Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/DIF/FA/FA.cc
+++ b/src/DIF/FA/FA.cc
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
+// The MIT License (MIT)
-// Copyright Š 2014 PRISTINE Consortium (http://ict-pristine.eu)
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+// Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Brno University of Technology, PRISTINE project
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
 #include "FA.h"
@@ -26,276 +31,22 @@
 FA::FA() {
-    this->FaiTable = NULL;
+    N_flowTable = NULL;
 FA::~FA() {
-    this->FaiTable = NULL;
+    N_flowTable = NULL;
 void FA::initPointers() {
-    FaiTable = ModuleAccess<FAITable>(MOD_FAITABLE).get();
-    Efcp = (EFCP*) ((getParentModule()->getParentModule()->getSubmodule(MOD_EFCP)->getSubmodule(MOD_EFCP)));
-    DifAllocator = ModuleAccess<DA>(MOD_DA).get();
+    N_flowTable = check_and_cast<NFlowTable*>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule(MOD_NFLOWTABLE));
+    Efcp = check_and_cast<EFCP*>((getParentModule()->getParentModule()->getSubmodule(MOD_EFCP)->getSubmodule(MOD_EFCP)));
+    DifAllocator = check_and_cast<DA*>
+        (getModuleByPath("^.^.^")->getSubmodule(MOD_DIFALLOC)->getSubmodule(MOD_DA));
     NFloReqPolicy = check_and_cast<NewFlowRequestBase*>(getParentModule()->getSubmodule(MOD_NEFFLOWREQPOLICY));
-void FA::initialize() {
-    initPointers();
-    initSignalsAndListeners();
-    //Setup MyAddress
-    initMyAddress();
-bool FA::changeSrcAddress(Flow* flow, bool useNeighbor) {
-    //Add source...
-    if (!useNeighbor) {
-        flow->setSrcAddr(MyAddress);
-    }
-    else {
-        //Ask DA which IPC to use to reach src App
-        const Address* ad = DifAllocator->resolveApnToBestAddress(flow->getSrcApni().getApn(), MyAddress.getDifName());
-        if (ad == NULL) {
-            EV << "DifAllocator returned NULL for resolving " << flow->getSrcApni().getApn() << endl;
-            return false;
-        }
-        Address addr = *ad;
-        flow->setSrcAddr(addr);
-    }
-    return true;
-bool FA::changeDstAddresses(Flow* flow, bool useNeighbor) {
-    //Ask DA which IPC to use to reach dst App
-    const Address* ad = DifAllocator->resolveApnToBestAddress(flow->getDstApni().getApn());
-    if (ad == NULL) {
-        EV << "DifAllocator returned NULL for resolving " << flow->getDstApni().getApn() << endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-    Address addr = *ad;
-    //...and destination addresses
-    //If destination address does have neighbor then use first neighbor address
-    if (useNeighbor) {
-        const APNList* apnlist = DifAllocator->findApnNeigbors(addr.getIpcAddress());
-        if (apnlist)
-            addr.setIpcAddress(apnlist->front());
-    }
-    flow->setDstAddr(addr);
-    return true;
-bool FA::receiveAllocateRequest(Flow* flow) {
-    Enter_Method("receiveAllocateRequest()");
-    EV << this->getFullPath() << " received AllocateRequest" << endl;
-    //Insert new Flow into FAITable
-    FaiTable->insertNew(flow);
-    //Change allocation status to pending
-    FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::ALLOC_PEND);
-    //Add source and destination address
-    setOriginalAddresses(flow);
-    setNeighborAddresses(flow);
-    //Is malformed?
-    if (isMalformedFlow(flow)){
-        FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::ALLOC_ERR);
-        //TODO: Vesely - What about special signal for errors????
