Switch to side-by-side view

--- a
+++ b/src/DAF/AE/AESender.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+#include "AESender.h"
+AESender::AESender() : AE() {
+    S_TIM_START           = "StartCommunication";
+    S_TIM_COM             = "MakeCommunication";
+    S_TIM_STOP            = "StopCommunication";
+    S_PAR_START           = "startAt";
+    S_PAR_STOP            = "stopAt";
+    S_PAR_SEND            = "sendAfter";
+    S_PAR_DSTAPNAME       = "dstApName";
+    S_PAR_DSTAPINSTANCE   = "dstApInstance";
+    S_PAR_DSTAENAME       = "dstAeName";
+    S_PAR_DSTAEINSTANCE   = "dstAeInstance";
+    S_PAR_RATE            = "rate";
+    S_PAR_RATE_VAR        = "ratevar";
+    S_PAR_SIZE            = "size";
+    S_PAR_SIZE_VAR        = "sizevar";
+    S_MSG_PING            = "PING-";
+    S_PAR_PING            = "pingAt";
+    S_VAL_MODULEPATH      = "getFullPath()";
+AESender::~AESender() {
+    connectionState = NIL;
+    FlowObject = NULL;
+    Irm = NULL;
+    Cdap = NULL;
+void AESender::prepareAllocateRequest() {
+    //Schedule AllocateRequest
+    cMessage* m1 = new cMessage(S_TIM_START);
+    scheduleAt(startAt, m1);
+void AESender::prepareDeallocateRequest() {
+    //Schedule DeallocateRequest
+    cMessage* m3 = new cMessage(S_TIM_STOP);
+    scheduleAt(stopAt, m3);
+void AESender::initialize()
+    //Init pointers
+    initPointers();
+    //Source info
+    initNamingInfo();
+    //Setup signals
+    initSignalsAndListeners();
+    //Init QoSRequirements
+    initQoSRequiremets();
+    //Timers
+    startAt = simTime() + par(S_PAR_START);
+    stopAt  = simTime() + par(S_PAR_STOP);
+    sendAfter  = par(S_PAR_SEND);
+    if(sendAfter<1){
+        sendAfter = 1;
+    }
+    //Time between PDUS (s)
+    rate    = par(S_PAR_RATE).doubleValue();
+    ratevar    = par(S_PAR_RATE_VAR).doubleValue();
+    //SIZE of PDU
+    size    = par(S_PAR_SIZE);
+    sizevar    = par(S_PAR_SIZE_VAR);
+    //Destination for flow
+    dstApName     = this->par(S_PAR_DSTAPNAME).stringValue();
+    dstApInstance = this->par(S_PAR_DSTAPINSTANCE).stringValue();
+    dstAeName     = this->par(S_PAR_DSTAENAME).stringValue();
+    dstAeInstance = this->par(S_PAR_DSTAEINSTANCE).stringValue();
+    //Schedule AllocateRequest
+    if (startAt > 0)
+        prepareAllocateRequest();
+    //Schedule DeallocateRequest
+    /*
+    if (stopAt > 0)
+        prepareDeallocateRequest();
+    */
+    myPath = this->getFullPath();
+    send = 0;
+    received = 0;
+    pingreceived = 0;
+    sendSize = 0;
+    receivedSize = 0;
+    pingreceivedSize = 0;
+    minDelay = 999;
+    maxDelay = -1;
+    firstR = -1;
+    lastR = 0;
+    //Watchers
+    WATCH(FlowObject);
+    WATCH(send);
+    WATCH(received);
+    WATCH(pingreceived);
+    WATCH(sendSize);
+    WATCH(receivedSize);
+    WATCH(pingreceivedSize);
+    WATCH(minDelay);
+    WATCH(maxDelay);
+void AESender::finish()
+    EV << "At "<<this->getApni()<<endl;
+    EV << send << " ("<<sendSize << ")"<<endl;
+    EV << received << " ("<<receivedSize << ")"<<endl;
+    EV << pingreceived << " ("<<pingreceivedSize << ")"<<endl;
+    EV << minDelay << " / "<<maxDelay<<endl;
+    EV << firstR << " -> "<<lastR<<endl;
+    EV << "-----------------"<<endl;
+void AESender::handleSelfMessage(cMessage *msg) {
+    //EV << flows.back().info() << endl;
+    if ( !strcmp(msg->getName(), S_TIM_START) ) {
+        //FIXME: Vesely - last flow in a list?!
