Hi! It seems the rss feeds are not proper Atom feeds, I checked this feed for example https://opensourceprojects.eu/p/ossmeter/code-0/feed/, on the W3C validator at http://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fopensourceprojects.eu%2Fp%2Fossmeter%2Fcode-0%2Ffeed%2F and it complains.
This stops us from integrating the opensourceprojects.eu site in our Slack channels, so we'd love to have a fix. Thanks!
Rui Ferreira
Looking at the validator link for that example, it is failing because that project is private - i.e. it needs to authenticate to actually get the feed, otherwise it gets a login page
For example this project is closer to validating - those shouldnt be fatal.
PS: If you specifically require ATOM (instead of RSS) you can append .atom to the URL e.g.