-        //this->signalizeAllocateResponseNegative(fl);
-        return false;
-    }
-    //Create FAI
-    FAI* fai = this->createFAI(flow);
-    //Update flow object
-    flow->setSrcPortId(fai->getLocalPortId());
-    flow->getConnectionId().setSrcCepId(fai->getLocalCepId());
-    //Are both Apps local? YES then Degenerate transfer
-    if ( DifAllocator->isAppLocal( flow->getDstApni().getApn() ) ) {
-        fai->setDegenerateDataTransfer(true);
-        flow->setDdtFlag(true);
-    }
-    bool status;
-    status = fai->receiveAllocateRequest();
-    //Potentially wait for response from RA, after this continue with X
-    return status;
-bool FA::receiveCreateFlowRequestFromRibd(Flow* flow) {
-    Enter_Method("receiveCreateFlowRequest()");
-    EV << this->getFullPath() << " received CreateFlowRequest" << endl;
-    bool status;
-    //Is requested APP local?
-    if ( DifAllocator->isAppLocal(flow->getSrcApni().getApn()) ){
-        //Check for duplicity
-        if (!DifAllocator->isAppLocal(flow->getDstApni().getApn())
-            && FaiTable->findEntryByInvokeId(flow->getAllocInvokeId())
-            ) {
-            EV << "Duplicit M_CREATE received thus ignoring!" << endl;
-            return false;
-        }
-        //Insert new Flow into FAITable
-        FaiTable->insertNew(flow);
-        //Change neighbor addresses
-        setNeighborAddresses(flow);
-        EV << "Processing M_CREATE(flow)" << endl;
-        //Change allocation status to pending
-        FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::ALLOC_PEND);
-        //Create FAI
-        FAI* fai = this->createFAI(flow);
-        if ( DifAllocator->isAppLocal( flow->getDstApni().getApn() ) ) {
-            fai->setDegenerateDataTransfer(true);
-            flow->setDdtFlag(true);
-        }
-        fai->setRemotePortId(flow->getDstPortId());
-        fai->setRemoteCepId(flow->getConId().getDstCepId());
-        //Update flow object
-        flow->setSrcPortId(fai->getLocalPortId());
-        flow->getConnectionId().setSrcCepId(fai->getLocalCepId());
-        //Pass the CreateRequest to newly created FAI
-        status = fai->receiveCreateRequest();
-    }
-    //...if not then forward CreateRequest Flow to next neighbor
-    else {
-        EV << "Forwarding M_CREATE(flow)" << endl;
-        //Before that reverse SRC-DST information back
-        flow->swapFlow();
-        //Insert new Flow into FAITable
-        FaiTable->insertNew(flow);
-        //Change neighbor addresses
-        setNeighborAddresses(flow);
-        //Change status to forward
-        FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::FORWARDING);
-        //Decrement HopCount
-        flow->setHopCount(flow->getHopCount() - 1);
-        if (!flow->getHopCount()) {
-            //TODO: Vesely - More granular error
-            FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::ALLOC_ERR);
-            //Schedule M_Create_R(Flow)
-            this->signalizeCreateFlowResponseNegative(flow);
-            return false;
-        }
-        // bind this flow to a suitable (N-1)-flow
-        RABase* raModule = (RABase*) getModuleByPath("^.^.resourceAllocator.ra");
-        status = raModule->bindNFlowToNM1Flow(flow);
-        //EV << "status: " << status << endl;
-        if (status == true) {
-            // flow is already allocated
-            receiveNM1FlowCreated(flow);
-        }
-        //else WAIT until allocation of N-1 flow is completed
-        else {
-            EV << "FA waits until N-1 IPC allocates auxilliary N-1 flow" << endl;
-        }
-    }
-    return status;
-bool FA::receiveDeallocateRequest(Flow* flow) {
-    Enter_Method("receiveDeallocateRequest()");
-    EV << this->getFullPath() << " received DeallocateRequest" << endl;
-    //Check flow in table
-    FAITableEntry* fte = FaiTable->findEntryByFlow(flow);
-    if (fte && fte->getFai()) {
-        //Pass the request to appropriate FAI
-        FAIBase* fai = fte->getFai();
-        FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(fai, FAITableEntry::DEALLOC_PEND);
-        fai->receiveDeallocateRequest();
-        return true;
-    }
-    else {
-        if (!fte)
-            EV << "Flow or FAI not found in FAITable!" << endl;
-        else if (fte->getAllocateStatus() != FAITableEntry::TRANSFER)
-            EV << "Cannot deallocate flow which is not in tranfer phase!" << endl;
-        return false;
-    }
-bool FA::invokeNewFlowRequestPolicy(Flow* flow) {
-    return NFloReqPolicy->run(*flow);
-FAI* FA::createFAI(Flow* flow) {
-    // find factory object
-    cModuleType *moduleType = cModuleType::get("rina.DIF.FA.FAI");
