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module OOPHP

import Prelude;

import lang::php::m3::Core;
import analysis::m3::AST;
import lang::php::ast::System;
import lang::php::ast::AbstractSyntax;

import PHP;

import OO;
import OOFactoids;
import ck::NOC;
import ck::DIT;
import ck::RFC;
import ck::CBO;
import ck::LCOM;
import ck::NOM;
import ck::NOA;
import mood::PF;
import mood::MHF;
import mood::MIF;

import org::ossmeter::metricprovider::MetricProvider;

private rel[loc, loc] superTypes(M3 m3) = m3@extends + m3@implements; // TODO traits?

private set[loc] allTypes(M3 m3) = classes(m3) + interfaces(m3); // TODO traits?

private rel[loc, loc] allMethods(M3 m3) = { <p, m> | <p, m> <- m3@containment, isClass(p) || isInterface(p), isMethod(m) }; // TODO traits?

private map[loc, set[loc]] allMethodsMap(M3 m3) = ( p : { m | m <- m3@containment[p], isMethod(m) } | p <- allTypes(m3) );

private rel[loc, loc] allFields(M3 m3) = { <p, m> | <p, m> <- m3@containment, isClass(p) || isInterface(p), isField(m) }; // TODO traits?

private map[loc, set[loc]] allFieldsMap(M3 m3) = ( p : { m | m <- m3@containment[p], isField(m) } | p <- allTypes(m3) );

private rel[loc, loc] overridableMethods(M3 m3) = { <p, m> | <p, m> <- allMethods(m3), \private() notin m3@modifiers[m] };

private rel[loc, loc] methodOverrides(M3 m3) {
	ancestors = superTypes(m3)+;
	overridables = overridableMethods(m3);
	return { <sm, m> | <p, m> <- allMethods(m3), a <- ancestors[p], sm <- overridables[a], sm.file == m.file };

private rel[loc, loc] typeDependencies(M3 m3) = typeDependencies(superTypes(m3), m3@calls, m3@accesses, {}, domainR(m3@containment+, allTypes(m3)), allTypes(m3));

private rel[loc, loc] packageTypes(M3 m3) = { <p, t> | <p, t> <- m3@containment, isNamespace(p), isClass(t) || isInterface(t) };

private map[loc, set[loc]] methodMethodCalls(M3 m) = toMap(m@calls);

private map[loc, set[loc]] methodFieldAccesses(M3 m) = toMap(m@accesses);

@doc{Abstractness (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Abstractness (PHP)}
real A_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	types = allTypes(m3);
	abstractTypes = { t | t <- types, \abstract() in m3@modifiers[t] || \abstract() in m3@modifiers[m3@containment[t]] };
	return A(abstractTypes, types);

@doc{Reuse ratio (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Reuse ratio (PHP)}
real RR_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);

	return RR(superTypes(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Specialization ratio (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Specialization ratio (PHP)}
real SR_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	return SR(superTypes(systemM3(m3s)));

@doc{Depth of inheritance tree (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Depth of inheritance tree (PHP)}
map[loc, int] DIT_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return DIT(superTypes(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Number of children (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Number of children (PHP)}
map[loc, int] NOC_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return NOC(superTypes(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Coupling between objects (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Coupling between objects (PHP)}
map[loc, int] CBO_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return CBO(typeDependencies(m3), allTypes(m3));

private tuple[map[loc, int], map[loc, int]] dac_mpc(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts) {
	map[loc, int] dac = ();
	map[loc, int] mpc = ();
	for ( <php(), _, phpAST(a)> <- asts, /c:class(_, _, _, _, _) <- a ) {
		top-down-break visit (c) {
			case new(_, _): dac[c@decl]?0 += 1;
			case methodCall(_, _, _): mpc[c@decl]?0 += 1;
			case staticCall(_, _, _): mpc[c@decl]?0 += 1;
	return <dac, mpc>;

@doc{Data abstraction coupling (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Data abstraction coupling (PHP)}
map[loc, int] DAC_PHP(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = {}) {
	return dac_mpc(asts)[0];

@doc{Message passing coupling (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Message passing coupling (PHP)}
map[loc, int] MPC_PHP(rel[Language, loc, AST] asts = {}) {
	return dac_mpc(asts)[1];

@doc{Coupling factor (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Coupling factor (PHP)}
real CF_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return CF(typeDependencies(m3), superTypes(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Afferent coupling (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Afferent coupling (PHP)}
map[loc, int] Ca_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return Ca(packageTypes(m3), typeDependencies(m3));

@doc{Efferent coupling (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Efferent coupling (PHP)}
map[loc, int] Ce_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return Ce(packageTypes(m3), typeDependencies(m3));

@doc{Instability (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Instability (PHP)}
@uses{("Ce-PHP": "ce", "Ca-PHP": "ca")}
map[loc, real] I_PHP(map[loc, int] ce = (), map[loc, int] ca = ()) {
	packages = domain(ca) + domain(ce);

	return ( p : I(ca[p]?0, ce[p]?0) | p <- packages );

@doc{Response for class (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Response for class (PHP)}
map[loc, int] RFC_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return RFC(m3@calls, allMethodsMap(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Method inheritance factor (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Method inheritance factor (PHP)}
map[loc, real] MIF_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	inheritableMethods = { <t, m> | <t, m> <- allMethods(m3), {\private(), \abstract()} & m3@modifiers[m] == {} };
	return MIF(allMethodsMap(m3), inheritableMethods, m3@extends, classes(m3));

