#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#$Id: mimeparse.cpp,v 1.19 2007-10-17 11:40:35 dockes Exp $ (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes";
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mimeparse.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "transcode.h"
#include "smallut.h"
using namespace std;
#endif /* NO_NAMESPACES */
#define DPRINT(X) fprintf X
#define DPRINT(X)
// Parsing a header value. Only content-type and content-disposition
// have parameters, but others are compatible with content-type
// syntax, only, parameters are not used. So we can parse all like:
// headertype: value [; paramname=paramvalue] ...
// Value and paramvalues can be quoted strings, and there can be
// comments too. Note that RFC2047 is explicitely forbidden for
// parameter values (RFC2231 must be used), but I have seen it used
// anyway (ie: thunderbird 1.0)
// Ref: RFC2045/6/7 (MIME) RFC2183/2231 (content-disposition and encodings)
/** Decode a MIME parameter value encoded according to rfc2231
* Example input withs input charset == "":
* [iso-8859-1'french'RE%A0%3A_Smoke_Tests%20bla]
* Or (if charset is set) : RE%A0%3A_Smoke_Tests%20bla
* @param in input string, ascii with rfc2231 markup
* @param out output string
* @param charset if empty: decode string like 'charset'lang'more%20stuff,
* else just do the %XX part
* @return out output string encoded in utf-8
bool rfc2231_decode(const string &in, string &out, string &charset)
string::size_type pos1, pos2=0;
if (charset.empty()) {
if ((pos1 = in.find("'")) == string::npos)
return false;
charset = in.substr(0, pos1);
// fprintf(stderr, "Charset: [%s]\n", charset.c_str());
if ((pos2 = in.find("'", pos1)) == string::npos)
return false;
// We have no use for lang for now
// string lang = in.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1);
// fprintf(stderr, "Lang: [%s]\n", lang.c_str());
string raw;
qp_decode(in.substr(pos2), raw, '%');
// fprintf(stderr, "raw [%s]\n", raw.c_str());
if (!transcode(raw, out, charset, "UTF-8"))
return false;
return true;
/// Decoding of MIME fields values and parameters
// The lexical token returned by find_next_token
class Lexical {
enum kind {none, token, separator};
kind what;
string value;
string error;
char quote;
Lexical() : what(none), quote(0) {}
void reset() {what = none; value.erase(); error.erase();quote = 0;}
// Skip mime comment. This must be called with in[start] == '('
static string::size_type
skip_comment(const string &in, string::size_type start, Lexical &lex)
int commentlevel = 0;
for (; start < in.size(); start++) {
if (in[start] == '\\') {
// Skip escaped char.
if (start+1 < in.size()) {
} else {
lex.error.append("\\ at end of string ");
return in.size();
if (in[start] == '(')
if (in[start] == ')') {
if (--commentlevel == 0)
if (start == in.size() && commentlevel != 0) {
lex.error.append("Unclosed comment ");
return in.size();
return start;
// Skip initial whitespace and (possibly nested) comments.
static string::size_type
skip_whitespace_and_comment(const string &in, string::size_type start,
Lexical &lex)
while (1) {
if ((start = in.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n", start)) == string::npos)
return in.size();
if (in[start] == '(') {
if ((start = skip_comment(in, start, lex)) == string::npos)
return string::npos;
} else {
return start;
/// Find next token in mime header value string.
/// @return the next starting position in string, string::npos for error
/// @param in the input string
/// @param start the starting position
/// @param lex the returned token and its description
/// @param delims separators we should look for
static string::size_type
find_next_token(const string &in, string::size_type start,
Lexical &lex, string delims = ";=")
char oquot, cquot;
start = skip_whitespace_and_comment(in, start, lex);
if (start == string::npos || start == in.size())
return in.size();
// Begins with separator ? return it.
string::size_type delimi = delims.find_first_of(in[start]);
if (delimi != string::npos) {
lex.what = Lexical::separator;
lex.value = delims[delimi];
return start+1;
// Check for start of quoted string
oquot = in[start];
switch (oquot) {
case '<': cquot = '>';break;
case '"': cquot = '"';break;
default: cquot = 0; break;
if (cquot != 0) {
// Quoted string parsing
string::size_type end;
start++; // Skip quote character
for (end = start;end < in.size() && in[end] != cquot; end++) {
if (in[end] == '\\') {
// Skip escaped char.