-    //Prepare parameters
-    int portId = ev.getRNG(RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR)->intRand(MAX_PORTID);
-    int cepId = ev.getRNG(RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR)->intRand(MAX_CEPID);
-    //Create a name
-    std::ostringstream ostr;
-    ostr << "fai_" << portId << "_" << cepId;
-    //Instantiate module
-    cModule *module = moduleType->create(ostr.str().c_str(), this->getParentModule());
-    module->par(PAR_LOCALPORTID) = portId;
-    module->par(PAR_LOCALCEPID) = cepId;
-    module->par(PAR_CREREQTIMEOUT) = par(PAR_CREREQTIMEOUT).doubleValue();
-    module->finalizeParameters();
-    module->buildInside();
-    // create activation message
-    module->scheduleStart(simTime());
-    module->callInitialize();
-    //Prepare return pointer and setup internal FAI pointers
-    FAI* fai = dynamic_cast<FAI*>(module);
-    fai->postInitialize(this, flow, Efcp);
-    //Change state in FAITable
-    FaiTable->setFaiToFlow(fai, flow);
-    FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::ALLOC_PEND);
-    return fai;
-void FA::deinstantiateFai(Flow* flow) {
-    FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::DEINSTANTIATED);
-    //TODO: Vesely
-    //Prepare deinstantitation self-message
-void FA::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
-    //Rcv Allocate_Request
-    //Rcv M_Create(Flow)
-    //Rcv Deallocate_Request
-    //Deinstantiation
-    //deleteModule();
-bool FA::isMalformedFlow(Flow* flow) {
-    //TODO: Vesely - Simulate malformed
-    if ( !strcmp(flow->getDstApni().getApn().getName().c_str(), "AppERR") )
-        return true;
-    return false;
+    RaModule = check_and_cast<RABase*>( getModuleByPath("^.^.resourceAllocator.ra") );
+    Enrollment = check_and_cast<EnrollmentStateTable*>( getModuleByPath("^.^.enrollment.enrollmentStateTable") );
 void FA::initSignalsAndListeners() {
@@ -306,6 +57,7 @@
     sigFACreReqFwd      = registerSignal(SIG_FA_CreateFlowRequestForward);
     sigFACreResPosiFwd  = registerSignal(SIG_FA_CreateFlowResponseForward);
     sigFACreResNega     = registerSignal(SIG_FA_CreateFlowResponseNegative);
+    sigFAAllocFinMgmt   = registerSignal(SIG_FA_MgmtFlowAllocated);
     //Signals that this module is processing
     //  AllocateRequest
@@ -323,63 +75,37 @@
     lisCreReq = new LisFACreReq(this);
     catcher2->subscribe(SIG_RIBD_CreateRequestFlow, lisCreReq);
-void FA::signalizeCreateFlowRequestForward(Flow* flow) {
-    emit(this->sigFACreReqFwd, flow);
-void FA::receiveNM1FlowCreated(Flow* flow) {
-    Enter_Method("receiveNM1FlowCreated()");
-    EV << "Continue M_CREATE(flow) forward!" << endl;
-    Flow* tmpfl = flow->dup();
-    FaiTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, FAITableEntry::FORWARDED);
-    setNeighborAddresses(tmpfl);
-    this->signalizeCreateFlowRequestForward(tmpfl);
-void FA::signalizeCreateFlowResponseNegative(Flow* flow) {
-    emit(this->sigFACreResNega, flow);
-bool FA::setOriginalAddresses(Flow* flow) {
-    Address adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getSrcApni().getApn(), false);
-    if (adr.isUnspecified())
-        return false;
-    flow->setSrcAddr(adr);
-    adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getDstApni().getApn(), false);
-    if (adr.isUnspecified())
-        return false;
-    flow->setDstAddr(adr);
-    return true;
-bool FA::setNeighborAddresses(Flow* flow) {
-    Address adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getSrcApni().getApn(), true);
-    if (adr.isUnspecified())
-        return false;
-    flow->setSrcNeighbor(adr);
-    adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getDstApni().getApn(), true);
-    if (adr.isUnspecified())
-        return false;
-    flow->setDstNeighbor(adr);
-    return true;
-const Address FA::getAddressFromDa(const APN& apn, bool useNeighbor) {
-    //Ask DA which IPC to use to reach src App
-    const Address* ad = DifAllocator->resolveApnToBestAddress(apn, MyAddress.getDifName());
-    if (ad == NULL) {
-        EV << "DifAllocator returned NULL for resolving " << apn << endl;
-        return Address();
-    }
-    Address addr = *ad;
+    //Allocate after management flow is prepared (enrollment done)
+    lisEnrollFin = new LisFAAllocFinMgmt(this);
+    //catcher2->subscribe(SIG_FAI_AllocateFinishManagement, lisAllocFinMgmt);
+    catcher2->subscribe(SIG_ENROLLMENT_Finished, lisEnrollFin);
+void FA::initialize() {
+    initPointers();
+    initSignalsAndListeners();
+    //Setup MyAddress
+    initMyAddress();
+//XXX: Vesely - Dirty! Needs refactoring...
