git clone recoll1-code

File Date Author Commit
Makefile 2009-01-09 dockes dockes [ee63f1] implement md5 convenience file and string wrapp...
base64.cpp 2008-09-15 dockes dockes [599100] *** empty log message ***
base64.h 2008-07-28 dockes dockes [ca4a4e] begin i/f cleanup: opacify doc uptodate sig (si...
cancelcheck.h 2008-11-18 dockes dockes [191d14] comment
conftree.cpp 2008-07-01 dockes dockes [022e0e] suppressed a few wasteful string-cstr conversions
conftree.h 2008-07-01 dockes dockes [022e0e] suppressed a few wasteful string-cstr conversions
copyfile.cpp 2007-12-13 dockes dockes [46a7f0] gcc 4 compat, thanks to Kartik Mistry
copyfile.h 2006-01-30 dockes dockes [3872f8] *** empty log message ***
debuglog.cpp 2008-12-16 dockes dockes [42a745] converted qt reslist to reslistpager
debuglog.h 2008-12-16 dockes dockes [42a745] converted qt reslist to reslistpager
execmd.cpp 2008-10-06 dockes dockes [0a0491] Disable filters with missing helpers for the wh...
execmd.h 2007-05-21 dockes dockes [a5efd7] make sure signals are only handled by the main ...
fileudi.cpp 2008-07-28 dockes dockes [3109a3] replaced path|ipath with unique doc id in rcldb...
fileudi.h 2008-07-28 dockes dockes [1dd66b] *** empty log message ***
fstreewalk.cpp 2007-12-13 dockes dockes [46a7f0] gcc 4 compat, thanks to Kartik Mistry
fstreewalk.h 2007-08-30 dockes dockes [5a3244] add followLinks option
idfile.cpp 2008-07-01 dockes dockes [022e0e] suppressed a few wasteful string-cstr conversions
idfile.h 2006-01-30 dockes dockes [3872f8] *** empty log message ***
md5.cpp 2009-01-09 dockes dockes [ee63f1] implement md5 convenience file and string wrapp...
md5.h 2009-01-09 dockes dockes [ee63f1] implement md5 convenience file and string wrapp...
mimeparse.cpp 2008-07-01 dockes dockes [022e0e] suppressed a few wasteful string-cstr conversions
mimeparse.h 2006-12-07 dockes dockes [b9b6a8] fix pb with executing viewer for files with sin...
pathut.cpp 2008-11-24 dockes dockes [aff65d] make it easier to maintain the kio cmake by mov...
pathut.h 2008-12-04 dockes dockes [3e3114] kio_recoll: html/dir switching
pxattr.cpp 2009-01-21 dockes dockes [229645] added optional extended file attributes support
pxattr.h 2009-01-21 dockes dockes [229645] added optional extended file attributes support
readfile.cpp 2009-01-21 dockes dockes [e8d288] initialize the error buffer for gnu strerror_r
readfile.h 2009-01-09 dockes dockes [ee63f1] implement md5 convenience file and string wrapp...
refcntr.h 2008-10-14 dockes dockes [b6936d] highlighting would not work with cat filt activ...
smallut.cpp 2008-11-19 dockes dockes [77777a] moved code from qtgui to smallut
smallut.h 2008-12-05 dockes dockes [07dc3e] comment
transcode.cpp 2008-09-15 dockes dockes [599100] *** empty log message ***
transcode.h 2008-10-09 dockes dockes [efd3aa] comments
utf8iter.cpp 2007-12-04 dockes dockes [f621d3] *** empty log message ***
utf8iter.h 2007-09-22 dockes dockes [ea7d3c] include assert.h when needed
utf8testin.txt 2005-02-11 dockes dockes [d42db8] improved word extraction a bit (unicode punctua...
wipedir.cpp 2007-12-13 dockes dockes [46a7f0] gcc 4 compat, thanks to Kartik Mistry
wipedir.h 2006-01-30 dockes dockes [3872f8] *** empty log message ***
x11mon.cpp 2006-12-23 dockes dockes [1a1f97] *** empty log message ***
x11mon.h 2006-12-23 dockes dockes [1a1f97] *** empty log message ***