#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "@(#$Id: rcldb.cpp,v 1.22 2005-02-08 11:59:08 dockes Exp $ (C) 2004 J.F.Dockes";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include "rcldb.h"
#include "textsplit.h"
#include "transcode.h"
#include "unacpp.h"
#include "conftree.h"
#include "debuglog.h"
#include "xapian.h"
// Data for a xapian database. There could actually be 2 different
// ones for indexing or query as there is not much in common.
class Native {
bool isopen;
bool iswritable;
// Indexing
Xapian::WritableDatabase wdb;
vector<bool> updated;
// Querying
Xapian::Database db;
Xapian::Query query;
Xapian::Enquire *enquire;
Xapian::MSet mset;
Native() : isopen(false), iswritable(false), enquire(0) {
~Native() {
delete enquire;
pdata = new Native;
if (pdata == 0)
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
LOGDEB(("Db::~Db: isopen %d iswritable %d\n", ndb->isopen,
if (ndb->isopen == false)
string ermsg;
try {
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::~Db: deleting native database\n"));
if (ndb->iswritable == true)
delete ndb;
} catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
ermsg = e.get_msg();
} catch (const string &s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (const char *s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (...) {
ermsg = "Caught unknown exception";
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::~Db: got exception: %s\n", ermsg.c_str()));
bool Rcl::Db::open(const string& dir, OpenMode mode)
if (pdata == 0)
return false;
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
LOGDEB(("Db::open: isopen %d iswritable %d\n", ndb->isopen,
if (ndb->isopen) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::open: already open\n"));
return false;
string ermsg;
try {
switch (mode) {
case DbUpd:
ndb->wdb =
Xapian::WritableDatabase(dir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN);
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::open: lastdocid: %d\n",
ndb->updated.resize(ndb->wdb.get_lastdocid() + 1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ndb->updated.size(); i++)
ndb->updated[i] = false;
ndb->iswritable = true;
case DbTrunc:
ndb->wdb =
Xapian::WritableDatabase(dir, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
ndb->iswritable = true;
case DbRO:
ndb->iswritable = false;
ndb->db = Xapian::Database(dir);
ndb->isopen = true;
return true;
} catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
ermsg = e.get_msg();
} catch (const string &s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (const char *s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (...) {
ermsg = "Caught unknown exception";
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::open: exception while opening '%s': %s\n",
dir.c_str(), ermsg.c_str()));
return false;
// Note: xapian has no close call, we delete and recreate the db
bool Rcl::Db::close()
if (pdata == 0)
return false;
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
LOGDEB(("Db::close(): isopen %d iswritable %d\n", ndb->isopen,
if (ndb->isopen == false)
return true;
string ermsg;
try {
if (ndb->iswritable == true) {
LOGDEB(("Rcl:Db: Called xapian flush\n"));
delete ndb;
pdata = new Native;
if (pdata)
return true;
} catch (const Xapian::Error &e) {
ermsg = e.get_msg();
} catch (const string &s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (const char *s) {
ermsg = s;
} catch (...) {
ermsg = "Caught unknown exception";
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db:close: exception while deleting db: %s\n",
return false;
bool Rcl::Db::isopen()
if (pdata == 0)
return false;
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
return ndb->isopen;
// A small class to hold state while splitting text
class mySplitterCB : public TextSplitCB {
Xapian::Document &doc;
Xapian::termpos basepos; // Base for document section
Xapian::termpos curpos; // Last position sent to callback
mySplitterCB(Xapian::Document &d) : doc(d), basepos(1), curpos(0)
bool takeword(const std::string &term, int pos, int, int);
// Callback for the document to word splitting class during indexation
bool mySplitterCB::takeword(const std::string &term, int pos, int, int)
// cerr << "splitCb: term " << term << endl;
//string printable;
//transcode(term, printable, "UTF-8", "ISO8859-1");
//cerr << "Adding " << printable << endl;
try {
// 1 is the value for wdfinc in index_text when called from omindex
// TOBEDONE: check what this is used for
curpos = pos;
doc.add_posting(term, basepos + curpos, 1);
} catch (...) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db: Error occurred during xapian add_posting\n"));
return false;
return true;
// Unaccent and lowercase data: use unac
// for accents, and do it by hand for upper / lower. Note lowercasing is
// only for ascii letters anyway, so it's just A-Z -> a-z
// Removing crlfs is so that we can use the text in the document data fields.
