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// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see

package rina.DAF.AE;

simple AE like IAE
        string aeName = default("AeErr");
        string aeInstance = default("0");
        //QoS -> Default DoNotCare value -1
        int averageBandwidth @unit(bps) 		= default(-1bps); //bits/s
        int averageSDUBandwidth 				= default(-1); //SDU/s
        int peakBandwidthDuration @unit(bps)	= default(-1bps); //Peak bandwidth-duration (measured in bits/sec);
        int peakSDUBandwidthDuration			= default(-1); //Peak SDU bandwidth-duration (measured in SDUs/sec);
        int burstPeriod	@unit(us)				= default(-1us); //Burst period measured in useconds
        int burstDuration @unit(us)				= default(-1us); //Burst duration, measured in useconds fraction of Burst Period
        double undetectedBitErr					= default(-1); //Undetected bit error rate measured as a probability
        int maxSDUsize @unit(B)					= default(-1B); //MaxSDUSize measured in bytes
        bool partialDelivery					= default(false); //Partial Delivery - Can SDUs be delivered in pieces rather than all at once?
        bool incompleteDelivery					= default(false); //Incomplete Delivery – Can SDUs with missing pieces be delivered?
        bool forceOrder							= default(false); //Must SDUs be delivered in-order bits
        int maxAllowGap							= default(-1); //Max allowable gap in SDUs, (a gap of N SDUs is considered the same as all SDUs delivered, i.e. a gap of N is a "don't care.")
        int delay @unit(us)						= default(-1us); //Delay in usecs
        int jitter @unit(us)					= default(-1us); //Jitter in usecs
        int costTime							= default(-1); //measured in $/ms
        int costBits							= default(-1); //measured in $/Mb

//        int averageBandwidth @unit(bps) 		= default(maxSDUsize*8*averageSDUBandwidth); //bits/s
//        int averageSDUBandwidth 				= default(1000); //SDU/s
//        int peakBandwidthDuration @unit(bps)	= default(2*averageBandwidth); //Peak bandwidth-duration (measured in bits/sec);
//        int peakSDUBandwidthDuration			= default(2*averageSDUBandwidth); //Peak SDU bandwidth-duration (measured in SDUs/sec);
//        int burstPeriod	@unit(us)			= default(10000000us); //Burst period measured in useconds
//        int burstDuration @unit(us)			= default(burstPeriod/10); //Burst duration, measured in useconds fraction of Burst Period
//        double undetectedBitErr				= default(0.0); //Undetected bit error rate measured as a probability
//        int maxSDUsize @unit(B)				= default(1500B); //MaxSDUSize measured in bytes
//        bool partDeliv						= default(false); //Partial Delivery - Can SDUs be delivered in pieces rather than all at once?
//        bool incompleteDeliv					= default(false); //Incomplete Delivery – Can SDUs with missing pieces be delivered?
//        bool forceOrder						= default(false); //Must SDUs be delivered in-order bits
//        int maxAllowGap						= default(10); //Max allowable gap in SDUs, (a gap of N SDUs is considered the same as all SDUs delivered, i.e. a gap of N is a "don't care.")
//        int delay @unit(us)					= default(1000000us); //Delay in usecs
//        int jitter @unit(us)					= default(delay/2); //Jitter in usecs
//        int costTime							= default(0); //measured in $/ms
//        int costBits							= default(0); //measured in $/Mb
//        bool dtcpOn							= default(false); //DTCPOn flag			                  