+        //Flow
+        APNamingInfo src = this->getApni();
+        APNamingInfo dst = APNamingInfo( APN(this->dstApName), this->dstApInstance,
+                                         this->dstAeName, this->dstAeInstance);
+        FlowObject = new Flow(src, dst);
+        FlowObject->setQosParameters(this->getQoSRequirements());
+        //Insert it to the Flows ADT
+        insertFlow();
+        sendAllocationRequest(FlowObject);
+        //Schedule ComRequest
+        cMessage* m = new cMessage(S_TIM_COM);
+        scheduleAt(simTime()+sendAfter, m);
+    }
+    else if ( !strcmp(msg->getName(), S_TIM_STOP) ) {
+        sendDeallocationRequest(FlowObject);
+    }
+    else if ( !strcmp(msg->getName(), S_TIM_COM) ) {
+        if(stopAt > simTime()){
+            int msgSize = size + intuniform(-sizevar,sizevar);
+            double msgWait = rate + intuniform(-ratevar,ratevar);
+            //Create PING messsage
+            CDAP_M_Read* ping = new CDAP_M_Read(S_VAL_MODULEPATH);
+            object_t obj;
+            obj.objectName = S_VAL_MODULEPATH;
+            obj.objectClass = "string";
+            obj.objectInstance = -1;
+            obj.objectVal = (cObject*)(&myPath);
+            ping->setObject(obj);
+            ping->setByteLength(msgSize);
+            //Send message
+            sendData(FlowObject, ping);
+            send++;
+            sendSize += msgSize;
+            //Schedule ComRequest
+            cMessage* m = new cMessage(S_TIM_COM);
+            scheduleAt(simTime()+msgWait, m);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        EV << this->getFullPath() << " received unknown self-message " << msg->getName();
+    delete(msg);
+void AESender::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
+    if ( msg->isSelfMessage() )
+            this->handleSelfMessage(msg);
+void AESender::processMRead(CDAPMessage* msg) {
+    CDAP_M_Read* msg1 = check_and_cast<CDAP_M_Read*>(msg);
+    EV << "Received M_Read";
+    object_t object = msg1->getObject();
+    EV << " with object '" << object.objectClass << "'" << endl;
+    if ( strstr(object.objectName.c_str(), S_VAL_MODULEPATH) ) {
+        std::string* source = (std::string*)(object.objectVal);
+        std::ostringstream os;
+        os << "Ping requested by " <<  *source << endl;
+        bubble(os.str().c_str());
+        EV << os.str().c_str();
+        //Create PING response
+        CDAP_M_Read_R* pong = new CDAP_M_Read_R(S_VAL_MODULEPATH);
+        object_t obj;
+        obj.objectName = S_VAL_MODULEPATH;
+        obj.objectClass = "string";
+        obj.objectInstance = -1;
+        obj.objectVal = (cObject*)(&myPath);
+        pong->setObject(obj);
+        pong->setByteLength(msg->getByteLength());
+        sendData(FlowObject, pong);
+        pingreceived++;
+        pingreceivedSize += msg->getByteLength();
+        simtime_t delay = simTime() - msg->getCreationTime();
+        if(minDelay>delay){
+            minDelay = delay;
+        }
+        if(maxDelay<delay){
+            maxDelay = delay;
+        }
+        if(firstR<0)  {
+            firstR = simTime();
+        }
+        lastR = simTime();
+    }
+void AESender::processMReadR(CDAPMessage* msg) {
+    CDAP_M_Read_R* msg1 = check_and_cast<CDAP_M_Read_R*>(msg);
+    EV << "Received M_Read_R";
+    object_t object = msg1->getObject();
+    EV << " with object '" << object.objectClass << "'" << endl;
+    if ( strstr(object.objectName.c_str(), S_VAL_MODULEPATH) ) {
+        std::string* source = (std::string*)(object.objectVal);
+        std::ostringstream os;
+        os << "Ping replied by " <<  *source << endl;
+        bubble(os.str().c_str());
+        EV << os.str().c_str();
+        received++;
+        receivedSize += msg->getByteLength();
+        simtime_t delay = simTime() - msg->getCreationTime();
+        if(minDelay>delay){
+            minDelay = delay;
+        }
+        if(maxDelay<delay){
+            maxDelay = delay;
+        }
+        if(firstR<0)  {
+            firstR = simTime();
+        }
+        lastR = simTime();
+    }