bool Rcl::dumb_string(const string &in, string &out)
string inter;
if (in.empty())
return true;
if (!unac_cpp(in, inter)) {
LOGERR(("dumb_string: unac_cpp failed for %s\n", in.c_str()));
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inter.length(); i++) {
if (inter[i] >= 'A' && inter[i] <= 'Z') {
out += inter[i] + 'a' - 'A';
} else {
if (inter[i] == '\n' || inter[i] == '\r')
out += ' ';
out += inter[i];
return true;
/* omindex direct */
/* Truncate a string to a given maxlength, avoiding cutting off midword
* if reasonably possible. */
truncate_to_word(string & input, string::size_type maxlen)
string output;
if (input.length() <= maxlen) {
output = input;
} else {
output = input.substr(0, maxlen);
const char *SEPAR = " \t\n\r-:.;,/[]{}";
string::size_type space = output.find_last_of(SEPAR);
// Original version only truncated at space if space was found after
// maxlen/2. But we HAVE to truncate at space, else we'd need to do
// utf8 stuff to avoid truncating at multibyte char. In any case,
// not finding space means that the text probably has no value.
// Except probably for Asian languages, so we may want to fix this
// one day
if (space == string::npos) {
} else {
output += " ...";
// replace newlines with spaces
size_t i = 0;
while ((i = output.find('\n', i)) != string::npos) output[i] = ' ';
return output;
bool Rcl::Db::add(const string &fn, const Rcl::Doc &idoc)
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::add: fn %s\n", fn.c_str()));
if (pdata == 0)
return false;
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
Rcl::Doc doc = idoc;
if (doc.abstract.empty())
doc.abstract = truncate_to_word(doc.text, 100);
doc.abstract = truncate_to_word(doc.abstract, 100);
doc.title = truncate_to_word(doc.title, 100);
doc.keywords = truncate_to_word(doc.keywords, 300);
Xapian::Document newdocument;
mySplitterCB splitData(newdocument);
TextSplit splitter(&splitData);
string noacc;
if (!unac_cpp(doc.title, noacc)) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::add: unac failed\n"));
return false;
splitData.basepos += splitData.curpos + 100;
if (!dumb_string(doc.text, noacc)) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::add: dumb_string failed\n"));
return false;
splitData.basepos += splitData.curpos + 100;
if (!dumb_string(doc.keywords, noacc)) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::add: dumb_string failed\n"));
return false;
splitData.basepos += splitData.curpos + 100;
if (!dumb_string(doc.abstract, noacc)) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::add: dumb_string failed\n"));
return false;
newdocument.add_term("T" + doc.mimetype);
string pathterm = "P" + fn;
const char *fnc = fn.c_str();
// Document data record. omindex has the following nl separated fields:
// - url
// - sample
// - caption (title limited to 100 chars)
// - mime type
string record = "url=file://" + fn;
record += "\nmtype=" + doc.mimetype;
record += "\nmtime=" + doc.mtime;
record += "\norigcharset=" + doc.origcharset;
record += "\ncaption=" + doc.title;
record += "\nkeywords=" + doc.keywords;
record += "\nabstract=" + doc.abstract;
record += "\n";
LOGDEB1(("Newdocument data: %s\n", record.c_str()));
time_t mtime = atol(doc.mtime.c_str());
struct tm *tm = localtime(&mtime);
char buf[9];
sprintf(buf, "%04d%02d%02d",tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday);
newdocument.add_term("D" + string(buf)); // Date (YYYYMMDD)
buf[7] = '\0';
if (buf[6] == '3') buf[6] = '2';
newdocument.add_term("W" + string(buf)); // "Weak" - 10ish day interval
buf[6] = '\0';
newdocument.add_term("M" + string(buf)); // Month (YYYYMM)
buf[4] = '\0';
newdocument.add_term("Y" + string(buf)); // Year (YYYY)
// If this document has already been indexed, update the existing
// entry.
try {
Xapian::docid did =
ndb->wdb.replace_document(pathterm, newdocument);
if (did < ndb->updated.size()) {
ndb->updated[did] = true;
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::add: docid %d updated [%s]\n", did, fnc));
} else {
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::add: docid %d added [%s]\n", did, fnc));
} catch (...) {
// FIXME: is this ever actually needed?
