// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
#ifndef FLOW_H_
#define FLOW_H_
//Standard libraries
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
//RINASim libraries
#include "APNamingInfo.h"
#include "ConnectionId.h"
#include "Address.h"
extern const int VAL_UNDEFINED;
extern const int VAL_MAXHOPCOUNT;
extern const int VAL_MAXCREATERETRIES;
* @brief Class representing flow object with attributes from specs
* @authors Vladimir Vesely (ivesely@fit.vutbr.cz)
* @date Last refactorized and documented on 2014-10-28
class Flow : public cObject
* @brief Constructor for the flow with undefined values
* @brief Default constructor for flow between two applications
* @param src Source application naming info
* @param dst Destination application naming info
Flow(APNamingInfo src, APNamingInfo dst);
* @brief Destructor assigning default uninitialized values
virtual ~Flow();
* @brief Equal operator overloading
* @param other Flow for comparison
* @return True if all atributes from this and other flow are equal
bool operator== (const Flow& other) const;
* @brief Comparator taking into account src/dst addresses, src/dst APNIs, src-dst ConIds/PortIds
bool compare(const Flow& other) const;
* @brief Flow object duplication method that creates copy with
* @return
virtual Flow* dup() const;
//Various string output functions
* @brief Prints Flow information as string
* Calls variety of other info functions to produce final output
* @return String of Flow textual representation
std::string info() const;
* @brief Prints Flow source information as string
* Outputs source APNI, address, neigbor-address, PortId, CEP-Id
* @return String representing Flow source
std::string infoSource() const;
* @brief Prints Flow destination information as string
* Outputs destination APNI, address, neigbor-address, PortId, CEP-Id
* @return String representing Flow destination
std::string infoDestination() const;
* @brief Prints Flow create flow information and hop-cpunt as string
* @return String containing CreateFlow retries, MaxFlowRetries and hop-count numbers
std::string infoOther() const;
* @brief Prints RA's QoSCube-id that FA choosed during Flow allocation phase
* Accompanied QoSParameters could be find in AE that starts communication.
* They are omitted in order to make debug outputs more readable.
* @return String of RA's QoSCube-id
std::string infoQoS() const;
* @brief Prints flow name consisting of source and destination APNI
* Primary use is for OMNeT++ cMessage property to easily recognize which message is which
* @return String with concatenated source and destination
std::string getFlowName() const;
* @brief Function that swaps relevant source and destination Flow parameters
* It is being used mainly for counterpart communication during Flow (de)allocation
* @return Returns same flow but with swapped properties
Flow& swapFlow();
* @brief Gets Flow's ConnectionId
* @return ConnectionId instance
ConnectionId& getConnectionId();
* @brief Gets read-only Flow's ConnectionId
* @return Read-only ConnectionId instance
const ConnectionId& getConId() const;
* @brief Sets Flow's ConnectionId
* @param conId A new ConnectionId instance
void setConId(const ConnectionId& conId);
* @brief Gets QoS parameters wanted by flow initiator
* @return Read-only QoSCube instance
const QoSCube& getQosParameters() const;
* @brief Sets QoS parameters wanted by flow initiator
* @param qosParameters A new QoSCube instance that is accompanied with Flow
void setQosParameters(const QoSCube& qosParameters);
* @brief Gets read-only source APNamingInfo
* @return Read-only APNamingInfo instance
const APNamingInfo& getSrcApni() const;
* @brief Sets source APNamingInfo
* @param srcApni A new source APNI instance
void setSrcApni(const APNamingInfo& srcApni);
* @brief Gets read-only destination APNamingInfo
* @return Read-only APNamingInfo instance
const APNamingInfo& getDstApni() const;
* @brief Sets destination APNamingInfo
* @param dstApni A new destination APNI instance
void setDstApni(const APNamingInfo& dstApni);
* @brief Gets source PortId
* @return Read-only PortId number
int getSrcPortId() const;
* @brief Sets source PortId
* @param srcPortId A new PortId number
void setSrcPortId(int srcPortId);
* @brief Gets destination PortId
* @return Read-only PortId number
int getDstPortId() const;
* @brief Sets destination PortId
* @param srcPortId A new PortId number
void setDstPortId(int dstPortId);
* @brief Gets current number of CreateFlow retries
* During Flow allocation phase, CreateFlow is incremented each time M_CREATE(flow) is sent
* @return Unsigned number of CreateFlow retry occurences
uint32_t getCreateFlowRetries() const;
* @brief Sets current number of CreateFlow retries
* During Flow allocation phase, CreateFlow is incremented each time M_CREATE(flow) is sent
void setCreateFlowRetries(uint32_t createFlowRetries);
* @brief Gets maximum allowed number CreateFlow retries
* By default 3 (const VAL_MAXCREATERETRIES). Value is checked during Flow allocation.
