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                            Chapter 4. Installation

   Table of Contents

   4.1. Installing a prebuilt copy

   4.2. Packages needed for external file types

   4.3. Building from source

   4.4. Configuration overview

                        4.1. Installing a prebuilt copy

   Recoll binary installations are always linked statically to the xapian
   libraries, and have no other dependencies. You will only have to check or
   install supporting applications for the file types that you want to index
   beyond text, html and mail files.

4.1.1. Installing through a package system

   If you use a BSD-type port system or a prebuilt package (RPM or other),
   just follow the usual procedure, and maybe have a look at the
   configuration section (but this may not be necessary for a quick test with
   default parameters).

4.1.2. Installing a prebuilt Recoll

   The unpackaged binary versions are just compressed tar files of a build
   tree, where only the useful parts were kept (executables and sample

   The executable binary files are built with a static link to libxapian and
   libiconv, to make installation easier (no dependencies). However, this
   also means that you cannot change the versions which are used.

   After extracting the tar file, you can proceed with installation as if you
   had built the package from source (that is, just type make install). The
   binary trees are built for installation to /usr/local.

   You may then need to install external applications to process some file
   types that you want indexed (ie: acrobat, postscript ...). See next

   Finally, you may want to have a look at the configuration section.


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                  4.2. Packages needed for external file types

   Recoll uses external applications to index some file types. You need to
   install them for the file types that you wish to have indexed (these are
   run-time dependencies. None is needed for building Recoll):

     * PDF: pdftotext is part of the Xpdf package.

     * Postscript: pstotext.

     * MS Word: antiword.

     * MS Excel and PowerPoint: catdoc.

     * RTF: unrtf

     * dvi: dvips

     * djvu: DjVuLibre

     * MP3: Recoll will use the id3info command from the id3lib package to
       extract tag information. Without it, only the filenames will be

   Text, Html, mail folders and Openoffice files are processed internally.


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                           4.3. Building from source

4.3.1. Prerequisites

   At the very least, you will need to download and install the xapian core
   package (Recoll development currently uses version 0.9.5), and the qt
   runtime and development packages (Recoll development currently uses
   version 3.3.5, but any 3.3 version is probably ok).

   You will most probably be able to find a binary package for qt for your
   system. You may have to compile Xapian but this is not difficult (if you
   are using FreeBSD, there is a port).

   You may also need libiconv. Recoll currently uses version 1.9 (this should
   not be critical). On Linux systems, the iconv interface is part of libc
   and you should not need to do anything special.

4.3.2. Building

   Recoll has been built on Linux (redhat7.3, mandriva 2005, Fedora Core 3),
   FreeBSD and Solaris 8. If you build on another system, I would very much
   welcome patches.

   Depending on the qt configuration on your system, you may have to set the
   QTDIR and QMAKESPECS variables in your environment:

     * QTDIR should point to the directory above the one that holds the qt
       include files (ie: qt.h).

     * QMAKESPECS should be set to the name of one of the qt mkspecs
       subdirectories (ie: linux-g++).

   On many Linux systems, QTDIR is set by the login scripts, and QMAKESPECS
   is not needed because there is a default link in mkspecs/.

   The Recoll configure script does a better job of checking these variables
   after release 1.1.1. Before this, unexplained errors will occur during
   compilation if the environment is not set up. Also, for 1.1.0 the qmake
   command should be in your PATH (later releases can also find it in

   Normal procedure:

         cd recoll-xxx
         (practises usual hardship-repelling invocations)

   There little autoconfiguration. The configure script will mainly link one
   of the system-specific files in the mk directory to mk/sysconf. If your
   system is not known yet, it will tell you as much, and you may want to
   manually copy and modify one of the existing files (the new file name
   should be the output of uname -s).

4.3.3. Installation

   Either type make install or execute recollinstall prefix, in the root of
   the source tree. This will copy the commands to prefix/bin and the sample
   configuration files, scripts and other shared data to prefix/share/recoll.

   If the installation prefix given to recollinstall is different from what
   was specified when executing configure, you will have to set the
   RECOLL_DATADIR environment variable to indicate where the shared data is
   to be found.

   You can then proceed to configuration.


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                          4.4. Configuration overview

   There are two sets of configuration files. The system-wide files are kept
   in a directory named like /usr/[local/]share/recoll/examples, they define
   default values for the system. A parallel set of files exists by default
   in the .recoll directory in your home. This directory can be changed with
   the RECOLL_CONFDIR environment variable or the -c option parameter to
   recoll and recollindex.

   If the .recoll directory does not exist when recoll or recollindex are
   started, it will be created with a set of empty configuration files.
   recoll will give you a chance to edit the configuration file before
   starting indexing. recollindex will proceed immediately.

   Most of the parameters specific to the recoll GUI are set through the
   Preferences menu and stored in the standard QT place ($HOME/.qt/recollrc).
   You probably do not want to edit this by hand.

   For other options, Recoll uses text configuration files. You will have to
   edit them by hand for now (there is still some hope for a GUI
   configuration tool in the future). The most accurate documentation for the
   configuration parameters is given by comments inside the default files,
   and we will just give a general overview here.

