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## ##########################################
# External viewers, launched by the recoll GUI when you click on a result
# 'edit' link
# Mime types which we should not uncompress if they are found gzipped or
# bzipped because the native viewer knows how to handle. These would be
# exceptions and the list is normally empty
#nouncompforviewmts = 

# For releases 1.18 and later: exceptions when using the x-all entry: these
# types will use their local definition. This is useful, e.g.: 
#  - for pdf, where we can pass additional parameters like page to open and
#    search string
#  - For pages of CHM and EPUB documents where we can choose to open the 
#    parent document instead of a temporary html file.
xallexcepts = \
 text/html|gnuinfo text/html|chm text/html|epub \
 application/x-fsdirectory|parentopen inode/directory|parentopen

# Pseudo entry used if the 'use desktop' preference is set in the GUI
application/x-all = cmd /c start %u

application/epub+zip = ebook-viewer %f
# Open the parent epub document for epub parts instead of opening them as
# html documents. This is almost always what we want.
text/html|epub = cmd /c start %F;ignoreipath=1

# directory. Thunar can't afaik. xdg-open cant pass an additional
# parameters so these are to be xallexcepts.
application/x-fsdirectory|parentopen = cmd /c start %f
inode/directory|parentopen = cmd /c start %f