if (end+1 < in.size()) {
} else {
// backslash at end of string: error
lex.error.append("\\ at end of string ");
return string::npos;
if (end == in.size()) {
// Found end of string before closing quote character: error
lex.error.append("Unclosed quoted string ");
return string::npos;
lex.what = Lexical::token;
lex.value = in.substr(start, end-start);
lex.quote = oquot;
return ++end;
} else {
string::size_type end = in.find_first_of(delims + "\r\n \t(", start);
lex.what = Lexical::token;
lex.quote = 0;
if (end == string::npos) {
end = in.size();
lex.value = in.substr(start);
} else {
lex.value = in.substr(start, end-start);
return end;
// Classes for handling rfc2231 value continuations
class Chunk {
Chunk() : decode(false) {}
bool decode;
string value;
class Chunks {
vector<Chunk> chunks;
void stringtolower(string &out, const string& in)
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < in.size(); i++)
out.append(1, char(tolower(in[i])));
// Parse MIME field value. Should look like:
// somevalue ; param1=val1;param2=val2
bool parseMimeHeaderValue(const string& value, MimeHeaderValue& parsed)
Lexical lex;
string::size_type start = 0;
// Get the field value
start = find_next_token(value, start, lex);
if (start == string::npos || lex.what != Lexical::token)
return false;
parsed.value = lex.value;
map<string, string> rawparams;
// Look for parameters
for (;;) {
string paramname, paramvalue;
start = find_next_token(value, start, lex);
if (start == value.size())
if (start == string::npos) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Find_next_token error(1)\n");
return false;
if (lex.what == Lexical::separator && lex.value[0] == ';')
if (lex.what != Lexical::token)
return false;
stringtolower(paramname, lex.value);
start = find_next_token(value, start, lex);
if (start == string::npos || lex.what != Lexical::separator ||
lex.value[0] != '=') {
//fprintf(stderr, "Find_next_token error (2)\n");
return false;
start = find_next_token(value, start, lex);
if (start == string::npos || lex.what != Lexical::token) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Parameter has no value!");
return false;
paramvalue = lex.value;
rawparams[paramname] = paramvalue;
//fprintf(stderr, "RAW: name [%s], value [%s]\n", paramname.c_str(),
// paramvalue.c_str());
// fprintf(stderr, "Number of raw params %d\n", rawparams.size());
// RFC2231 handling:
// - if a parameter name ends in * it must be decoded
// - If a parameter name looks line name*ii[*] it is a
// partial value, and must be concatenated with other such.
map<string, Chunks> chunks;
for (map<string, string>::const_iterator it = rawparams.begin();
it != rawparams.end(); it++) {
string nm = it->first;
// fprintf(stderr, "NM: [%s]\n", nm.c_str());
if (nm.empty()) // ??
Chunk chunk;
if (nm[nm.length()-1] == '*') {
nm.erase(nm.length() - 1);
chunk.decode = true;
} else
chunk.decode = false;
// fprintf(stderr, "NM1: [%s]\n", nm.c_str());
chunk.value = it->second;
// Look for another asterisk in nm. If none, assign index 0
string::size_type aster;
int idx = 0;
if ((aster = nm.rfind("*")) != string::npos) {
string num = nm.substr(aster+1);
//fprintf(stderr, "NUM: [%s]\n", num.c_str());
idx = atoi(num.c_str());
Chunks empty;
if (chunks.find(nm) == chunks.end())
chunks[nm] = empty;
chunks[nm].chunks[idx] = chunk;
//fprintf(stderr, "CHNKS: nm [%s], idx %d, decode %d, value [%s]\n",
// nm.c_str(), idx, int(chunk.decode), chunk.value.c_str());
// For each parameter name, concatenate its chunks and possibly
// decode Note that we pass the whole concatenated string to
// decoding if the first chunk indicates that decoding is needed,
// which is not right because there might be uncoded chunks
// according to the rfc.