* @return Unsigned number of CreateFlow retry occurrences
uint32_t getMaxCreateFlowRetries() const;
* @brief Sets maximum allowed number of CreateFlow retries
* @param maxCreateFlowRetries Unsigned number specifying upper border
void setMaxCreateFlowRetries(uint32_t maxCreateFlowRetries);
* @brief Gets hop-count, which is number of allowed message forwards from this device towards destination
* By default its initial value is 16 (const VAL_MAXHOPCOUNT).
* @return Unsigned number representing current hop-count
uint32_t getHopCount() const;
* @brief Sets a new hop-count. Hop-count should be decremented each time message is forwarded within DIF.
* @param hopCount Unsigned number representing new hop-count
void setHopCount(uint32_t hopCount);
* @brief Gets source Address, which is the address of communication start-point
* @return Read-only source Address instance
const Address& getSrcAddr() const;
* @brief Sets (start-point) source Address
* @param srcAddr A new source Address instance
void setSrcAddr(const Address& srcAddr);
* @brief Gets source Address, which is the address of communication end-point
* @return Read-only destination Address instance
const Address& getDstAddr() const;
* @brief Sets (end-point) destination Address
* @param dstAddr A new destination Address instance
void setDstAddr(const Address& dstAddr);
//TODO: Vesely - Pull addresses to new Flow child class
* @brief Gets neighbor source Address, which is the address of (interim) hop-by-hop source
* Used during flow allocation to pass the M_CREATE(_R)(flow) messages
* @return Read-only source Address instance
const Address& getSrcNeighbor() const;
* @brief Sets neighbor source Address
* @param srcNeighbor A new neighbor source Address instance
void setSrcNeighbor(const Address& srcNeighbor);
* @brief Gets neighbor destination Address, which is the address of (interim) hop-by-hop destination
* Used during flow allocation to pass the M_CREATE(_R)(flow) messages
* @return Read-only destination Address instance
const Address& getDstNeighbor() const;
* @brief Sets neighbor destination Address
* @param dstNeighbor A new neighbor destination Address instance
void setDstNeighbor(const Address& dstNeighbor);
//Properties are based on RINA-Demo-2012-001.pdf page 6
* @brief Attribute holding source APNI
APNamingInfo srcApni;
* @brief Attribute holding destination APNI
APNamingInfo dstApni;
* @brief Attribute holding source PortId
int srcPortId;
* @brief Attribute holding destination PortId
int dstPortId;
* @brief Attribute holding source address (initiator of communication)
Address srcAddr;
* @brief Attribute holding destination address (end-host for communication)
Address dstAddr;
* @brief Attribute holding hop-by-hop source address
Address srcNeighbor;
* @brief Attribute holding hop-by-hop destination address
Address dstNeighbor;
* @brief Attribute holding ConnectionId containing source and destination CEP-Ids and chosen RA's QoSCube
ConnectionId conId;
* @brief Attribute holding current number of allowed CreateFlow retries
uint32_t createFlowRetries;
* @brief Attribute holding maximum allowed number of CreateFlow retries
uint32_t maxCreateFlowRetries;
* @brief Attribute holding flow's hop-count
uint32_t hopCount;
* @brief Attribute holding wanted QoS parameters in form of QoSCube
QoSCube qosParameters;
* @brief Auxiliary function swapping source and destination PortIds
void swapPortIds();
* @brief Auxiliary function swapping source and destination Addresses
void swapAddresses();
* @brief Auxiliary function swapping source and destination CEP-Ids
void swapCepIds();
* @brief Auxiliary function swapping source and destinatio APNI
void swapApni();
//Free function
* << operator overload that feeds ostream with Flow string representation.
* @param os Resulting ostream
* @param fl Flow class that is being converted to string
* @return Infotext representing Flow
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Flow& fl);
#endif /* FLOW_H_ */