Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/website/release-1.18.html
+++ b/website/release-1.18.html
@@ -67,13 +67,14 @@
         There is a new list of mime types that should be opened with
         the locally configured application even when <em>Use
           Desktop Preferences</em> is checked. This allows making
-        use of new function (direct access to page), which could
-        not be available through the desktop's <tt>xdg-open</tt>.
-        The default list contains PDF,
-        Postscript and DVI, so you may want to reset it after
-        installation if you want to keep the previous behaviour
-        (losing the page number functionality). This can be done
-        from the <em>Preferences->Gui Configuration</em> menu.</p>
+        use of new function (direct access to page), which could not
+        be available through the desktop's <tt>xdg-open</tt>.  The
+        default list contains PDF, Postscript and DVI, which should be
+        opened with the Evince viewer for the page access functions to
+        work. If you want to keep the previous behaviour (losing the
+        page number functionality), you need to empty the list after
+        installation . This can be done from the <em>Preferences->Gui
+        Configuration</em> menu.</p>