@doc{Attribute inheritance factor (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Attribute inheritance factor (PHP)}
map[loc, real] AIF_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	publicAndProtectedFields = { <t, f> | <t, f> <- allFields(m3), \private() notin m3@modifiers[f] };
	return MIF(allFieldsMap(m3), publicAndProtectedFields, superTypes(m3), allTypes(m3));

	Reuseable method for AHF and MHF
private real hidingFactor(M3 m3, rel[loc, loc] members) {
	set[loc] publicMembers = {};
	rel[loc, loc] protectedMembers = {};
	for (<t, m> <- members) {
		mods = m3@modifiers[m];
		if (\private() in mods) {
			; // ignored
		} else if (\protected() in mods) {
			protectedMembers += {<t, m>};
		} else {
			publicMembers += {m};
	subTypes = invert(superTypes(m3))+;
	visible = allTypes(m3) * publicMembers // ignore namespaces etc.
			+ { <s, m> | <t, m> <- protectedMembers, s <- subTypes[t] }; 

	return MHF(members, visible, allTypes(m3));

@doc{Method hiding factor (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Method hiding factor (PHP)}
real MHF_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return hidingFactor(m3, allMethods(m3));

@doc{Attribute hiding factor (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Attribute hiding factor (PHP)}
real AHF_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return hidingFactor(m3, allFields(m3));

@doc{Polymorphism factor (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Polymorphism factor (PHP)}
real PF_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);

	return PF(superTypes(m3), methodOverrides(m3), overridableMethods(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Lack of cohesion in methods (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Lack of cohesion in methods (PHP)}
map[loc, int] LCOM_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return LCOM(methodFieldAccesses(m3), allMethodsMap(m3), allFieldsMap(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Lack of cohesion in methods 4 (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Lack of cohesion in methods 4 (PHP)}
map[loc, int] LCOM4_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return LCOM4(methodMethodCalls(m3), methodFieldAccesses(m3), allMethodsMap(m3), allFieldsMap(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Tight class cohesion (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Tight class cohesion (PHP)}
map[loc, real] TCC_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return TCC(allMethodsMap(m3), allFieldsMap(m3), methodMethodCalls(m3), methodFieldAccesses(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Loose class cohesion (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Loose class cohesion (PHP)}
map[loc, real] LCC_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return LCC(allMethodsMap(m3), allFieldsMap(m3), methodMethodCalls(m3), methodFieldAccesses(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Number of methods (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Number of methods (PHP)}
map[loc, int] NOM_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return NOM(allMethodsMap(m3), allTypes(m3));

@doc{Number of attributes (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Number of attributes (PHP)}
map[loc, int] NOA_PHP(rel[Language, loc, M3] m3s = {}) {
	M3 m3 = systemM3(m3s);
	return NOA(allFieldsMap(m3), allTypes(m3));

//------ factoids

@doc{Coupling between PHP classes counts dependencies between class definitions where possible. The higher the coupling is the harder a system is to test and to maintain. The metric over-approximates the actual dependencies: when we
can not statically which class is referred to and there are, for example, two candidates then both candidates count. The result is that PHP programs with ambiguous
use of class names are judged more harshly.}
@friendlyName{PHP Coupling}
@uses{("CBO-PHP": "cbo")}
Factoid Coupling_PHP(map[loc, int] cbo = ()) {
	return Coupling("PHP", cbo);

@doc{PHP cohesion}
@friendlyName{PHP cohesion}
@uses{("LCOM4-PHP": "lcom4")}
Factoid Cohesion_PHP(map[loc, int] lcom4 = ()) {
	return Cohesion("PHP", lcom4);

//------ derived metrics for visualisation

@doc{Depth of inheritance tree quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Depth of inheritance tree quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] DIT_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Number of children quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Number of children quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] NOC_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Coupling between objects quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Coupling between objects quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] CBO_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Data abstraction coupling quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Data abstraction coupling quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] DAC_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Message passing coupling quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Message passing coupling quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] MPC_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Afferent coupling quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Afferent coupling quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] Ca_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Efferent coupling quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Efferent coupling quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] Ce_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Instability quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Instability quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] I_PHP_Q(map[loc, real] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Response for class quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Response for class quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] RFC_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Method inheritance factor quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Method inheritance factor quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] MIF_PHP_Q(map[loc, real] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Attribute inheritance factor quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Attribute inheritance factor quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] AIF_PHP_Q(map[loc, real] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Lack of cohesion in methods quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Lack of cohesion in methods quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] LCOM_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Lack of cohesion in methods 4 quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Lack of cohesion in methods 4 quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] LCOM4_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Tight class cohesion quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Tight class cohesion quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] TCC_PHP_Q(map[loc, real] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Loose class cohesion quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Loose class cohesion quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] LCC_PHP_Q(map[loc, real] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Number of methods quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Number of methods quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] NOM_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);

@doc{Number of attributes quartiles (PHP)}
@friendlyName{Number of attributes quartiles (PHP)}
map[str, real] NOA_PHP_Q(map[loc, int] val = ()) {
	return quartiles(val);