+const Address FA::getAddressFromDa(const APN& apn, bool useNeighbor, bool isMgmtFlow) {
+    Address addr;
+    if (!isMgmtFlow) {
+        //Ask DA which IPC to use to reach src App
+        const Address* ad = DifAllocator->resolveApnToBestAddress(apn, MyAddress.getDifName());
+        if (ad == NULL) {
+            EV << "DifAllocator returned NULL for resolving " << apn << endl;
+            return Address();
+        }
+        addr = *ad;
+    }
+    else {
+        addr = Address(apn);
+    }
     if (useNeighbor) {
-        const APNList* apnlist = DifAllocator->findApnNeigbors(addr.getApname());
+        const APNList* apnlist = DifAllocator->findApnNeigbors(addr.getApn());
         if (apnlist) {
             for (ApnCItem it = apnlist->begin(); it != apnlist->end(); ++it) {
                 Address tmp = Address(it->getName());
@@ -393,3 +119,398 @@
     return addr;
+bool FA::isMalformedFlow(Flow* flow) {
+    //TODO: Vesely - Simulate malformed
+    if ( !strcmp(flow->getDstApni().getApn().getName().c_str(), "AppERR") )
+        return true;
+    return false;
+void FA::handleMessage(cMessage *msg) {
+    if ( msg->isSelfMessage() && !opp_strcmp(msg->getName(), TIM_FAPENDFLOWS) ) {
+        while (!PendingFlows.empty()) {
+            NFlowTableEntry* fte = N_flowTable->findEntryByFlow(PendingFlows.front());
+            if (fte && fte->getFai()) {
+                FAIBase* fai = fte->getFai();
+                if (fai) {
+                    fai->receiveAllocateRequest();
+                }
+            }
+            PendingFlows.pop_front();
+        }
+        cancelAndDelete(msg);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        EV << "Unsupported message received by FA " << getFullName() << endl;
+    }
+bool FA::changeSrcAddress(Flow* flow, bool useNeighbor) {
+    //Add source...
+    if (!useNeighbor) {
+        flow->setSrcAddr(MyAddress);
+    }
+    else {
+        //Ask DA which IPC to use to reach src App
+        const Address* ad = DifAllocator->resolveApnToBestAddress(flow->getSrcApni().getApn(), MyAddress.getDifName());
+        if (ad == NULL) {
+            EV << "DifAllocator returned NULL for resolving " << flow->getSrcApni().getApn() << endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        Address addr = *ad;
+        flow->setSrcAddr(addr);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool FA::changeDstAddresses(Flow* flow, bool useNeighbor) {
+    //Ask DA which IPC to use to reach dst App
+    const Address* ad = DifAllocator->resolveApnToBestAddress(flow->getDstApni().getApn());
+    if (ad == NULL) {
+        EV << "DifAllocator returned NULL for resolving " << flow->getDstApni().getApn() << endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    Address addr = *ad;
+    //...and destination addresses
+    //If destination address does have neighbor then use first neighbor address
+    if (useNeighbor) {
+        const APNList* apnlist = DifAllocator->findApnNeigbors(addr.getIpcAddress());
+        if (apnlist)
+            addr.setIpcAddress(apnlist->front());
+    }
+    flow->setDstAddr(addr);
+    return true;
+//XXX: Vesely - Dirty! Needs refactoring...
