Commit Date  
[2009f1] by dockes dockes
2006-12-07 Tree
expose abstract synthesis to let users decide w...
[aff98f] by dockes dockes
2006-12-05 Tree
[2964db] by dockes dockes
2006-12-05 Tree
merged 1.6 maint branch modifs up to MERGED_TO_...
[72fd14] by dockes dockes
2006-11-30 Tree
clear abstract if its only ...
[7467cd] by dockes dockes
2006-11-20 Tree
correctly generate highlighting term groups whe...
[1e55b8] by dockes dockes
2006-11-18 Tree
added code to remember search terms and term gr...
[48bb4a] by dockes dockes
2006-11-17 Tree
distributed files from common/ into rcld, inter...
[e0c878] by dockes dockes
2006-11-15 Tree
use SearchClauseW for all advsearch fields
[9c6894] by dockes dockes
2006-11-14 Tree
added dynamic clauses to adv search. Still need...
[7cc20a] by dockes dockes
2006-11-14 Tree
*** empty log message ***
[e4abb2] by dockes dockes
2006-11-13 Tree
use wdfs for better selection of doc extracts i...
[225c3e] by dockes dockes
2006-11-13 Tree
make searchdata a more flexible struct
[cdbf02] by dockes dockes
2006-11-13 Tree
phrase queries with bot spans and words must be...
[31b348] by dockes dockes
2006-11-12 Tree
optimized abstract building: bybye big vector
[047c1b] by dockes dockes
2006-11-10 Tree
dont continue adding ellipsis into the abstract...
[fad7a1] by dockes dockes
2006-11-09 Tree
use both size and mtime changes as updateneedin...
[86cff7] by dockes dockes
2006-11-07 Tree
wrote manual for term explorer and fixed a few ...
[b4a4eb] by dockes dockes
2006-11-06 Tree
Turn spell tool into multimode spell/wild/regexp
[1ab0a3] by dockes dockes
2006-10-30 Tree
added some debugging msgs (too much)
[74205c] by dockes dockes
2006-10-25 Tree
fix slowness in needUpdate by using Database in...
[c808c9] by dockes dockes
2006-10-24 Tree
simplify needUpdate test
[20fb46] by dockes dockes
2006-10-22 Tree
monitor: purge docs for deleted files from db
[4e0d1e] by dockes dockes
2006-10-22 Tree
aspell checkpoint
[8283ca] by dockes dockes
2006-10-09 Tree
syntabs: remove size limit. Handle overlapping ...
[650e43] by dockes dockes
2006-09-29 Tree
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Showing results of 161