for (map<string, Chunks>::const_iterator it = chunks.begin();
it != chunks.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.chunks.empty())
string nm = it->first;
// Create the name entry
if (parsed.params.find(nm) == parsed.params.end())
parsed.params[nm] = "";
// Concatenate all chunks and decode the whole if the first one needs
// to. Yes, this is not quite right.
string value;
for (vector<Chunk>::const_iterator vi = it->second.chunks.begin();
vi != it->second.chunks.end(); vi++) {
value += vi->value;
if (it->second.chunks[0].decode) {
string charset;
rfc2231_decode(value, parsed.params[nm], charset);
} else {
// rfc2047 MUST NOT but IS used by some agents
rfc2047_decode(value, parsed.params[nm]);
//fprintf(stderr, "FINAL: nm [%s], value [%s]\n",
//nm.c_str(), parsed.params[nm].c_str());
return true;
// Decode a string encoded with quoted-printable encoding.
// we reuse the code for rfc2231 % encoding, even if the eol
// processing is not useful in this case
bool qp_decode(const string& in, string &out, char esc)
string::size_type ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < in.length(); ii++) {
if (in[ii] == esc) {
ii++; // Skip '=' or '%'
if(ii >= in.length() - 1) { // Need at least 2 more chars
} else if (in[ii] == '\r' && in[ii+1] == '\n') { // Soft nl, skip
} else if (in[ii] != '\n' && in[ii] != '\r') { // decode
char c = in[ii];
char co;
if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
co = char((c - 'A' + 10) * 16);
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
co = char((c - 'a' + 10) * 16);
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
co = char((c - '0') * 16);
} else {
return false;
if(++ii >= in.length())
c = in[ii];
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
co += char(c - 'A' + 10);
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
co += char(c - 'a' + 10);
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
co += char(c - '0');
} else {
return false;
out += co;
} else {
out += in[ii];
return true;
// Decode an word encoded as quoted printable or base 64
static bool rfc2047_decodeParsed(const std::string& charset,
const std::string& encoding,
const std::string& value,
std::string &utf8)
DPRINT((stderr, "DecodeParsed: charset [%s] enc [%s] val [%s]\n",
charset.c_str(), encoding.c_str(), value.c_str()));
utf8 = "";
string decoded;
if (!stringlowercmp("b", encoding)) {
if (!base64_decode(value, decoded))
return false;
DPRINT((stderr, "FromB64: [%s]\n", decoded.c_str()));
} else if (!stringlowercmp("q", encoding)) {
if (!qp_decode(value, decoded))
return false;
// Need to translate _ to ' ' here
string temp;
for (string::size_type pos = 0; pos < decoded.length(); pos++)
if (decoded[pos] == '_')
temp += ' ';
temp += decoded[pos];
decoded = temp;
DPRINT((stderr, "FromQP: [%s]\n", decoded.c_str()));
} else {
DPRINT((stderr, "Bad encoding [%s]\n", encoding.c_str()));
return false;
if (!transcode(decoded, utf8, charset, "UTF-8")) {
DPRINT((stderr, "Transcode failed\n"));
return false;
return true;
// Parse a mail header value encoded according to RFC2047.
// This is not supposed to be used for MIME parameter values, but it
// happens.
// Bugs:
// - We should turn off decoding while inside quoted strings
typedef enum {rfc2047base, rfc2047ready, rfc2047open_eq,
rfc2047charset, rfc2047encoding,
rfc2047value, rfc2047close_q} Rfc2047States;
bool rfc2047_decode(const std::string& in, std::string &out)
DPRINT((stderr, "rfc2047_decode: [%s]\n", in.c_str()));
Rfc2047States state = rfc2047ready;
string encoding, charset, value, utf8;
out = "";
for (string::size_type ii = 0; ii < in.length(); ii++) {
char ch = in[ii];
switch (state) {
case rfc2047base:
value += ch;
switch (ch) {
// Linear whitespace
case ' ': case ' ': state = rfc2047ready; break;
default: break;
case rfc2047ready:
switch (ch) {
// Whitespace: stay ready
case ' ': case ' ': value += ch;break;
// '=' -> forward to next state
case '=': state = rfc2047open_eq; break;
// Other: go back to sleep
default: value += ch; state = rfc2047base;
case rfc2047open_eq:
switch (ch) {
case '?':
// Transcode current (unencoded part) value:
// we sometimes find 8-bit chars in
// there. Interpret as Iso8859.