+bool FA::setOriginalAddresses(Flow* flow) {
+    Address adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getSrcApni().getApn(), false, false);
+    if (adr.isUnspecified())
+        return false;
+    flow->setSrcAddr(adr);
+    adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getDstApni().getApn(), false, false);
+    if (adr.isUnspecified())
+        return false;
+    flow->setDstAddr(adr);
+    return true;
+//XXX: Vesely - Dirty! Needs refactoring...
+bool FA::setNeighborAddresses(Flow* flow) {
+    Address adr;
+    if (!flow->isManagementFlowLocalToIPCP()) {
+        adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getSrcApni().getApn(), true, flow->isManagementFlowLocalToIPCP());
+        if (adr.isUnspecified())
+            return false;
+        flow->setSrcNeighbor(adr);
+    }
+    adr = getAddressFromDa(flow->getDstApni().getApn(), true, flow->isManagementFlowLocalToIPCP());
+    if (adr.isUnspecified())
+        return false;
+    flow->setDstNeighbor(adr);
+    return true;
+bool FA::receiveAllocateRequest(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveAllocateRequest()");
+    EV << this->getFullPath() << " received AllocateRequest" << endl;
+    //Insert new Flow into FAITable
+    N_flowTable->insertNew(flow);
+    //Change allocation status to pending
+    N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::ALLOC_PEND);
+    //Add source and destination address in case of data flow
+    if (flow->getSrcAddr() == Address::UNSPECIFIED_ADDRESS
+        && flow->getSrcNeighbor() == Address::UNSPECIFIED_ADDRESS) {
+        setOriginalAddresses(flow);
+        setNeighborAddresses(flow);
+        //XXX: Vesely - Dirty! Needs refactoring...
+        flow->setSrcNeighbor(flow->getSrcAddr());
+    }
+    //Are both Apps local? YES then Degenerate transfer
+    if ( DifAllocator->isAppLocal( flow->getDstApni().getApn() ) ) {
+        flow->setDdtFlag(true);
+    }
+    //Check whether local IPCP is enrolled into DIF
+    //Successful enrollment implies existence of N-1 mgmt-flow, if not then
+    //FA needs to init allocation of N-1 mgmt-flow
+    if (!flow->isDdtFlag() && !Enrollment->isEnrolled(MyAddress.getApn())) {
+        EV << "IPCP not enrolled to DIF, thus executing enrollment!" << endl;
+        receiveMgmtAllocateRequest(APNamingInfo(MyAddress.getApn()), APNamingInfo(flow->getDstNeighbor().getApn()));
+    }
+    //Is malformed?
+    if (isMalformedFlow(flow)){
+        N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::ALLOC_ERR);
+        //TODO: Vesely - What about special signal for errors????
