/* Copyright (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/** Things dealing with walking the terms lists and expansion dbs */
#include "autoconfig.h"
#include <string>
#include "log.h"
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "rcldb_p.h"
#include "stemdb.h"
#include "expansiondbs.h"
#include "strmatcher.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Rcl {
// File name wild card expansion. This is a specialisation ot termMatch
bool Db::filenameWildExp(const string& fnexp, vector<string>& names, int max)
string pattern = fnexp;
// If pattern is not capitalized, not quoted (quoted pattern can't
// get here currently anyway), and has no wildcards, we add * at
// each end: match any substring
if (pattern[0] == '"' && pattern[pattern.size()-1] == '"') {
pattern = pattern.substr(1, pattern.size() -2);
} else if (pattern.find_first_of(cstr_minwilds) == string::npos &&
!unaciscapital(pattern)) {
pattern = "*" + pattern + "*";
} // else let it be
LOGDEB("Rcl::Db::filenameWildExp: pattern: [" << (pattern) << "]\n" );
// We inconditionnally lowercase and strip the pattern, as is done
// during indexing. This seems to be the only sane possible
// approach with file names and wild cards. termMatch does
// stripping conditionally on indexstripchars.
string pat1;
if (unacmaybefold(pattern, pat1, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
TermMatchResult result;
if (!idxTermMatch(ET_WILD, string(), pattern, result, max,
return false;
for (vector<TermMatchEntry>::const_iterator it = result.entries.begin();
it != result.entries.end(); it++)
if (names.empty()) {
// Build an impossible query: we know its impossible because we
// control the prefixes!
names.push_back(wrap_prefix("XNONE") + "NoMatchingTerms");
return true;
// Walk the Y terms and return min/max
bool Db::maxYearSpan(int *minyear, int *maxyear)
LOGDEB("Rcl::Db:maxYearSpan\n" );
*minyear = 1000000;
*maxyear = -1000000;
TermMatchResult result;
if (!idxTermMatch(ET_WILD, string(), "*", result, -1, "xapyear")) {
LOGINFO("Rcl::Db:maxYearSpan: termMatch failed\n" );
return false;
for (vector<TermMatchEntry>::const_iterator it = result.entries.begin();
it != result.entries.end(); it++) {
if (!it->term.empty()) {
int year = atoi(strip_prefix(it->term).c_str());
if (year < *minyear)
*minyear = year;
if (year > *maxyear)
*maxyear = year;
return true;
bool Db::getAllDbMimeTypes(std::vector<std::string>& exp)
Rcl::TermMatchResult res;
if (!idxTermMatch(Rcl::Db::ET_WILD, "", "*", res, -1, "mtype")) {
return false;
for (vector<Rcl::TermMatchEntry>::const_iterator rit = res.entries.begin();
rit != res.entries.end(); rit++) {
return true;
class TermMatchCmpByWcf {
int operator()(const TermMatchEntry& l, const TermMatchEntry& r) {
return r.wcf - l.wcf < 0;
class TermMatchCmpByTerm {
int operator()(const TermMatchEntry& l, const TermMatchEntry& r) {
return l.term.compare(r.term) > 0;
class TermMatchTermEqual {
int operator()(const TermMatchEntry& l, const TermMatchEntry& r) {
return !l.term.compare(r.term);
static const char *tmtptostr(int typ)
switch (typ) {
case Db::ET_WILD: return "wildcard";
case Db::ET_REGEXP: return "regexp";
case Db::ET_STEM: return "stem";
case Db::ET_NONE:
default: return "none";
// Find all index terms that match an input along different expansion modes:
// wildcard, regular expression, or stemming. Depending on flags we perform
// case and/or diacritics expansion (this can be the only thing requested).
// If the "field" parameter is set, we return a list of appropriately
// prefixed terms (which are going to be used to build a Xapian
// query).
