// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* @file RA.h
* @author Tomas Hykel (xhykel01@stud.fit.vutbr.cz)
* @brief Monitoring and adjustment of IPC process operations
* @detail
#ifndef __RINA_RA_H_
#define __RINA_RA_H_
#include <omnetpp.h>
#include "RINASignals.h"
#include "DA.h"
#include "FABase.h"
#include "RMT.h"
#include "RMTPort.h"
#include "RABase.h"
#include "RAListeners.h"
#include "PDUForwardingTable.h"
#include "NM1FlowTable.h"
#include "QueueAllocBase.h"
/* Forwarding and routing stuff... */
#include "PDUFwdTabGenerator.h"
extern const char* PAR_QOSDATA;
extern const char* ELEM_QOSCUBE;
extern const char* ELEM_AVGBW;
extern const char* ELEM_AVGSDUBW;
extern const char* ELEM_PEAKBWDUR;
extern const char* ELEM_PEAKSDUBWDUR;
extern const char* ELEM_BURSTPERIOD;
extern const char* ELEM_BURSTDURATION;
extern const char* ELEM_UNDETECTBITERR;
extern const char* ELEM_MAXSDUSIZE;
extern const char* ELEM_PARTIALDELIVER;
extern const char* ELEM_INCOMPLETEDELIVER;
extern const char* ELEM_FORCEORDER;
extern const char* ELEM_MAXALLOWGAP;
extern const char* ELEM_DELAY;
extern const char* ELEM_JITTER;
extern const char* ELEM_COSTTIME;
extern const char* ELEM_COSTBITS;
extern const char* ELEM_ATIME;
class RA : public RABase
virtual void createNM1Flow(Flow *flow);
virtual void createNM1FlowWithoutAllocate(Flow *flow);
virtual void removeNM1Flow(Flow *flow);
virtual bool bindNFlowToNM1Flow(Flow* flow);
// event hook handlers
virtual void postNFlowAllocation(Flow* flow);
virtual void postNM1FlowAllocation(Flow* flow);
virtual void initialize(int stage);
int numInitStages() const { return 2; };
virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg);
DA* difAllocator;
cModule* thisIPC;
cModule* rmtModule;
RMT* rmt;
RMTModuleAllocator* rmtAllocator;
//PDUForwardingTable* fwdTable;
NM1FlowTable* flowTable;
QueueAllocBase* qAllocPolicy;
// Forwarding and routing stuff...
PDUFwdTabGenerator * fwdtg;
std::string processName;
std::list<Flow*> preparedFlows;
void initQoSCubes();
void initSignalsAndListeners();
void initFlowAlloc();
void setRMTMode();
void bindMediumToRMT();
RMTPort* bindNM1FlowToRMT(cModule* ipc, FABase* fab, Flow* flow);
void interconnectModules(cModule* m1, cModule* m2, std::string n1, std::string n2);
std::string normalizePortID(std::string ipcName, int flowPortID);
simsignal_t sigRACreFloPosi;
simsignal_t sigRACreFloNega;
LisRACreFlow* lisRACreFlow;
LisRAAllocResPos* lisRAAllocResPos;
LisRACreAllocResPos* lisRACreAllocResPos;
LisRACreResPosi* lisRACreResPosi;
void signalizeCreateFlowPositiveToRIBd(Flow* flow);
void signalizeCreateFlowNegativeToRIBd(Flow* flow);