Jurgen vinju
  • Jurgen vinju
    Jurgen vinju

    We hope the code that will be hosted here would be in git as opposed to SVN. This just to register this request. Motivation will not be given so to not start a discussion on the relative merits between svn and git :-)

  • jrwilliams

    Git gets my vote as well. There are some partners who aren't familiar with Git, so it would be good to collect together a couple of useful resources to aid new users. A good start would be to direct people towards GitHub's training material (http://training.github.com/) and challenges (http://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1).

    I also advocate that we define a development process and branching guidelines. For instance, my personal opinion is that we should use the master branch for production code, then maintain a development branch, which should be mostly bug free. Each developer/partner can then have their own branches to work on particular tasks, then push to the dev branch when ready. The dev branch can undergo lots of testing before being pushed to master. Hopefully this is a simple enough model to work without getting complicated. What are your thoughts?