// This routine performs case/diacritics/stemming expansion against
// the auxiliary tables, and possibly calls idxTermMatch() for work
// using the main index terms (filtering, retrieving stats, expansion
// in some cases).
bool Db::termMatch(int typ_sens, const string &lang, const string &_term,
TermMatchResult& res, int max, const string& field,
vector<string>* multiwords)
int matchtyp = matchTypeTp(typ_sens);
if (!m_ndb || !m_ndb->m_isopen)
return false;
Xapian::Database xrdb = m_ndb->xrdb;
bool diac_sensitive = (typ_sens & ET_DIACSENS) != 0;
bool case_sensitive = (typ_sens & ET_CASESENS) != 0;
LOGDEB0("Db::TermMatch: typ " << (tmtptostr(matchtyp)) << " diacsens " << (diac_sensitive) << " casesens " << (case_sensitive) << " lang [" << (lang) << "] term [" << (_term) << "] max " << (max) << " field [" << (field) << "] stripped " << (o_index_stripchars) << " init res.size " << (res.entries.size()) << "\n" );
// If index is stripped, no case or diac expansion can be needed:
// for the processing inside this routine, everything looks like
// we're all-sensitive: no use of expansion db.
// Also, convert input to lowercase and strip its accents.
string term = _term;
if (o_index_stripchars) {
diac_sensitive = case_sensitive = true;
if (!unacmaybefold(_term, term, "UTF-8", UNACOP_UNACFOLD)) {
LOGERR("Db::termMatch: unac failed for [" << (_term) << "]\n" );
return false;
// The case/diac expansion db
SynTermTransUnac unacfoldtrans(UNACOP_UNACFOLD);
XapComputableSynFamMember synac(xrdb, synFamDiCa, "all", &unacfoldtrans);
if (matchtyp == ET_WILD || matchtyp == ET_REGEXP) {
std::shared_ptr<StrMatcher> matcher;
if (matchtyp == ET_WILD) {
matcher = std::shared_ptr<StrMatcher>(new StrWildMatcher(term));
} else {
matcher = std::shared_ptr<StrMatcher>(new StrRegexpMatcher(term));
if (!diac_sensitive || !case_sensitive) {
// Perform case/diac expansion on the exp as appropriate and
// expand the result.
vector<string> exp;
if (diac_sensitive) {
// Expand for diacritics and case, filtering for same diacritics
SynTermTransUnac foldtrans(UNACOP_FOLD);
synac.synKeyExpand(matcher.get(), exp, &foldtrans);
} else if (case_sensitive) {
// Expand for diacritics and case, filtering for same case
SynTermTransUnac unactrans(UNACOP_UNAC);
synac.synKeyExpand(matcher.get(), exp, &unactrans);
} else {
// Expand for diacritics and case, no filtering
synac.synKeyExpand(matcher.get(), exp);
// Retrieve additional info and filter against the index itself
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = exp.begin();
it != exp.end(); it++) {
idxTermMatch(ET_NONE, "", *it, res, max, field);
// And also expand the original expression against the
// main index: for the common case where the expression
// had no case/diac expansion (no entry in the exp db if
// the original term is lowercase and without accents).
