# while we import an analysis we shall not insert new weight scenarios
# weight scenarios should be just a reference to and existing one imported
# with the methodology
ws.from_xml(xml_weight_scenario, self.methodology_version, False)
self.weight_scenario = ws
xml_instances = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Instance')
for xml_instance in xml_instances:
i = Instance()
i.from_xml(xml_instance, self, insert)
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<Description>" + self.description + "</Description>"
str_xml += "<Comment>" + self.comment + "</Comment>"
str_xml += self.weight_scenario.to_xml()
str_xml += "<Instances>"
for instance in self.instance_set.all():
str_xml += instance.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Instances>"
return '<Analysis Id="' + str(self.id) + '" MethodologyVersionId="' + str(self.methodology_version.id) + '" Name="' + self.name + '" Created="' + str(self.created) + '" Visible="' + str(self.visible) + '" UserLogin="' + self.user_login + '">' + str_xml + "</Analysis>"
class Instance(models.Model):
It represents one of the entities we evaluate in the assessment
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
# name_for_search is not used yet; it is intended to provide a name to be used to search the web
name_for_search = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="")
analysis = models.ForeignKey(Analysis)
def __str__(self):
return self.name + " - " + self.name_for_search
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, analysis, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.name = xmlMinidom.getStringAttribute(xmldoc, 'Name')
self.analysis = analysis
xml_actual_instance = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(self.analysis.methodology_version.methodology.entity.actual_entity_class)[0]
module = importlib.import_module(self.analysis.methodology_version.methodology.entity.actual_entity_app + ".models")
actual_entity_class = getattr(module, self.analysis.methodology_version.methodology.entity.actual_entity_class)
self.actual_instance = actual_entity_class()
# I need to save this instance so that I can save the actual_instance in the following from_xml
self.actual_instance.from_xml(xml_actual_instance, self, insert)
xml_answers = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Answer')
for xml_answer in xml_answers:
a = Answer()
a.from_xml(xml_answer, self, insert)
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<Answers>"
for answer in self.answer_set.all():
str_xml += answer.to_xml()
str_xml += "</Answers>"
str_xml += self.actual_instance.to_xml()
return '<Instance Id="' + str(self.id) + '" Name="' + self.name + '">' + str_xml + "</Instance>"
class PageScore(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
instance = models.ForeignKey(Instance)
score = models.FloatField()
class Meta:
unique_together = ('page', 'instance',)
class Answer(models.Model):
value_integer is the value of the answer
score is value_integer * weight
where weight is associated to the question in a WeightScenario
instance = models.ForeignKey(Instance)
question = models.ForeignKey(Question)
value_integer = models.IntegerField()
score = models.FloatField(default=0)
notes = models.CharField(max_length=2000)
def from_xml(self, xmldoc, instance, insert = True):
if not insert:
self.id = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'Id')
self.instance = instance
xml_question = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Question')[0]
question = Question.objects.get(pk = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xml_question, 'Id'))
self.question = question
self.value_integer = xmlMinidom.getNaturalAttribute(xmldoc, 'ValueInteger')
xml_notes = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('Notes')[0]
self.notes = xml_notes.firstChild.data
self.notes = ""
# If I am inserting I must check that there's no other answer for the same
# couple ('question', 'instance') as I have a unique_together constraint
if not self.id:
# I look for an answer for the same question and instance
a = Answer.objects.get(instance_id=self.instance.id, question_id=self.question.id)
# I didn't find one; nothing to do
def to_xml(self):
str_xml = "<Notes>" + self.notes + "</Notes>"
str_xml += '<Question Id="' + str(self.question.id) + '"></Question>'
return '<Answer Id="' + str(self.id) + '" ValueInteger="' + str(self.value_integer) + '">' + str_xml + "</Answer>"
class Meta:
unique_together = ('question', 'instance',)
class UploadedFile(models.Model):
Used to save uploaded xml file so that it can be later retrieved and imported
docfile = models.FileField(upload_to='documents/%Y/%m/%d')