Appears on the screen:
"Link name
Please log in as the project's administrator and provide a url for this
That project belongs to me, so ...
So who is the project's administrator ? Why I'm not the project's
administrator ?
Rui Ferreira
2013-04-16I believe that message will always show up like that, until the link is configured in the admin settings.
Admin -> Tools -> (Click Options) and setup your link
Still the messages for that tool need a lot of fixing :S
Alfredo Matos
2013-04-18We should (mutually exclusive options):
1) add that to the message to the page: "To configure this, go to Admin -> Tools -> (Click Options) and setup your link"
2) Remove side bar option until it is configured
3) Not have the module as installed by default.
Jorge Simões
2013-04-18Even if not installed by default, it does not allow to set the target URL upon installation.
The user has to set the URL only after the link is installed.
João Paulo Barraca
2013-05-08- milestone: 1.0 --> 1.1