Commit | Date | |
defined data structure to pass around the searc...
[dc7b34] by |
2012-08-17 | Tree |
imported gnome unity lens project
[f9835a] by |
2012-03-23 | Tree |
doc and messages touchups
[35196e] by |
2012-03-16 | Tree |
GUI: fixed a few issues with string translations
[8b4301] by |
2012-03-09 | Tree |
Implement the gui category filters as query lan...
[ef00bf] by |
2012-02-18 | Tree |
Allow cancelling a long query (forces exiting t...
[4c3d72] by |
2012-02-17 | Tree |
Result list: if a thumbnail exists for the resu...
[2a091e] by |
2012-02-14 | Tree |
restable: add menu entry to save table as csv file
[9c5886] by |
2011-08-18 | Tree |
GUI: switch to uniform yyyy-mm-dd representatio...
[5727ea] by |
2011-08-18 | Tree |
GUI restable: fix sorting by file and doc size
[48e86c] by |
2011-07-20 | Tree |
GUI: allow setting the snippet separator inside...
[469c54] by |
2011-07-07 | Tree |
gui: synchronize result list and table when fea...
[cd2fe8] by |
2011-06-29 | Tree |
GUI: extend sort state persistence to non-date ...
[21aa44] by |
2011-05-02 | Tree |
Fix problems that occurred when multiple thread...
[55f124] by |
2011-04-28 | Tree |
GUI: duplicate reslist popup menu for the restable
[9b5ff1] by |
2011-03-11 | Tree |
suppressed some overly repeated log messages
[afde2f] by |
2011-03-11 | Tree |
GUI: restable: add. small adjustement of row he...
[f9a4b0] by |
2011-03-10 | Tree |
GUI: restable: set row height according to defa...
[801da3] by |
2011-03-10 | Tree |
GUI: fix crash when adding+moving column in res...
[bd472c] by |
2011-03-03 | Tree |
got rid of accesses to global config through ge...
[e1a20a] by |
2011-03-02 | Tree |
fix qt4.4 compile issue
[2152a5] by |
2011-02-02 | Tree |
restable highlighting: fix background and foreg...
[030415] by |
2011-01-29 | Tree |
restable: highlight match terms
[50238d] by |
2011-01-28 | Tree |
gui results table: allow resetting to relevance...
[9b738e] by |
2011-01-17 | Tree |
qtgui: add menu to erase search history + misc ...
[c4f79e] by |
2011-01-15 | Tree |