if (value.length() > 0) {
transcode(value, utf8, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8");
out += utf8;
value = "";
state = rfc2047charset;
default: state = rfc2047base; out += '='; out += ch;break;
case rfc2047charset:
switch (ch) {
case '?': state = rfc2047encoding; break;
default: charset += ch; break;
case rfc2047encoding:
switch (ch) {
case '?': state = rfc2047value; break;
default: encoding += ch; break;
case rfc2047value:
switch (ch) {
case '?': state = rfc2047close_q; break;
default: value += ch;break;
case rfc2047close_q:
switch (ch) {
case '=':
string utf8;
state = rfc2047base;
if (!rfc2047_decodeParsed(charset, encoding, value,
utf8)) {
return false;
out += utf8;
charset = encoding = value = "";
default: state = rfc2047value; value += '?';value += ch;break;
default: // ??
return false;
if (value.length() > 0) {
transcode(value, utf8, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8");
out += utf8;
value = "";
if (state != rfc2047base)
return false;
return true;
#define DEBUGDATE 0
#define DATEDEB(X) fprintf X
#define DATEDEB(X)
// Convert rfc822 date to unix time. A date string normally looks like:
// Mon, 3 Jul 2006 09:51:58 +0200
// But there are many common variations
time_t rfc2822DateToUxTime(const string& dt)
// Strip everything up to first comma if any, we don't need weekday,
// then break into tokens
list<string> toks;
string::size_type idx;
if ((idx = dt.find_first_of(",")) != string::npos) {
if (idx == dt.length() - 1) {
DATEDEB((stderr, "Bad rfc822 date format (short1): [%s]\n",
return (time_t)-1;
string date = dt.substr(idx+1);
stringToTokens(date, toks, " \t:");
} else {
stringToTokens(dt, toks, " \t:");
for (list<string>::iterator it = toks.begin(); it != toks.end(); it++) {
DATEDEB((stderr, "[%s] ", it->c_str()));
DATEDEB((stderr, "\n"));
if (toks.size() == 6) {
// Probably no timezone, sometimes happens
if (toks.size() < 7) {
DATEDEB((stderr, "Bad rfc822 date format (toks cnt): [%s]\n",
return (time_t)-1;
struct tm tm;
memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
// Load struct tm with appropriate tokens, possibly converting
// when needed
list<string>::iterator it = toks.begin();
// Day of month: no conversion needed
tm.tm_mday = atoi(it->c_str());
// Month. Only Jan-Dec are legal. January, February do happen
// though. Convert to 0-11
if (*it == "Jan" || *it == "January") tm.tm_mon = 0; else if
(*it == "Feb" || *it == "February") tm.tm_mon = 1; else if
(*it == "Mar" || *it == "March") tm.tm_mon = 2; else if
(*it == "Apr" || *it == "April") tm.tm_mon = 3; else if
(*it == "May") tm.tm_mon = 4; else if
(*it == "Jun" || *it == "June") tm.tm_mon = 5; else if
(*it == "Jul" || *it == "July") tm.tm_mon = 6; else if
(*it == "Aug" || *it == "August") tm.tm_mon = 7; else if
(*it == "Sep" || *it == "September") tm.tm_mon = 8; else if
(*it == "Oct" || *it == "October") tm.tm_mon = 9; else if
(*it == "Nov" || *it == "November") tm.tm_mon = 10; else if
(*it == "Dec" || *it == "December") tm.tm_mon = 11; else {
