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--- a/website/release-1.19.html
+++ b/website/release-1.19.html
@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@
 <h2><a name="minor_releases">Minor releases at a glance</a></h2>
+  <li>1.19.12p2 fulfills an old promise that I had forgotten: have a
+    double-clik in the result table run an "open file" action. It just
+    had waited for too long...</li>
+  <li>1.19.12p1 fixes the 1.19.12 install script which did not
+    actually copy the xls filter...</li>
+  <li>1.19.12 adds a parameter for setting the truncation size of the
+    stored metadata attributes, and a new XLS filter.</li>
   <li>1.19.11 is a fix to the install script in 1.19.10. The latter
     did not copy the new ppt extraction code to the filters directory.</li>
   <li>1.19.10 has a bit more changes than