#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#$Id: plaintorich.cpp,v 1.30 2007-11-15 18:05:32 dockes Exp $ (C) 2005 J.F.Dockes";
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using std::vector;
using std::list;
using std::pair;
using std::set;
#endif /* NO_NAMESPACES */
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "rclconfig.h"
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "utf8iter.h"
#include "smallut.h"
#include "plaintorich.h"
#include "cancelcheck.h"
// For debug printing
static string vecStringToString(const vector<string>& t)
string sterms;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); it++) {
sterms += "[" + *it + "] ";
return sterms;
// Text splitter callback used to take note of the position of query terms
// inside the result text. This is then used to insert highlight tags.
class myTextSplitCB : public TextSplitCB {
// Out: first query term found in text
string firstTerm;
int firstTermOcc;
int m_firstTermPos;
int m_firstTermBPos;
// Out: begin and end byte positions of query terms/groups in text
vector<pair<int, int> > tboffs;
myTextSplitCB(const vector<string>& its,
const vector<vector<string> >&groups,
const vector<int>& slacks)
: firstTermOcc(1), m_wcount(0), m_groups(groups), m_slacks(slacks)
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = its.begin();
it != its.end(); it++) {
for (vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator vit = m_groups.begin();
vit != m_groups.end(); vit++) {
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = (*vit).begin();
it != (*vit).end(); it++) {
// Callback called by the text-to-words breaker for each word
virtual bool takeword(const std::string& term, int pos, int bts, int bte) {
string dumb;
Rcl::dumb_string(term, dumb);
//LOGDEB2(("Input dumbbed term: '%s' %d %d %d\n", dumb.c_str(),
// pos, bts, bte));
// If this word is a search term, remember its byte-offset span.
if (m_terms.find(dumb) != m_terms.end()) {
tboffs.push_back(pair<int, int>(bts, bte));
if (firstTerm.empty()) {
firstTerm = term;
m_firstTermPos = pos;
m_firstTermBPos = bts;
if (m_gterms.find(dumb) != m_gterms.end()) {
// Term group (phrase/near) handling
m_gpostobytes[pos] = pair<int,int>(bts, bte);
//LOGDEB2(("Recorded bpos for %d: %d %d\n", pos, bts, bte));
if ((m_wcount++ & 0xfff) == 0)
return true;
// Must be called after the split to find the phrase/near match positions
virtual bool matchGroups();
virtual bool matchGroup(const vector<string>& terms, int dist);
int m_wcount;
// In: user query terms
set<string> m_terms;
// In: user query groups, for near/phrase searches.
const vector<vector<string> >& m_groups;
const vector<int>& m_slacks;
set<string> m_gterms;
// group/near terms word positions.
map<string, vector<int> > m_plists;
map<int, pair<int, int> > m_gpostobytes;
/** Sort by shorter comparison class */
class VecIntCmpShorter {
/** Return true if and only if a is strictly shorter than b.
bool operator()(const vector<int> *a, const vector<int> *b) {
return a->size() < b->size();
#define SETMINMAX(POS, STA, STO) {if ((POS) < (STA)) (STA) = (POS); \
if ((POS) > (STO)) (STO) = (POS);}
// Recursively check that each term is inside the window (which is readjusted
// as the successive terms are found)
static bool do_proximity_test(int window, vector<vector<int>* >& plists,
unsigned int i, int min, int max, int *sp, int *ep)
int tmp = max + 1;
// take care to avoid underflow
if (window <= tmp)
tmp -= window;
tmp = 0;
vector<int>::iterator it = plists[i]->begin();
// Find 1st position bigger than window start
while (it != plists[i]->end() && *it < tmp)
// Try each position inside window in turn for match with other lists
while (it != plists[i]->end()) {
int pos = *it;
if (pos > min + window - 1)
return false;
if (i + 1 == plists.size()) {
SETMINMAX(pos, *sp, *ep);
return true;
if (pos < min) {
min = pos;
} else if (pos > max) {
max = pos;
if (do_proximity_test(window, plists, i + 1, min, max, sp, ep)) {
SETMINMAX(pos, *sp, *ep);
return true;
return false;
// Check if there is a NEAR match for the group of terms
bool myTextSplitCB::matchGroup(const vector<string>& terms, int window)
LOGDEB0(("myTextSplitCB::matchGroup:d %d: %s\n", window,
// The position lists we are going to work with. We extract them from the
// (string->plist) map
vector<vector<int>* > plists;
// A revert plist->term map. This is so that we can find who is who after
// sorting the plists by length.
