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    <title>Recoll text search finds your documents</title>
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    <meta name="Description" content="Recoll is a desktop text search application for Unix, Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, based on the Xapian search engine library.">
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      <h1><img align="center" src="pics/recoll64.png"/>
        <a href="">Recoll</a> is
	a desktop full-text search tool.</h1>

      <p><span class="application">Recoll</span> finds keywords
        inside documents as well as file names.</p>
        <li>It can search
          most <span class="important"><a href="features.html#doctypes">document
          formats</a></span>. <a href="features.html#doctypes">You may
            need external applications for text extraction</a>.</li>
        <li>It can reach any storage place: files, 
          archive members, email attachments, transparently
          handling decompression.</li>
        <li>One click will open the document inside a native editor or
          display an even quicker text preview.</li>
        <li>The software is free, open source,
	  and licensed under the GPL.</li>
        <li><a href="features.html">Detailed features</a> and
          application requirements for supported document types.</li>  

      <p>The current <span class="application">Recoll</span> version is
	<a href="download.html">1.21.6</a> 
	(<a href="release-1.21.html">Release notes</a>,
        <a href="BUGS.html">known
          bugs</a>, <a href="release-history.html">Release history</a>).</p>

      <p><span class="application">Recoll</span> is based on the very
        strong <a href="">Xapian</a> search
        engine library, for which it provides a powerful text
	extraction layer and a complete, yet easy to use, Qt graphical

      <p class="remark">Recoll will index an <b>MS-Word</b> document
      stored as an <b>attachment</b> to an <b>e-mail message</b> inside
	  a <b>Thunderbird folder</b> archived in a <b>Zip file</b> (and
	  more...). It will also help you search for it with a friendly and
	  powerful interface, and let you open a copy of a PDF at the right
	  page with two clicks. There is little that will remain
	  hidden on your disk.</p>

      <p>Recoll has extensive <a href="doc.html">
          documentation</a>. If you run into a problem, or want to
          propose improvements, you are welcome to use
          the <a href="support.html">
          <span class="important">mailing list or problem

      <p><b><i>Recoll user ?</i></b> Maybe there are still a few useful
      	  search tricks that you don't know about. A quick look at
	the <a href="usermanual/RCL.SEARCH.html#RCL.SEARCH.GUI.TIPS">search
	tips</a> might prove useful ! Also the 
        <a href="">
          Faqs and Howtos</a> on, and some contributed
          <a href="custom.html">result list formats</a>.</p>

      <div class="news">

        <dt>2016-04-07</dt><dd>Release 1.21.6  adds KDE5 compatibility
          for the KIO slave.</dd>
        <dt>2016-01-29</dt><dd>Release 1.21.5 is out. It fixes a
          relatively nasty bug affecting all previous 1.21 versions:
          the query language parser processed incorrectly multiple
          mime type or category specifications, with missing results
          as a consequence </dd>

        <dt>2016-01-12</dt><dd>It seems that we currently have a
          relatively frequent problem resulting in damaged indexes. If
          you are experimenting heavy reindexing (incremental indexing
          takes longer than it should), or missing search results,
          please take a look at the top of
          the <a href="BUGS.html">known bugs page</a></dd>

        <dd><a href="pics/windows-recoll.html">
            <img align="left" width="100" alt="Recoll on MS-Windows" 
          <span class="important">Recoll for
            MS-Windows</span>. Still a few things missing (like
          real-time monitoring), but it does work, and it has a proper
          installer, so you can easily get rid of it if you don't like
          it. <a href="pages/recoll-windows.html">Have a look.</a>.
          This is an almost-native port, based on Qt and the Windows
          API, no need for Cygwin. Thanks to Christian Motz for
          helping with the filter interface (and the rest).  I would
          love some feedback!<br clear="all">

        <dd>A bug in the verification of configuration file path variables
          generates spurious warnings from recollindex when the
          skippedPaths variable contains elements with wildcards. This
          has no consequence except for the spurious error

        <dd>Release 1.21.2 is out, and replaces 1.20 as production
          release. </dd>

        <dd>A new rclpdf filter, with improved compatibility with
        recent poppler pdftotext
          versions. See <a href="filters/filters.html">rclpdf

        <dd>Recoll 1.21.0 is out. This has a new query parser and
          should be considered an instable release, please do not
          package it (1.20.6 is the one you want for stability). It
          also <a href="idxthreads/forkingRecoll.html">changes the way
            filters are executed</a> for better performance. See the
          <a href="release-1.21.html">release notes</a> for more
          detail about the few other changes.</dd>

        <dd>Recoll 1.20.6 is out, with mostly small fixes to
          compressed file handling, which may make a big difference in
          some cases. See the <a href="release-1.20.html">release
          notes</a>. Of course it also incorportates the Qt 5
          compatibility from 1.20.5 (Qt
          5.3.2 ok, 5.2 does not work).</dd>

        <dd>Recoll 1.20.4 released. This fixes real time indexing of
          the web history (when using the Firefox plugin).</dd>
        <dd><a href="">
          Unrtf 21.8</a> has been released. This fixes many issues
          in unrtf, some with possible security implications. You
          really want to use this version.</dd>

        <dt>2014-12-18</dt> <dd>Recoll 1.20.1 is out and replaces 1.19
          as the main version. I have been using 1.20 for months
          (along with a number of fearless builders-from-source), and
          it's as stable as 1.19, with nice
          small <a href="release-1.20.html">new features</a>. Packages
          will follow shortly. It is recommended (but not strictly
          required, see the notes) to run an index reset when

        <dt>2014-12-10</dt> <dd>The aspell command used for
          orthographic suggestions is broken on Debian Jessie (because
          of an aspell packaging issue), and this will not be fixed
          for the Debian release. See the <a href="BUGS.html#aspelljessie">
            simple workaround here</a>.</dd>

