// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* @file PDUFwdTabGenerator.h
* @author Tomas Hykel (xhykel01@stud.fit.vutbr.cz) and Kewin Rausch(kewin.rausch@create-net.org)
* @brief PDU forwarding (routing) table generator.
* @detail Responds to various events happening inside the IPC process
* by adding, removing and editing entries in the forwarding table.
// Comment this directive to disable private debugging.
// With private debugging all the output will be redirected to a text file.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
extern std::ofstream pduftg_debug_file;
// Log a string as a debug information.
#define pduftg_debug(x) pduftg_debug_file << x;
// Log a string as a debug information.
#define pduftg_debug(x) EV << x;
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include "ModuleAccess.h"
#include "ConnectionId.h"
#include "RMT.h"
#include "RINASignals.h"
#include "NM1FlowTable.h"
#include "PDUForwardingTable.h"
#include "PDUFTGListeners.h"
#include "PDUFTGPolicy.h"
#include "PDUFTGUpdate.h"
#include "PDUFTGNeighbor.h"
typedef std::list<PDUFTGInfo *> NetworkState;
typedef NetworkState::iterator NIter;
// This is mapped as string --> port because Address do not have <, > operators overloads.
typedef std::list<PDUFTGNeighbor *> NeighborState;
typedef NeighborState::iterator EIter;
// Generator of the forwarding informations.
class PDUFwdTabGenerator : public cSimpleModule
// Signal to notify forwarding info update occurs.
simsignal_t sigPDUFTGFwdInfoUpdate;
// Listener for forwarding information.
LisPDUFTGFwdInfoRecv * lisInfoRecv;
// The actual active forwarding policy to use.
PDUFTGPolicy * fwdPolicy;
// Contains the actual status of the network we're aware of.
NetworkState netState;
// Contains the list of N-DIF neighbors of this IPC Address.
NeighborState neiState;
// PDU Forwarding table module pointer(filled during initialization).
PDUForwardingTable* fwTable;
// This table will allow us to get the right queue starting from the flow information.
NM1FlowTable * flTable;
// The IP Address. We will use this to filter flow informations and collect
// only those of the same DIF.
Address ipcAddr;
// Will the network state be visible at upper levels?
bool showNetState;
// The module where the report will be posted on.
cModule * nstm;
// Gets a user friendly formatted network state report.
std::string prepareFriendlyNetState();
virtual void finish();
virtual void initialize();
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg);
// Initializes the necessary input/output mechanisms.
void initializeSignalsAndListeners();
// Getters:
// Gets the managed instance of Forwarding table.
PDUForwardingTable * getForwardingTable();
// Gets the address associated with this IPC.
Address getIpcAddress();
// Gets the map of the current mapped neighbors.
NeighborState * getNeighborhoodState();
// Gets the actual network state known by us.
NetworkState * getNetworkState();
// Find the next known neighbor to reach the destination.
PDUFTGNeighbor * getNextNeighbor(Address destination, unsigned short qos);
// Gets the managed instance of the N-1 flow table.
NM1FlowTable * getNM1FlowTable();
// No network state actions.
// Actions are defined on data, and data can be policy defined. So procedure to handle
// such data should be shipped with the policy itself.
// Returns the actual string formatted network info we have.
std::string netInfo();
// Neighbors state actions:
// Insert a new neighbor.
void insertNeighbor(Address addr, unsigned short qos, RMTPort * p);
// Check if the neighbor desired exists.
PDUFTGNeighbor * neighborExists(Address src);
// Returns the actual string formatted neighbor state.
std::string neiInfo();
// Removes a neighbor.
void removeNeiInfo(Address addr);
// Policy plugin architecture:
// Publish a policy replacing the one actually in use.
void publishPolicy(PDUFTGPolicy * p);
// Removes the actual policy in use.
void unpublishPolicy();
// Flow up/down operations:
// Inserts a new flow through which a neighbor can be reached.
void insertFlowInfo(Address addr, unsigned short qos, RMTPort * port);
// Removes an existing flow from the existing ones.
void removeFlowInfo(RMTPort * port);
// Module signal emission:
// Signal to whoever listen for SIG_PDUFTG_FwdInfoUpdate event that an update
// information must be handled.
void signalForwardingInfoUpdate(PDUFTGUpdate * info);
// Handle an incoming update message.
void handleUpdateMessage(PDUFTGUpdate * info);
// Debug only
// Bubble out a message on the selected network state report module.
void reportBubbleInfo(const char * message);