map<vector<int>*, string> plistToTerm;
// For traces
vector<string> realgroup;
// Find the position list for each term in the group. Not all
// necessarily exist (esp for NEAR where terms have been
// stem-expanded: we don't know which matched)
for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = terms.begin();
it != terms.end(); it++) {
map<string, vector<int> >::iterator pl = m_plists.find(*it);
if (pl == m_plists.end()) {
LOGDEB1(("myTextSplitCB::matchGroup: [%s] not found in m_plists\n",
plistToTerm[&(pl->second)] = *it;
LOGDEB0(("myTextSplitCB::matchGroup:d %d:real group %s\n", window,
if (plists.size() < 2)
return false;
// Sort the positions lists so that the shorter is first
std::sort(plists.begin(), plists.end(), VecIntCmpShorter());
// Walk the shortest plist and look for matches
int sta = int(10E9), sto = 0;
int pos;
// Occurrences are from 1->N
firstTermOcc = 0;
vector<int>::iterator it = plists[0]->begin();
do {
if (it == plists[0]->end())
return false;
pos = *it++;
} while (!do_proximity_test(window, plists, 1, pos, pos, &sta, &sto));
SETMINMAX(pos, sta, sto);
LOGDEB0(("myTextSplitCB::matchGroup: MATCH [%d,%d]\n", sta, sto));
// Translate the position window into a byte offset window
int bs = 0;
map<int, pair<int, int> >::iterator i1 = m_gpostobytes.find(sta);
map<int, pair<int, int> >::iterator i2 = m_gpostobytes.find(sto);
if (i1 != m_gpostobytes.end() && i2 != m_gpostobytes.end()) {
LOGDEB1(("myTextSplitCB::matchGroup: pushing %d %d\n",
i1->second.first, i2->second.second));
tboffs.push_back(pair<int, int>(i1->second.first, i2->second.second));
bs = i1->second.first;
} else {
LOGDEB(("myTextSplitCB::matchGroup: no bpos found for %d or %d\n",
sta, sto));
if (firstTerm.empty() || m_firstTermPos > sta) {
// firsTerm is used to try an position the preview window over
// the match. As it's difficult to divine byte/word positions
// in qtextedit, we use a string search. Use the
// shortest plist for this, which hopefully gives a better
// chance for the group to be found (it's hopeless to try and
// match the whole group)
map<vector<int>*, string>::iterator it =
if (it != plistToTerm.end())
firstTerm = it->second;
LOGDEB0(("myTextSplitCB:: best group term %s, firstTermOcc %d\n",
firstTerm.c_str(), firstTermOcc));
m_firstTermPos = sta;
m_firstTermBPos = bs;
return true;
/** Sort integer pairs by increasing first value and decreasing width */
class PairIntCmpFirst {
bool operator()(pair<int,int> a, pair<int, int>b) {
if (a.first != b.first)
return a.first < b.first;
return a.second > b.second;
// Do the phrase match thing, then merge the highlight lists
bool myTextSplitCB::matchGroups()
vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator vit = m_groups.begin();
vector<int>::const_iterator sit = m_slacks.begin();
for (; vit != m_groups.end() && sit != m_slacks.end(); vit++, sit++) {
matchGroup(*vit, *sit + (*vit).size());
// Sort by start and end offsets. The merging of overlapping entries
// will be handled during output.
std::sort(tboffs.begin(), tboffs.end(), PairIntCmpFirst());
return true;
// Setting searchable beacons in the text to walk the term list.
static const char *termAnchorNameBase = "TRM";
string termAnchorName(int i)
char acname[sizeof(termAnchorNameBase) + 20];
sprintf(acname, "%s%d", termAnchorNameBase, i);
return string(acname);
static string termBeacon(int i)
return string("<a name=\"") + termAnchorName(i) + "\">";
// Fix result text for display inside the gui text window.