+        //this->signalizeAllocateResponseNegative(fl);
+        return false;
+    }
+    //Create FAI
+    FAI* fai = this->createFAI(flow);
+    fai->setDegenerateDataTransfer(flow->isDdtFlag());
+    //Update flow object
+    flow->setSrcPortId(fai->getLocalPortId());
+    flow->getConnectionId().setSrcCepId(fai->getLocalCepId());
+    //Postpone allocation request until management flow is ready
+    bool status;
+    if ( flow->isDdtFlag() || Enrollment->isEnrolled(MyAddress.getApn())
+       ){
+        status = fai->receiveAllocateRequest();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        status = true;
+        EV << "Management flow is not ready!" << endl;
+    }
+    //Potentially wait for response from RA, after this continue with X
+    return status;
+bool FA::receiveMgmtAllocateRequest(Flow* mgmtflow) {
+    bool status = true;
+    //If N-1 mgmt-flow not ready, then allocate
+    if (!RaModule->hasFlow(mgmtflow->getDstAddr().getApn().getName(), VAL_MGMTQOSID)) {
+        status = RaModule->bindNFlowToNM1Flow(mgmtflow);
+    }
+    //If N-1 mgmt ready, then starting enrollment procedure
+    APNIPair* apnip = new APNIPair(mgmtflow->getSrcApni(), mgmtflow->getDstApni());
+    if (status) {
+        emit(sigFAAllocFinMgmt, apnip);
+    }
+    return status;
+bool FA::receiveMgmtAllocateRequest(APNamingInfo src, APNamingInfo dst) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveLocalMgmtAllocateRequest()");
+    EV << this->getFullPath() << " received LocalMgmtAllocateRequest" << endl;
+    Flow* mgmtflow = new Flow(src, dst);
+    mgmtflow->setQosRequirements(QoSReq::MANAGEMENT);
+    mgmtflow->setSrcAddr(Address(src.getApn()));
+    mgmtflow->setDstAddr(Address(dst.getApn()));
+    mgmtflow->setSrcNeighbor(Address(src.getApn()));
+    mgmtflow->setDstNeighbor(Address(dst.getApn()));
+    bool status = true;
+    //If N-1 mgmt-flow not ready, then allocate
+    if (!RaModule->hasFlow(mgmtflow->getDstAddr().getApn().getName(), VAL_MGMTQOSID)) {
+        status = RaModule->bindNFlowToNM1Flow(mgmtflow);
+    }
+    //If N-1 mgmt ready, then starting enrollment procedure
+    APNIPair* apnip = new APNIPair(mgmtflow->getSrcApni(), mgmtflow->getDstApni());
+    if (status) {
+        emit(sigFAAllocFinMgmt, apnip);
+    }
+    return status;
+bool FA::receiveMgmtAllocateFinish() {
+    Enter_Method("receiveAllocFinishMgmt()");
+    scheduleAt(simTime(), new cMessage(TIM_FAPENDFLOWS) );
+    //TODO: Vesely - Fix unused return value
+    return true;
+bool FA::receiveCreateFlowRequestFromRibd(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveCreateFlowRequest()");
+    EV << this->getFullPath() << " received CreateFlowRequest" << endl;
+    bool status;
+    //Is requested APP local?
+    if ( DifAllocator->isAppLocal(flow->getSrcApni().getApn()) ){
+        //Check for duplicity
+        if (!DifAllocator->isAppLocal(flow->getDstApni().getApn())
+            && N_flowTable->findEntryByInvokeId(flow->getAllocInvokeId())
+            ) {
+            EV << "Duplicit M_CREATE received thus ignoring!" << endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        //Insert new Flow into FAITable
+        N_flowTable->insertNew(flow);
+        //Change neighbor addresses
+        //if (!flow->isManagementFlowLocalToIPCP()) {
+            setNeighborAddresses(flow);
+            //XXX: Vesely - Dirty! Needs refactoring...
+            flow->setSrcNeighbor(flow->getSrcAddr());
+        //}
+        EV << "Processing M_CREATE(flow)" << endl;
+        //Change allocation status to pending
+        N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::ALLOC_PEND);
+        //Create FAI
+        FAI* fai = this->createFAI(flow);
+        if ( DifAllocator->isAppLocal( flow->getDstApni().getApn() ) ) {
+            fai->setDegenerateDataTransfer(true);
+            flow->setDdtFlag(true);
+        }
+        fai->setRemotePortId(flow->getDstPortId());
+        fai->setRemoteCepId(flow->getConId().getDstCepId());
+        //Update flow object
+        flow->setSrcPortId(fai->getLocalPortId());
+        flow->getConnectionId().setSrcCepId(fai->getLocalCepId());
+        //Pass the CreateRequest to newly created FAI
+        status = fai->receiveCreateRequest();
+    }
+    //...if not then forward CreateRequest Flow to next neighbor
+    else {
+        EV << "Forwarding M_CREATE(flow)" << endl;
+        //Before that reverse SRC-DST information back
