git clone pristine-rinasimulator-rinasim

File Date Author Commit
examples 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
policies 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
src 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
.cproject 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
.gitignore 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
.nedfolders 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
.oppbuildspec 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
.project 2015-02-03 Vladimir Vesely Vladimir Vesely [6ccca6] Forcing new master branch. In the future it wil...
LICENSE 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
Makefile 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
Makefile.simple 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
makefrag 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
package.ned 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release
rinasim.doxyfile 2015-06-26 Vladimír Veselý Vladimír Veselý [569601] May-June 2015 RINASim release

Read Me

RINA Simulator

Version progress

  • May/June 2015 - Enrollment, (N-1)-data/management separation, MIT relicensing,
    EFCPv4+ updates, separation of QoSCubes and QoS requirements,
    change of QoSCube-id datatype, source code split between
    policies and src, PDU headers for (N)-management frames,
    multiple AEs within single AP communication
  • April 2015 - Routing policies prototypes, traceback packet file, CDAP redesign
  • March 2015 - Slowdown/Pushupnotif congestion control, basic statistics,
    flow lifecycle, AEStream/ExtendedPing
  • February 2015 - After-Ghent release with FA policies
  • January 2015 - Ghent meeting with EFCP, RMT, RA, PDUFTG and policies
  • November 2014 - Brussels RV1 with AllNodes examples
  • October 2014 - Madrid F2F meeting with working SimpleRelay and TwoCSs scenarios

Directory structure

/examples                   ... scenarios testing RINA stack
    /Basics                 ... simple testing scenarios
    /Congestion             ... congestion control
    /Demos                  ... use-cases for tutorials and demo sessions
    /Routing                ... routing in topologies

/src                        ... source codes' folder
    /Common                 ... shared basic classes
    /CS                     ... computing system simulation nodes
    /DAF                    ... DAF components
    /DIF                    ... DIF component

/policies                   ... all programable RINA policies


/DAF                           ... DAF policies
/DIF                           ... DIF policies
    /FA                        ... policies related to FA modules
        /AllocateRetry             ... what happen when M_CREATE is resend by Flow Allocator
            /LimitedRetries        ... when retransmit treshold is met, allocation is 
        /MultilevelQoS             ...
        /NewFlowRequest            ... when new flow is being allocated, how are its 
                                       requirements mapped to RA QoSCubes
            /ScoreComparer         ... QoSCube with best score wins
            /MinComparer           ... QoSCube with minimal feasibility wins
    /RA                            ... policies related to RA modules
        /AddressComparator         ... policy used for determining whether a PDU address
                                       matches the IPCP's address  
            /ExactMatch            ... exact matching
            /PrefixMatch           ... matching based on address prefix
        /PDUFG                     ... PDU Forwarding Generator providing data used by the 
                                       PDU Forwarding policy 
            /BiDomainGenerator     ...
            /LatGenerator          ... 
            /MSimpleGenerator      ...
            /QoSDomainGenerator    ...
            /SimpleGenerator       ...
            /SingleDomainGenerator ...
            /StaticGenerator       ... load forwarding information from XML configuration 
        /QueueAlloc                ... (N-1)-port queue allocation strategy
            /QueuePerNFlow         ... one queue per (N)-flow 
            /QueuePerNQoS          ... one queue per (N)-QoS cube
            /SingleQueue           ... one queue for all
        /QueueIDGen                ... companion policy to QueueAlloc; returns queue ID 
                                       for given PDU or Flow object 
            /IDPerNCU              ... used with QueueAlloc::QueuePerNCU
            /IDPerNFlow            ... used with QueueAlloc::QueuePerNFlow
            /IDPerNQoS             ... used with QueueAlloc::QueuePerNQoS
            /SingleID              ... used with QueueAlloc::SingleQueue
    /RMT                           ... policies related to RMT modules
        /MaxQueue                  ... policy invoked when a queue size grows over its
            /DumbMaxQ              ...
            /ECNMarker             ... if queue size >= threshold, apply ECN marking on 
                                       new PDUs; if size >= max, drop
            /PortMaxQ              ...           
            /ReadRateReducer       ... if queue size >= allowed maximum, stop receiving data
                                       from input ports 
            /REDDropper            ... used with Monitor::REDMonitor; Random Early Detection
            /TailDrop              ... if queue size >= allowed maximum, drop new PDUs
            /UpstreamNotifier      ... if queue size >= allowed maximum, send a notification 
                                       to the PDU sender
        /Monitor                   ... state-keeping policy invoked on various queue events 
            /BEMonitor             ...  
            /DLMonitor             ...
            /eDLMonitor            ...
            /REDMonitor            ... used with MaxQueue::REDDropper; Random Early Detection 
            /DummyMonitor          ... noop
        /PDUForwarding             ... policy used to decide where to forward a PDU
            /MiniTable             ... a table with {dstAddr -> port} mappings
            /SimpleTable           ... a table with {(dstAddr, QoS) -> port} mappings
        /Scheduler                 ... policy deciding which (N-1)-port queue should be 
                                       processed next
            /LongestQFirst         ... pick the queue which contains the most PDUs 
    /Routing                       ... routing policies
        /DomainRouting             ...
            /DV                    ...
            /LS                    ...
        /DummyRouting              ... noop
            /SimpleDV              ... a simple distance vector-like protocol
            /SimpleLS              ... a simple link-state-like protocol