Rui Ferreira
search (7)
Rui Ferreira
1 up votes | 0 down votes | 100%
  1. Make sure you are logged out
  2. Got to the search page /search/
  3. Search for "test"

Some of the result links will be for a private project. The links themselves will fail with 403, but still those should not show up there


  • Rui Ferreira
    Rui Ferreira

    A quick update on this. The search page was showing results for private projects (as well as deleted projects), I've changed the search method so that:

    • results inside a private project will only show up if the user has the "read" permission for that project
    • results for deleted projects will not show up

    Still this is not completely solved. It is (probably) still possible for a user with "read" permissions for a project to see private results within that project, e.g. a private ticket inside a public project might still show up.

  • Carla Leite
    Carla Leite

    • labels: --> search
    • assigned_to: Rui Ferreira
    Last edit: Carla Leite 2013-04-23
  • João Paulo Barraca
    João Paulo Barraca

    "Still this is not completely solved. It is (probably) still possible for a user with "read" permissions for a project to see private results within that project, e.g. a private ticket inside a public project might still show up."

    Is this a problem? If the user has read permissions, the results are expected to be returned. Even if the ticket is private.

  • Rui Ferreira
    Rui Ferreira

    These results are returned even when you don't have read permissions.

    The problem is minimal in terms of security because when the user actually opens the link he gets a 403. But it is still annoying for a large amount of results (e.g. site-wide search).

  • Rui Ferreira
    Rui Ferreira

    • milestone: 1.0 --> 1.1
  • Rui Ferreira
    Rui Ferreira

    • milestone: 1.1 --> None