   All configuration files share the same format. For exemple, a short
   extract of the main configuration file might look as follows:

         # Space-separated list of directories to index.
         topdirs =  ~/docs /usr/share/doc

         defaultcharset = utf-8

   There are three kinds of lines:

     * Comment (starts with #) or empty.

     * Parameter affectation (name = value).

     * Section definition ([somedirname]).

   Section lines allow redefining some parameters for a directory subtree.
   Some of the parameters used for indexing are looked up hierarchically from
   the more to the less specific. Not all parameters can be meaningfully
   redefined, this is specified for each in the next section.

   The tilde character (~) is expanded in file names to the name of the
   user's home directory.

   White space is used for separation inside lists. Elements with embedded
   spaces can be quoted using double-quotes.

4.4.1. Main configuration file

   recoll.conf is the main configuration file. It defines things like what to
   index (top directories and things to ignore), and the default character
   set to use for document types which do not specify it internally.

   The default configuration will index your home directory. If this is not
   appropriate, start recoll to create a blank configuration, click Cancel,
   and edit the configuration file before restarting the command. This will
   start the initial indexing, which may take some time.



           Specifies the list of directories or files to index (recursively
           for directories). The indexer will not follow symbolic links
           inside the indexed trees. If an entry in the topdirs list is a
           symbolic link, indexing will not start and will generate an error.


           The name of the Xapian data directory. It will be created if
           needed when the index is initialized. If this is not an absolute
           path, it will be interpreted relative to the configuration


           A space-separated list of patterns for names of files or
           directories that should be completely ignored. The list defined in
           the default file is:

 *~ #* bin CVS  Cache caughtspam  tmp

           The list can be redefined for subdirectories, but is only actually
           changed for the top level ones in topdirs.

           The top-level directories are not affected by this list (that is,
           a directory in topdirs might match and would still be indexed).

           The list in the default configuration does not exclude hidden
           directories (names beginning with a dot), which means that it may
           index quite a few things that you do not want. On the other hand,
           mail user agents like thunderbird usually store messages in hidden
           directories, and you probably want this indexed. One possible
           solution is to have .* in skippedNames, and add things like
           ~/.thunderbird or ~/.evolution in topdirs.


           Verbosity level for recoll and recollindex. A value of 4 lists
           quite a lot of debug/information messages. 2 only lists errors.


           Where the messages should go. 'stderr' can be used as a special
           value, and is the default.


           A directory to search for the external filter scripts used to
           index some types of files. The value should not be changed, except
           if you want to modify one of the default scripts. The value can be
           redefined for any subdirectory.


           A list of languages for which the stem expansion databases will be
           built. See recollindex(1) for possible values. You can add a stem
           expansion database for a different language by using recollindex
           -s, but it will be deleted during the next indexing. Only
           languages listed in the configuration file are permanent.


           The name of the character set used for files that do not contain a
           character set definition (ie: plain text files). This can be
           redefined for any subdirectory. If it is not set at all, the
           character set used is the one defined by the nls environment
           (LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, LANG), or iso8859-1 if nothing is set.


           Decide if we try to guess the character set of files if no
           internal value is available (ie: for plain text files). This does
           not work well in general, and should probably not be used.


           Decide if we use the file -i system command as a final step for
           determining the mime type for a file (the main procedure uses
           suffix associations as defined in the mimemap file). This can be
           useful for files with suffixless names, but it will also cause the
           indexing of many bogus "text" files.


           Recoll indexes file names in a special section of the database to
           allow specific file names searches using wild cards. This
           parameter decides if file name indexing is performed only for
           files with mime types that would qualify them for full text
           indexing, or for all files inside the selected subtrees,
           independant of mime type.


           Recoll stores an abstract for each indexed file inside the
           database. This is so that they can be displayed inside the result
           lists without decoding the original file. This parameter defines
           the size of the stored abstract (which can come from an actual
           section or just be the beginning of the text). The default value
           is 250.


           The name of the directory where recoll result list icons are
           stored. You can change this if you want different images.

4.4.2. The mimemap file

   mimemap specifies the file name extension to mime type mappings.

   For file names without an extension, or with an unknown one, the system's
   file -i command will be executed to determine the mime type (this can be
   switched off inside the main configuration file).

   The mappings can be specified on a per-subtree basis, which may be useful
   in some cases. Example: gaim logs have a .txt extension but should be
   handled specially, which is possible because they are usually all located
   in one place.

   mimemap also has a recoll_noindex variable which is a list of suffixes.
   Matching files will be skipped (avoids unnecessary decompressions or file
   executions). This is partially redundant with skippedNames in the main
   configuration file, with two differences: it will not affect directories,
   and it can be changed for any subdirectory.

4.4.3. The mimeconf file

   mimeconf specifies how the different mime types are handled for indexing,
   and for display.

   Changing the indexing parameters is probably not a good idea except if you
   are a Recoll developper.

   You may want to adjust the external viewers defined in (ie: html is either
   previewed internally or displayed using firefox, but you may prefer
   mozilla, your program might be named oofice instead of
   openoffice ...). Look for the [view] section.

   You can also change the icons which are displayed by recoll in the result
   lists (the values are the basenames of the png images inside the iconsdir
   directory (specified in recoll.conf).


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