DATEDEB((stderr, "Bad rfc822 date format (month): [%s]\n",
return (time_t)-1;
// Year. Struct tm counts from 1900
tm.tm_year = atoi(it->c_str());
if (tm.tm_year > 1900)
tm.tm_year -= 1900;
// Hour minute second need no adjustments
tm.tm_hour = atoi(it->c_str()); it++;
tm.tm_min = atoi(it->c_str()); it++;
tm.tm_sec = atoi(it->c_str()); it++;
// Timezone is supposed to be either +-XYZT or a zone name
int zonesecs = 0;
if (it->length() < 1) {
DATEDEB((stderr, "Bad rfc822 date format (zlen): [%s]\n", dt.c_str()));
return (time_t)-1;
if (it->at(0) == '-' || it->at(0) == '+') {
// Note that +xy:zt (instead of +xyzt) sometimes happen, we
// may want to process it one day
if (it->length() < 5) {
DATEDEB((stderr, "Bad rfc822 date format (zlen1): [%s]\n",
goto nozone;
zonesecs = 3600*((it->at(1)-'0') * 10 + it->at(2)-'0')+
(it->at(3)-'0')*10 + it->at(4)-'0';
zonesecs = it->at(0) == '+' ? -1 * zonesecs : zonesecs;
} else {
int hours;
if (*it == "A") hours= 1; else if (*it == "B") hours= 2;
else if (*it == "C") hours= 3; else if (*it == "D") hours= 4;
else if (*it == "E") hours= 5; else if (*it == "F") hours= 6;
else if (*it == "G") hours= 7; else if (*it == "H") hours= 8;
else if (*it == "I") hours= 9; else if (*it == "K") hours= 10;
else if (*it == "L") hours= 11; else if (*it == "M") hours= 12;
else if (*it == "N") hours= -1; else if (*it == "O") hours= -2;
else if (*it == "P") hours= -3; else if (*it == "Q") hours= -4;
else if (*it == "R") hours= -5; else if (*it == "S") hours= -6;
else if (*it == "T") hours= -7; else if (*it == "U") hours= -8;
else if (*it == "V") hours= -9; else if (*it == "W") hours= -10;
else if (*it == "X") hours= -11; else if (*it == "Y") hours= -12;
else if (*it == "Z") hours= 0; else if (*it == "UT") hours= 0;
else if (*it == "GMT") hours= 0; else if (*it == "EST") hours= 5;
else if (*it == "EDT") hours= 4; else if (*it == "CST") hours= 6;
else if (*it == "CDT") hours= 5; else if (*it == "MST") hours= 7;
else if (*it == "MDT") hours= 6; else if (*it == "PST") hours= 8;
else if (*it == "PDT") hours= 7;
// Non standard names
// Standard Time (or Irish Summer Time?) is actually +5.5
else if (*it == "CET") hours= -1; else if (*it == "JST") hours= -9;
else if (*it == "IST") hours= -5; else if (*it == "WET") hours= 0;
else if (*it == "MET") hours= -1;
else {
DATEDEB((stderr, "Bad rfc822 date format (zname): [%s]\n",
// Forget tz
goto nozone;
zonesecs = 3600 * hours;
DATEDEB((stderr, "Tz: [%s] -> %d\n", it->c_str(), zonesecs));
// Compute the UTC Unix time value
#ifndef sun
time_t tim = timegm(&tm);
// No timegm on Sun. Use mktime, then correct for local timezone
time_t tim = mktime(&tm);
// altzone and timezone hold the difference in seconds between UTC
// and local. They are negative for places east of greenwich
// mktime takes our buffer to be local time, so it adds timezone
// to the conversion result (if timezone is < 0 it's currently
// earlier in greenwhich).
// We have to substract it back (hey! hopefully! maybe we have to
// add it). Who can really know?
