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# (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes
# Associations of file name extensions to mime types

.txt = text/plain
.text = text/plain
.srt = text/x-srt
.ini = text/x-ini
.csv = text/x-csv

# Source files. 
# Defining them with specific types allows using a specific ext viewer (in 
# mimeview). You can in general use rcltext to wrap them in html for
# indexing the contents (and rough preview). You could also just set them
# as text/plain (index as text, use text viewer)
.cpp = text/x-c
.h   = text/x-c
.c   = text/x-c
.cc  = text/x-c
.cxx = text/x-c
.hxx = text/x-c
.cs = text/x-csharp
.css = text/css
.java = text/x-java
.js = application/javascript
.f   = text/x-fortran
.py  = text/x-python
.awk = application/x-awk
.pl = application/x-perl
.sh = application/x-shellscript
.sql = application/sql
.tcl = text/x-tcl

.xml = text/xml

.note = application/x-gnote

.rtf  = text/rtf

.html = text/html
.htm = text/html
.shtml = text/html
.php = text/html
.ics = text/calendar

# .eml is used as an extension by several mail apps for a single message
# saved in raw MIME format. Mainly used here to get Thunderbird to open an
# extracted message. Also used by Windows Live Mail
.eml = message/rfc822

.pdf = application/pdf

.ps = application/postscript
.eps = application/postscript
.ai = application/postscript

.tex = application/x-tex
.dvi = application/x-dvi

.djvu = image/vnd.djvu
.svg = image/svg+xml
.dia = application/x-dia-diagram

.gz = application/x-gzip
.Z = application/x-gzip
.bz2 = application/x-bzip2
.rar = application/x-rar
#.Z  = application/x-compress
.zip = application/zip
.7z = application/x-7z-compressed

# The rcltar module can handle compressed tar formats internally so we
# use application/x-tar for all tar files compressed or not. Note that tar
# file indexing is disabled by default, you'll need to copy and uncomment
# the application/x-tar commented line from mimeconf into your personal config
.tar = application/x-tar
.tar.gz = application/x-tar
.tgz = application/x-tar
.tbz = application/x-tar
.tar.bz2 = application/x-tar

.doc = application/msword
.dot = application/msword
.ppt = application/
.pps = application/
.pot = application/
.xls = application/
.xla = application/

.chm = application/x-chm

.epub = application/epub+zip
.mobi = application/x-mobipocket-ebook 

# OpenOffice / opendocument. We handle opendocument as old openoffice files
# for now
.sxc = application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
.ods = application/vnd.sun.xml.calc
.stc = application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template
.sxd = application/vnd.sun.xml.draw
.odg = application/vnd.sun.xml.draw
.std = application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template
.sxi = application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
.odp = application/vnd.sun.xml.impress
.sti = application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template
.sxm = application/vnd.sun.xml.math
.sxw = application/vnd.sun.xml.writer
.odt = application/vnd.sun.xml.writer
.sxg = application/
.stw = application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template

# ms openxml 
.docm = application/
.docx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
.dotm = application/
.dotx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template
.potm = application/
.potx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template
.ppam = application/
.ppsm = application/
.ppsx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow
.pptm = application/
.pptx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
.xlam = application/
.xlsb = application/
.xlsm = application/
.xlsx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
.xltm = application/
.xltx = application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template
.abw = application/x-abiword
.lyx = application/x-lyx
.sla = application/x-scribus
.scd = application/x-scribus
.info = application/x-gnuinfo
.kwd = application/x-kword
.gnumeric = application/x-gnumeric
.gnm = application/x-gnumeric

.wpd = application/vnd.wordperfect

.rtf = text/rtf

.mp3 = audio/mpeg
.flac = application/x-flac
.ogg = application/ogg
.oga = application/ogg
# Note: file -i says audio/x-midi, but soft karaoke files are special.
.kar = audio/x-karaoke
.mid = audio/x-karaoke
.aac = audio/aac
.m4a = audio/mp4

.mkv = video/x-matroska
.ogv = video/ogg
.flv = video/x-flv
.mp4 = video/mp4
.ts = video/MP2T

.png = image/png
.jp2 = image/jp2
.jpg = image/jpeg
.jpeg = image/jpeg
.gif = image/gif
.tiff = image/tiff
.tif  = image/tiff
.xcf  = image/x-xcf
.bmp = image/bmp
.xpm = image/x-xpmi

.fb2 = text/x-fictionbook

.war = application/x-webarchive
.mht = application/x-mimehtml
.mhtml = application/x-mimehtml

# Note: recoll_noindex has been obsoleted and moved to recoll.conf as
# noContentSuffixes. recoll_noindex from your personal mimemap file is
# still taken into account for now, but you should move its contents to the
# new recoll.conf variable.

# Special handling of .txt files inside ~/.gaim and ~/.purple directories
.txt = text/x-gaim-log
.txt = text/x-purple-log
.html = text/x-purple-html-log

# Special handling of aptosid manual menu system
.htm = text/x-html-aptosid-man
.html = text/x-html-aptosid-man

# Special handling of sidux manual menu system
.htm = text/x-html-sidux-man
.html = text/x-html-sidux-man

# Manual files. You may want to adjust the location for your system
# We can't use the default text/troff type because this doesn't say
# what macro set to use (groff -man)
.0p = text/x-man
.1 = text/x-man
.1m = text/x-man
.1p = text/x-man
.1ssl = text/x-man
.1x = text/x-man
.2 = text/x-man
.3 = text/x-man
.3curses = text/x-man
.3form = text/x-man
.3gl = text/x-man
.3menu = text/x-man
.3ncurses = text/x-man
.3p = text/x-man
.3pm = text/x-man
.3ssl = text/x-man
.3tiff = text/x-man
.3x = text/x-man
.4 = text/x-man
.5 = text/x-man
.5ssl = text/x-man
.6 = text/x-man
.6x = text/x-man
.7 = text/x-man
.7ssl = text/x-man
.8 = text/x-man
.9 = text/x-man
.n = text/x-man

# Special handling for okular notes
.xml = application/x-okular-notes
.xml = application/x-okular-notes