        <dt>2014-11-09</dt> <dd>If you are still running anything
          older than 1.19.14p2, <span class="important">YOU SHOULD
          UPGRADE</span>. In
          particular, <a href="release-1.19.html#rodb">this index
            corruption issue</a> leading to repeated reindexing of
            documents, and possibly query problems too, can be pretty
          GOTO <a href="download.html">download</a> and
          install 1.19.14p2 or 1.20. <em>Reset your index after
            upgrading (rm -rf ~/.recoll/xapiandb)</em>.</dd>

        <dt>2014-07-28</dt> <dd>A nice new application to complement
          Recoll: <a href="">recollfs</a>
          implements a Fuse filesystem where Recoll queries are
          represented as directories, the contents of which are links
          to the result documents.</dd>

        <dt>2014-07-16</dt> <dd>Recoll version 1.19.14p2 fixes more
          resource management issues in the Python module (only the
          Python package needs upgrading for this), and the processing
          of Bengali characters (no more diacritics stripping).</dd>

        <dt>2014-06-24</dt> <dd><a href="filters/filters.html#soff1">An
            updated filter</a> for Open/LibreOffice documents. The
          previous version merged words which were tab-separated in
          the input.</dd>

        <dt>2014-06-17</dt> <dd>The source tarball for version 1.20.0
          has been released. This version has
          a <a href="release-1.20.html">number of improvements</a> over
          1.19, but also some incompatibilities. The first minor
          releases for 1.20 may contain some functional changes in
          addition to bug fixes, so they may be slightly less stable
          than 1.19, and 1.19 packages remain the "safe Recoll" for
          now. Still, if you build from source, there are a few nice 
          things in 1.20...</dd>

        <dt>2014-06-07</dt> <dd>Version 1.19.14 is out and fixes a
          handful of minor-to-ennoying indexing glitches (see the 
          <a href="release-1.19.html">Release notes</a>).</dd>

        <dt>2014-05-06</dt> <dd>Version 1.19.13 is out and hopefully
          fixes the remaining (rare) crashes of multithreaded

        <dt>2014-04-03</dt> <dd>I have separated the code for the 
          <a href="">Recoll
            Unity Scope</a> from the main body of code, in hope that it may
          interest someone to work on it. It's Python and simple,
          mostly depending on the Unity API. The Ubuntu Unity API is
          apparently going to change *again* for the next version, and
          I think I've seen enough of it.</dd>

        <dt>2014-04-02</dt> <dd>1.19.12 is out. It's mostly identical
          to 1.19.11 apart from a new parameter to change the max size
          of stored attributes. No need to update in general.</dd>

        <dt>2014-02-27</dt> <dd>I hear from time to time about
          recollindex crashes. These appear to be quite rare, but they
          do happen, and I think that they are linked to a yet unfound
          bug in multithread indexing. If you experience such crashes or
          stalls, you can disable multithreading by adding the following
          to your recoll.conf:
          <pre><tt>thrQSizes = -1 -1 -1</tt></pre>

        <dt>2014-02-27</dt><dd>While working on a 
          <a href="">
            Recoll-Mutt interface</a> I discovered incidentally that
            the <a href="">Recoll
            Webui Web interface</a> works quite well with the 
          <a href="">links</a> web browser
          inside a terminal window. This appears to be an interesting
          solution for people looking for a search interface usable in
          a non-GUI environment.</dd>

        <dt>2013-11-19</dt> <dd>A <a href="filters/filters.html">new
            filter</a> for PowerPoint files. The previous one was
          based on the ancient <b>catppt</b> from the <b>catdoc</b>
          utilities and usually extracted nothing from more recent
          PowerPoint files (this is about .ppt: .pptx is handled by a native
          Recoll filter).</dd>
        <dt>2013-05-18</dt><dd>Sometimes things 
          <a href="">
            just work</a>...</dd>

        <dt>2013-04-30</dt><dd>Thanks to some of its users, Recoll now
          has filters to 
          <a href="">
            index and retrieve Lotus Notes messages</a> 
          <a href="">
            implementation notes from an early user</a>), and there is
            also now a 
            <a href="">
              Web browser interface</a> for querying your Recoll

        <dt>2012-10-25</dt> <dd>A problem with a simple workaround has caused
          several reported <span class="important">recollindex
          crashes</span> recently (for 1.17). If you store and index
          Mozilla/Thunderbird email out of the standard location
          (~/.thunderbird), you should add the following at the end of
          your configuration file (e.g.:
          ~/.recoll/recoll.conf): <pre><tt>
              mhmboxquirks = tbird
          </tt></pre> Adjust the path to your local value of course...
          Without this hint, recollindex has trouble finding the
          message delimiters inside the folder files, and will
          possibly use all the computer's memory and crash. Apart from
          crashes, which only occur for very big folders, this also
          causes incorrect mail indexing.

        <dt>2012-09-11</dt> <dd>A new user-contributed script for those who use
          real-time indexing on laptops: stop or start indexing
          according to AC power status. See the details on
          the <a href="">
            Wiki</a>. </dd>

        <dt>2012-04-07</dt><dd>We now have a Chinese user manual:
        <a href="">

      <p>Recoll borrows a lot of code
	from other packages, and welcomes code and ideas from
	contributors, see some of the 
	<a class="important" href="credits.html">Credits</a>.</p>

      <h2>On the side</h2>

      <div class="news">
        <p>We rent <a href="">
	    a big country house</a> in the Aude area, in the south of
	  France (<a href="">see
	    map on the site</a>). If you are
	  looking for a wonderful country place with a pool to
	  spend holidays with a big bunch of family and/or
          friends in a nice historical but very quiet area, this may be it.</p>