idxTermMatch(typ_sens, lang, term, res, max, field);
} else {
idxTermMatch(typ_sens, lang, term, res, max, field);
} else {
// Expansion is STEM or NONE (which may still need synonyms
// and case/diac exp)
vector<string> lexp;
if (diac_sensitive && case_sensitive) {
// No case/diac expansion
} else if (diac_sensitive) {
// Expand for accents and case, filtering for same accents,
SynTermTransUnac foldtrans(UNACOP_FOLD);
synac.synExpand(term, lexp, &foldtrans);
} else if (case_sensitive) {
// Expand for accents and case, filtering for same case
SynTermTransUnac unactrans(UNACOP_UNAC);
synac.synExpand(term, lexp, &unactrans);
} else {
// We are neither accent- nor case- sensitive and may need stem
// expansion or not. Expand for accents and case
synac.synExpand(term, lexp);
if (matchtyp == ET_STEM || (typ_sens & ET_SYNEXP)) {
// Note: if any of the above conds is true, we are insensitive to
// diacs and case (enforced in searchdatatox:termexpand
// Need stem expansion. Lowercase the result of accent and case
// expansion for input to stemdb.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lexp.size(); i++) {
string lower;
unacmaybefold(lexp[i], lower, "UTF-8", UNACOP_FOLD);
lexp[i] = lower;
sort(lexp.begin(), lexp.end());
lexp.erase(unique(lexp.begin(), lexp.end()), lexp.end());
if (matchtyp == ET_STEM) {
StemDb sdb(xrdb);
vector<string> exp1;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = lexp.begin();
it != lexp.end(); it++) {
sdb.stemExpand(lang, *it, exp1);
sort(lexp.begin(), lexp.end());
lexp.erase(unique(lexp.begin(), lexp.end()), lexp.end());
LOGDEB("ExpTerm: stemexp: " << (stringsToString(lexp)) << "\n" );
if (m_syngroups.ok() && (typ_sens & ET_SYNEXP)) {
LOGDEB("ExpTerm: got syngroups\n" );
vector<string> exp1(lexp);
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = lexp.begin();
it != lexp.end(); it++) {
vector<string> sg = m_syngroups.getgroup(*it);
if (!sg.empty()) {
LOGDEB("ExpTerm: syns: " << *it << " -> " << (stringsToString(sg)) << "\n" );
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it1 = sg.begin();
it1 != sg.end(); it1++) {
if (it1->find_first_of(" ") != string::npos) {
if (multiwords) {
} else {
sort(lexp.begin(), lexp.end());
lexp.erase(unique(lexp.begin(), lexp.end()), lexp.end());
// Expand the resulting list for case (all stemdb content
// is lowercase)
vector<string> exp1;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = lexp.begin();
it != lexp.end(); it++) {
synac.synExpand(*it, exp1);
sort(lexp.begin(), lexp.end());
lexp.erase(unique(lexp.begin(), lexp.end()), lexp.end());
// Filter the result and get the stats, possibly add prefixes.
LOGDEB("ExpandTerm:TM: lexp: " << (stringsToString(lexp)) << "\n" );
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = lexp.begin();
it != lexp.end(); it++) {
idxTermMatch(Rcl::Db::ET_WILD, "", *it, res, max, field);
TermMatchCmpByTerm tcmp;
sort(res.entries.begin(), res.entries.end(), tcmp);
TermMatchTermEqual teq;
vector<TermMatchEntry>::iterator uit =
unique(res.entries.begin(), res.entries.end(), teq);
res.entries.resize(uit - res.entries.begin());
TermMatchCmpByWcf wcmp;
sort(res.entries.begin(), res.entries.end(), wcmp);
if (max > 0) {
// Would need a small max and big stem expansion...