tim -= timezone;
// And add in the correction from the email's Tz
tim += zonesecs;
DATEDEB((stderr, "Date: %s uxtime %ld \n", ctime(&tim), tim));
return tim;
#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include "mimeparse.h"
#include "readfile.h"
using namespace std;
extern bool rfc2231_decode(const string& in, string& out, string& charset);
extern time_t rfc2822DateToUxTime(const string& date);
static const char *thisprog;
static char usage [] =
"-p: header value and parameter test\n"
"-q: qp decoding\n"
"-b: base64\n"
"-7: rfc2047\n"
"-1: rfc2331\n"
"-t: date time\n"
" \n\n"
static void
fprintf(stderr, "%s: usage:\n%s", thisprog, usage);
static int op_flags;
#define OPT_MOINS 0x1
#define OPT_p 0x2
#define OPT_q 0x4
#define OPT_b 0x8
#define OPT_7 0x10
#define OPT_1 0x20
#define OPT_t 0x40
main(int argc, const char **argv)
int count = 10;
thisprog = argv[0];
argc--; argv++;
while (argc > 0 && **argv == '-') {
if (!(**argv))
/* Cas du "adb - core" */
while (**argv)
switch (*(*argv)++) {
case 'p': op_flags |= OPT_p; break;
case 'q': op_flags |= OPT_q; break;
case 'b': op_flags |= OPT_b; break;
case '1': op_flags |= OPT_1; break;
case '7': op_flags |= OPT_7; break;
case 't': op_flags |= OPT_t; break;
default: Usage(); break;
b1: argc--; argv++;
if (argc != 0)
if (op_flags & OPT_p) {
// Mime header value and parameters extraction
const char *tr[] = {
"text/html;charset = UTF-8 ; otherparam=garb; \n"
"QUOTEDPARAM=\"quoted value\"",
"text/plain; charset=ASCII\r\n name=\"809D3016_5691DPS_5.2.LIC\"",
"title*2=\"isn't it!\""
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(tr) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
MimeHeaderValue parsed;
if (!parseMimeHeaderValue(tr[i], parsed)) {
fprintf(stderr, "PARSE ERROR for [%s]\n", tr[i]);
printf("Field value: [%s]\n", parsed.value.c_str());
map<string, string>::iterator it;
for (it = parsed.params.begin();it != parsed.params.end();it++) {
if (it == parsed.params.begin())
printf(" [%s] = [%s]\n", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str());
} else if (op_flags & OPT_q) {
// Quoted printable stuff
const char *qp =
"=41=68 =e0 boire=\r\n continue 1ere\ndeuxieme\n\r3eme "
"agrave is: '=E0' probable skipped decode error: =\n"
"Actual decode error =xx this wont show";
string out;
if (!qp_decode(string(qp), out)) {
fprintf(stderr, "qp_decode returned error\n");
printf("Decoded: '%s'\n", out.c_str());
} else if (op_flags & OPT_b) {
// Base64
//'C'est � boire qu'il nous faut �viter l'exc�s.'
//'Deuxi�me ligne'
//'Troisi�me ligne'
//'Et la fin (pas de nl). '
const char *b64 =
string out;
if (!base64_decode(string(b64), out)) {
fprintf(stderr, "base64_decode returned error\n");
printf("Decoded: [%s]\n", out.c_str());
#if 0
string coded, decoded;
const char *fname = "/tmp/recoll_decodefail";
if (!file_to_string(fname, coded)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cant read %s\n", fname);
if (!base64_decode(coded, decoded)) {
fprintf(stderr, "base64_decode returned error\n");
printf("Decoded: [%s]\n", decoded.c_str());
} else if (op_flags & (OPT_7|OPT_1)) {
// rfc2047
char line [1024];
string out;
bool res;
while (fgets(line, 1023, stdin)) {
int l = strlen(line);
if (l == 0)
line[l-1] = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Line: [%s]\n", line);
string charset;
if (op_flags & OPT_7) {
res = rfc2047_decode(line, out);
} else {
res = rfc2231_decode(line, out, charset);
if (res)
fprintf(stderr, "Out: [%s] cs %s\n", out.c_str(), charset.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "Decoding failed\n");
} else if (op_flags & OPT_t) {
time_t t;
const char *dates[] = {
" Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:40:26 -0700 (PDT)",
" Mon, 3 Jul 2006 09:51:58 +0200",
" Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:19:48 GMT-07:00",
" Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:40:26 -0700 (PDT)",
" Sat, 23 Dec 89 19:27:12 EST",
" 13 Jan 90 08:23:29 GMT"};
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <sizeof(dates) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
t = rfc2822DateToUxTime(dates[i]);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
char datebuf[100];
strftime(datebuf, 99, " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", tm);
printf("[%s] -> [%s]\n", dates[i], datebuf);
printf("Enter date:\n");
char line [1024];
while (fgets(line, 1023, stdin)) {
int l = strlen(line);
if (l == 0) continue;
line[l-1] = 0;
t = rfc2822DateToUxTime(line);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
char datebuf[100];
strftime(datebuf, 99, " %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", tm);
printf("[%s] -> [%s]\n", line, datebuf);