Aim: Framework that provides information encapsulation techniques and a decision mechanism to determine the best technique(s) for a given scenario.
Status: Finished
Partners responsible: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
License type: Apache v2 license (released on GitHub)
Language: Java
Additional information: Pericles blog post
Broader description: The PERICLES Content Aggregation Tool (PeriCAT) is a framework for Information Encapsulation techniques. It integrates a set of information encapsulation techniques from various domains, which can be used from within the framework. Furthermore PeriCAT provides a mechanism to capture the scenario of the user, and to suggest the best fitting information encapsulation technique for a given scenario. PeriCAT integrates 15 different information encapsulation techniques from 7 domains:
- Packaging
- Simple archive formats with optional compression
- tar
- Structured Packaging
- BagIt
- Using metadata schemata together with a simple archive format
- Simple archive formats with optional compression
- Embedding
- Digital Watermarking
- QR Codes
- Steganography
- F5
- OpenStego LSB
- OpenStego random LSB
- Use of file format features
- JPEG text adding
- PDF file attacher
- PNG chunk adding
- Information frames
- Image-Image frame expanding
- Image information embedding using a steganography frame
- Text information frame
- Digital Watermarking