res.entries.resize(MIN(res.entries.size(), (unsigned int)max));
return true;
// Second phase of wildcard/regexp term expansion after case/diac
// expansion: expand against main index terms
bool Db::idxTermMatch(int typ_sens, const string &lang, const string &root,
TermMatchResult& res, int max, const string& field)
int typ = matchTypeTp(typ_sens);
LOGDEB1("Db::idxTermMatch: typ " << (tmtptostr(typ)) << " lang [" << (lang) << "] term [" << (root) << "] max " << (max) << " field [" << (field) << "] init res.size " << (res.entries.size()) << "\n" );
if (typ == ET_STEM) {
LOGFATAL("RCLDB: internal error: idxTermMatch called with ET_STEM\n" );
Xapian::Database xdb = m_ndb->xrdb;
string prefix;
if (!field.empty()) {
const FieldTraits *ftp = 0;
if (!fieldToTraits(field, &ftp, true) || ftp->pfx.empty()) {
LOGDEB("Db::termMatch: field is not indexed (no prefix): [" << (field) << "]\n" );
} else {
prefix = wrap_prefix(ftp->pfx);
res.prefix = prefix;
std::shared_ptr<StrMatcher> matcher;
if (typ == ET_REGEXP) {
matcher = std::shared_ptr<StrMatcher>(new StrRegexpMatcher(root));
if (!matcher->ok()) {
LOGERR("termMatch: regcomp failed: " << (matcher->getreason()));
return false;
} else if (typ == ET_WILD) {
matcher = std::shared_ptr<StrMatcher>(new StrWildMatcher(root));
// Find the initial section before any special char
string::size_type es = string::npos;
if (matcher) {
es = matcher->baseprefixlen();
// Initial section: the part of the prefix+expr before the
// first wildcard character. We only scan the part of the
// index where this matches
string is;
if (es == string::npos) {
is = prefix + root;
} else if (es == 0) {
is = prefix;
} else {
is = prefix + root.substr(0, es);
LOGDEB2("termMatch: initsec: [" << (is) << "]\n" );
for (int tries = 0; tries < 2; tries++) {
try {
Xapian::TermIterator it = xdb.allterms_begin();
if (!is.empty())
for (int rcnt = 0; it != xdb.allterms_end(); it++) {
// If we're beyond the terms matching the initial
// section, end
if (!is.empty() && (*it).find(is) != 0)
// Else try to match the term. The matcher content
// is without prefix, so we remove this if any. We
// just checked that the index term did begin with
// the prefix.
string term;
if (!prefix.empty()) {
term = (*it).substr(prefix.length());
} else {
if (has_prefix(*it)) {
term = *it;
if (matcher && !matcher->match(term))
TermMatchEntry(*it, xdb.get_collection_freq(*it),
// The problem with truncating here is that this is done
// alphabetically and we may not keep the most frequent
// terms. OTOH, not doing it may stall the program if
// we are walking the whole term list. We compromise
// by cutting at 2*max
if (max > 0 && ++rcnt >= 2*max)
} catch (const Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError &e) {
m_reason = e.get_msg();
} XCATCHERROR(m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR("termMatch: " << (m_reason) << "\n" );
return false;
return true;
/** Term list walking. */
class TermIter {
Xapian::TermIterator it;
Xapian::Database db;
TermIter *Db::termWalkOpen()
if (!m_ndb || !m_ndb->m_isopen)
return 0;
TermIter *tit = new TermIter;
if (tit) {
tit->db = m_ndb->xrdb;
XAPTRY(tit->it = tit->db.allterms_begin(), tit->db, m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR("Db::termWalkOpen: xapian error: " << (m_reason) << "\n" );
return 0;
return tit;
bool Db::termWalkNext(TermIter *tit, string &term)
if (tit && tit->it != tit->db.allterms_end()) {
term = *(tit->it)++;
return true;
, tit->db, m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR("Db::termWalkOpen: xapian error: " << (m_reason) << "\n" );
return false;
void Db::termWalkClose(TermIter *tit)
try {
delete tit;
} catch (...) {}
bool Db::termExists(const string& word)
if (!m_ndb || !m_ndb->m_isopen)
return 0;
XAPTRY(if (!m_ndb->xrdb.term_exists(word)) return false,
m_ndb->xrdb, m_reason);
if (!m_reason.empty()) {
LOGERR("Db::termWalkOpen: xapian error: " << (m_reason) << "\n" );
return false;
return true;
bool Db::stemDiffers(const string& lang, const string& word,
const string& base)
Xapian::Stem stemmer(lang);
if (!stemmer(word).compare(stemmer(base))) {
LOGDEB2("Rcl::Db::stemDiffers: same for " << (word) << " and " << (base) << "\n" );
return false;
return true;
} // End namespace Rcl