# Copyright (C) 2005 J.F.Dockes
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
bindir = @bindir@
libdir = @libdir@
datadir = @datadir@
datarootdir = @datarootdir@
mandir = @mandir@
all: configure mk/sysconf
${MAKE} -C query wasaparse.tab.cpp
(cd lib; sh mkMake)
${MAKE} -C lib
${MAKE} -C index depend recollindex
@NOQTMAKE@(cd $(QTGUI); ${QMAKE} recoll.pro)
@NOQTMAKE@${MAKE} -C $(QTGUI) LFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS)" depth=.. prefix=$(prefix) exec_prefix=$(exec_prefix) libdir=$(libdir)
@NOPYTHON@${MAKE} -C python/recoll libdir=$(libdir)
${MAKE} -C query recollq xadump
@echo "You need to run configure first" ; exit 1
static: mk/sysconf
${MAKE} -C lib
rm -f index/recollindex
${MAKE} -C index BSTATIC=-Wl,-Bstatic BDYNAMIC=-Wl,-Bdynamic \
@NOQTMAKE@(cd $(QTGUI); $(QMAKE) recoll.pro)
@NOQTMAKE@rm -f $(QTGUI)/recoll
@NOQTMAKE@ BDYNAMIC=-Wl,-Bdynamic depth=.. \
${MAKE} -C common clean
${MAKE} -C index clean
${MAKE} -C internfile clean
${MAKE} -C query clean
${MAKE} -C utils clean
-${MAKE} -C lib clean
-${MAKE} -C desktop/unity-lens-recoll clean
-${MAKE} -C python/recoll clean
@NOQTMAKE@@-${MAKE} -C $(QTGUI) clean
rm -f qtgui/Makefile qtgui/confgui/Makefile qtgui/recoll
rm -f filters/rclexecm.pyc
rm -rf qtgui/.moc qtgui/.ui qtgui/confgui/.moc qtgui/confgui/.ui
rm -rf qtgui/.obj qtgui/.moc qtgui/.ui
rm -rf python/recoll/build
rm -rf php/recoll/build php/recoll/include php/recoll/modules
rm -rf $(QTGUI)/recoll.app
# Note: we don't remove the top Makefile, to keep the "clean" targets
# available but a "Make" won't work without a configure anyway
distclean: clean
${MAKE} -C query distclean
-${MAKE} -C desktop/unity-lens-recoll distclean
-${MAKE} -C python/recoll distclean
rm -f mk/sysconf mk/localdefs sampleconf/recoll.conf \
qtgui/recoll.pro \
config.log config.status \
recollinstall \
lib/*.dep lib/mkMake lib/Makefile common/autoconfig.h
rm -f common/rclversion.h
rm -f index/alldeps lib/alldeps query/alldeps \
bincimapmime/alldeps common/alldeps internfile/alldeps utils/alldeps
rm -rf autom4te.cache
maintainer-clean: distclean
rm -f doc/user/*.html* doc/user/*.txt doc/user/HTML.manifest
rm -f qtgui/i18n/*.qm
# recollinstall can be executed by the user and will compute 'normal'
# values for bindir etc., relative to the prefix argument. When executed
# here, we pass a bunch of variables in the environment, the values will
# override the computed defaults.
install: all
DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} bindir=${bindir} datadir=${datadir} \
libdir=${libdir} mandir=${mandir} \
/bin/sh ./recollinstall ${prefix}
configure: VERSION configure.ac
rm -f configure
@echo run configure and make again
exit 1
.PHONY: all static clean distclean install