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6 results.

D3.2 Initial specification and proof of concept implementation of techniques to enhance performance and resource utilization in networks: In this document, “an initial specification and a proof of concept implementation” of the techniques proposed in the previous document, “draft specification”, are presented. The goal is to show how...

D3.1 Draft specification of techniques to enhance performance and resource utilization in networks: Preceding the initial specification and proof of concept implementation of techniques to enhance performance and resource utilization in networks that is due in month 16, this document outlines a “...

D2.2 PRISTINE reference framework: D2.2 reports on a review of the RINA specifications that are relevant to the technological areas addressed in PRISTINE (congestion control, routing, resource allocation, authentication, access cont...

D3.3 on congestion control, resource allocation, routing and forwarding available!: PRISTINE’s [deliverable D3.3 is available from the website’s deliverables section]( Executive summary In this documen...

D6.2 Proof of concept software for the use cases and draft report on the use cases trials and business impact: The first round of experiments carried out as part of the validation work of the PRISTINE SDK has shown promising results. Moreover, it also helped in identifying development issues that have been ...

D6.3 Consolidated software for the use cases and final report on the use cases trials and business impact: PRISTINE’s [deliverable D6.3 Consolidated software for the use cases and final report on the use cases trials and business impact](