// To compute the term character positions in the output text, we used
// to emulate how qt's textedit counts chars (ignoring tags and
// duplicate whitespace etc...). This was tricky business, dependant
// on qtextedit internals, and we don't do it any more, so we finally
// don't know the term par/car positions in the editor text.
// Instead, we mark the search term positions either with html anchor
// (qt currently has problems with them), or a special string, and the
// caller will use the editor's find() function to position on it
bool plaintorich(const string& in, list<string>& out,
const HiliteData& hdata,
bool noHeader, int *lastAnchor, int chunksize)
Chrono chron;
const vector<string>& terms(hdata.terms);
const vector<vector<string> >& groups(hdata.groups);
const vector<int>& slacks(hdata.gslks);
if (DebugLog::getdbl()->getlevel() >= DEBDEB0) {
LOGDEB0(("plaintorich: terms: \n"));
string sterms = vecStringToString(terms);
LOGDEB0((" %s\n", sterms.c_str()));
sterms = "\n";
LOGDEB0(("plaintorich: groups: \n"));
for (vector<vector<string> >::const_iterator vit = groups.begin();
vit != groups.end(); vit++) {
sterms += vecStringToString(*vit);
sterms += "\n";
LOGDEB0((" %s", sterms.c_str()));
// We first use the text splitter to break the text into words,
// and compare the words to the search terms, which yields the
// query terms positions inside the text
myTextSplitCB cb(terms, groups, slacks);
TextSplit splitter(&cb);
// Note that splitter returns the term locations in byte, not
// character offset
LOGDEB0(("plaintorich: split done %d mS\n", chron.millis()));
list<string>::iterator sit = out.begin();
// Rich text output
if (noHeader)
*sit = "";
*sit = "<qt><head><title></title></head><body><p>";
// Iterator for the list of input term positions. We use it to
// output highlight tags and to compute term positions in the
// output text
vector<pair<int, int> >::iterator tPosIt = cb.tboffs.begin();
vector<pair<int, int> >::iterator tboffsend = cb.tboffs.end();
#if 0
for (vector<pair<int, int> >::const_iterator it = cb.tboffs.begin();
it != cb.tboffs.end(); it++) {
LOGDEB2(("plaintorich: region: %d %d\n", it->first, it->second));
// Input character iterator
Utf8Iter chariter(in);
// State variable used to limitate the number of consecutive empty lines
int ateol = 0;
// Stuff for numbered anchors at each term match
int anchoridx = 1;
for (string::size_type pos = 0; pos != string::npos; pos = chariter++) {
if ((pos & 0xfff) == 0) {
// If we still have terms positions, check (byte) position. If
// we are at or after a term match, mark.
if (tPosIt != tboffsend) {
int ibyteidx = chariter.getBpos();
if (ibyteidx == tPosIt->first) {
if (lastAnchor)
*sit += termBeacon(anchoridx++);
*sit += "<termtag>";
} else if (ibyteidx == tPosIt->second) {
// Output end tag, then skip all highlight areas that
// would overlap this one
*sit += "</termtag>";
int crend = tPosIt->second;
while (tPosIt != cb.tboffs.end() && tPosIt->first < crend)
// Maybe end chunk
if (sit->size() > (unsigned int)chunksize) {
switch(*chariter) {
case '\n':
if (ateol < 2) {
*sit += "<br>\n";
case '\r':
case '\007': // used as anchor char, strip other instances
case '<':
ateol = 0;
*sit += "<";
case '&':
ateol = 0;
*sit += "&";
// We don't change the eol status for whitespace, want a real line
if (!(*chariter == ' ' || *chariter == '\t')) {
ateol = 0;
if (lastAnchor)
*lastAnchor = anchoridx - 1;
#if 0
FILE *fp = fopen("/tmp/debugplaintorich", "a");
for (list<string>::iterator it = out.begin();
it != out.end(); it++) {
fprintf(fp, "%s", it->c_str());
LOGDEB0(("plaintorich: done %d mS\n", chron.millis()));
return true;