+        flow->swapFlow();
+        //Insert new Flow into FAITable
+        N_flowTable->insertNew(flow);
+        //Change neighbor addresses
+        setNeighborAddresses(flow);
+        //Change status to forward
+        N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::FORWARDING);
+        //Decrement HopCount
+        flow->setHopCount(flow->getHopCount() - 1);
+        if (!flow->getHopCount()) {
+            //TODO: Vesely - More granular error
+            N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::ALLOC_ERR);
+            //Schedule M_Create_R(Flow)
+            this->signalizeCreateFlowResponseNegative(flow);
+            return false;
+        }
+        // bind this flow to a suitable (N-1)-flow
+        RABase* raModule = (RABase*) getModuleByPath("^.^.resourceAllocator.ra");
+        status = raModule->bindNFlowToNM1Flow(flow);
+        //EV << "status: " << status << endl;
+        if (status == true) {
+            // flow is already allocated
+            receiveNM1FlowCreated(flow);
+        }
+        //else WAIT until allocation of N-1 flow is completed
+        else {
+            EV << "FA waits until N-1 IPC allocates auxilliary N-1 flow" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    return status;
+bool FA::receiveDeallocateRequest(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveDeallocateRequest()");
+    EV << this->getFullPath() << " received DeallocateRequest" << endl;
+    //Check flow in table
+    NFlowTableEntry* fte = N_flowTable->findEntryByFlow(flow);
+    if (fte && fte->getFai()) {
+        //Pass the request to appropriate FAI
+        FAIBase* fai = fte->getFai();
+        N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(fai, NFlowTableEntry::DEALLOC_PEND);
+        fai->receiveDeallocateRequest();
+        return true;
+    }
+    else {
+        if (!fte)
+            EV << "Flow or FAI not found in FAITable!" << endl;
+        else if (fte->getAllocateStatus() != NFlowTableEntry::TRANSFER)
+            EV << "Cannot deallocate flow which is not in tranfer phase!" << endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+void FA::receiveNM1FlowCreated(Flow* flow) {
+    Enter_Method("receiveNM1FlowCreated()");
+    EV << "Continue M_CREATE(flow) forward!" << endl;
+    Flow* tmpfl = flow->dup();
+    N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::FORWARDED);
+    setNeighborAddresses(tmpfl);
+    this->signalizeCreateFlowRequestForward(tmpfl);
+bool FA::invokeNewFlowRequestPolicy(Flow* flow) {
+    return NFloReqPolicy->run(*flow);
+FAI* FA::createFAI(Flow* flow) {
+  //@Vladimir: what about using ExternConsts.cc for this?
+    // find factory object
+    cModuleType *moduleType = cModuleType::get("rina.src.DIF.FA.FAI");
+    //Prepare parameters
+    int portId = ev.getRNG(RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR)->intRand(MAX_PORTID);
+    int cepId = ev.getRNG(RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR)->intRand(MAX_CEPID);
+    //Create a name
+    std::ostringstream ostr;
+    ostr << "fai_" << portId << "_" << cepId;
+    //Instantiate module
+    cModule *module = moduleType->create(ostr.str().c_str(), this->getParentModule());
+    module->par(PAR_LOCALPORTID) = portId;
+    module->par(PAR_LOCALCEPID) = cepId;
+    //module->par(PAR_CREREQTIMEOUT) = par(PAR_CREREQTIMEOUT).doubleValue();
+    module->finalizeParameters();
+    module->buildInside();
+    // create activation message
+    module->scheduleStart(simTime());
+    module->callInitialize();
+    //Layouting
+    /*
+    module->getDisplayString().setTagArg("p", 0, "100");
+    std::ostringstream os;
+    os << (70 + N_flowTable->getSize() * 50);
+    module->getDisplayString().setTagArg("p", 1, os.str().c_str());
+    */
+    //Prepare return pointer and setup internal FAI pointers
+    FAI* fai = dynamic_cast<FAI*>(module);
+    fai->postInitialize(this, flow, Efcp);
+    //Change state in FAITable
+    N_flowTable->setFaiToFlow(fai, flow);
+    N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::ALLOC_PEND);
+    return fai;
+void FA::deinstantiateFai(Flow* flow) {
+    N_flowTable->changeAllocStatus(flow, NFlowTableEntry::DEINSTANTIATED);
+    //TODO: Vesely
+    //Prepare deinstantitation self-message
+void FA::signalizeCreateFlowRequestForward(Flow* flow) {
+    emit(this->sigFACreReqFwd, flow);
+void FA::signalizeCreateFlowResponseNegative(Flow* flow) {
+    emit(this->sigFACreResNega, flow);