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--- a
+++ b/src/python/pychm/setup.py.in
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from setuptools import setup, Extension
+long_description = '''
+The chm package provides three modules, chm, chmlib and extra, which provide
+access to the API implemented by the C library chmlib and some additional
+classes and functions. They are used to access MS-ITSS encoded files -
+Compressed Html Help files (.chm).
+# For shadow builds: references to the source tree
+import os
+top = os.path.join('@srcdir@', '..', '..')
+pytop = '@srcdir@'
+      version="",
+      description="Python package to handle CHM files",
+      author="Rubens Ramos",
+      author_email="rubensr@users.sourceforge.net",
+      maintainer="Mikhail Gusarov",
+      maintainer_email="dottedmag@dottedmag.net",
+      url="https://github.com/dottedmag/pychm",
+      license="GPL",
+      long_description=long_description,
+      package_dir = {'' : os.path.join(top, 'python', 'pychm')},
+      py_modules=["chm.chm", "chm.chmlib"],
+      ext_modules=[Extension("chm._chmlib",
+                             [os.path.join(pytop, "chm/swig_chm.c")],
+                             libraries=["chm"],
+                             extra_compile_args=["-DSWIG_COBJECT_TYPES"]),
+                   Extension("chm.extra",
+                             [os.path.join(pytop, "chm/extra.c")],
+                             extra_compile_args=["-D__PYTHON__"],
+                             libraries=["chm"])]
+      )