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::add: %s added (failed re-seek for duplicate)\n",
return true;
bool Rcl::Db::needUpdate(const string &filename, const struct stat *stp)
if (pdata == 0)
return false;
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
string pathterm = "P" + filename;
if (!ndb->wdb.term_exists(pathterm))
return true;
Xapian::PostingIterator doc;
try {
Xapian::PostingIterator did = ndb->wdb.postlist_begin(pathterm);
if (did == ndb->wdb.postlist_end(pathterm))
return true;
Xapian::Document doc = ndb->wdb.get_document(*did);
string data = doc.get_data();
const char *cp = strstr(data.c_str(), "mtime=");
cp += 6;
long mtime = atol(cp);
if (mtime >= stp->st_mtime) {
if (*did < ndb->updated.size())
ndb->updated[*did] = true;
return false;
} catch (...) {
return true;
return true;
bool Rcl::Db::purge()
// There seems to be problems with the document delete code, when
// we do this, the database is not actually updated. Especially,
// if we delete a bunch of docs, so that there is a hole in the
// docids at the beginning, we can't add anything (appears to work
// and does nothing). Maybe related to the exceptions below when
// trying to delete an unexistant document ?
// Flushing before trying the deletes seeems to work around the problem
if (pdata == 0)
return false;
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::purge: isopen %d iswritable %d\n", ndb->isopen,
if (ndb->isopen == false || ndb->iswritable == false)
return false;
for (Xapian::docid did = 1; did < ndb->updated.size(); ++did) {
if (!ndb->updated[did]) {
try {
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::purge: deleted document #%d\n", did));
} catch (const Xapian::DocNotFoundError &) {
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::purge: document #%d not found\n", did));
return true;
#include <vector>
class wsQData : public TextSplitCB {
vector<string> terms;
string catterms() {
string s;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<terms.size();i++) {
s += "[" + terms[i] + "] ";
return s;
bool takeword(const std::string &term, int , int, int) {
LOGDEB(("Takeword: %s\n", term.c_str()));
return true;
bool Rcl::Db::setQuery(const std::string &iqstring)
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::setQuery: %s\n", iqstring.c_str()));
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
if (!ndb)
return false;
string qstring;;
if (!dumb_string(iqstring, qstring)) {
return false;
// First extract phrases:
list<string> phrases;
ConfTree::stringToStrings(qstring, phrases);
for (list<string>::const_iterator i=phrases.begin();
i != phrases.end();i++) {
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::setQuery: phrase: '%s'\n", i->c_str()));
list<Xapian::Query> pqueries;
for (list<string>::const_iterator it = phrases.begin();
it != phrases.end(); it++) {
wsQData splitData;
TextSplit splitter(&splitData, true);
LOGDEB(("Splitter term count: %d\n", splitData.terms.size()));
switch(splitData.terms.size()) {
case 0: continue;// ??
case 1:
LOGDEB(("Pushing phrase: %s\n", splitData.catterms().c_str()));
ndb->query = Xapian::Query(Xapian::Query::OP_OR, pqueries.begin(),
delete ndb->enquire;
ndb->enquire = new Xapian::Enquire(ndb->db);
ndb->mset = Xapian::MSet();
return true;
bool Rcl::Db::getQueryTerms(list<string>& terms)
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
if (!ndb)
return false;
Xapian::TermIterator it;
for (it = ndb->query.get_terms_begin(); it != ndb->query.get_terms_end();
it++) {
return true;
int Rcl::Db::getResCnt()
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
if (!ndb || !ndb->enquire) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::getResCnt: no query opened\n"));
return -1;
if (ndb->mset.size() <= 0)
return -1;
return ndb->mset.get_matches_lower_bound();
bool Rcl::Db::getDoc(int i, Doc &doc, int *percent)
LOGDEB(("Rcl::Db::getDoc: %d\n", i));
Native *ndb = (Native *)pdata;
if (!ndb || !ndb->enquire) {
LOGERR(("Rcl::Db::getDoc: no query opened\n"));
return false;
int first = ndb->mset.get_firstitem();
int last = first + ndb->mset.size() -1;
if (!(i >= first && i <= last)) {
LOGDEB1(("Fetching for first %d, count 10\n", i));
ndb->mset = ndb->enquire->get_mset(i, 10);
if (ndb->mset.empty())
return false;
first = ndb->mset.get_firstitem();
last = first + ndb->mset.size() -1;
LOGDEB1(("Rcl::Db::getDoc: Qry '%s' win [%d-%d] Estimated results: %d",
first, last,
Xapian::Document xdoc = ndb->mset[i-first].get_document();
if (percent)
*percent = ndb->mset.convert_to_percent(ndb->mset[i-first]);
// Parse xapian document's data and populate doc fields
string data = xdoc.get_data();
LOGDEB1(("Rcl::Db::getDoc: data: %s\n", data.c_str()));
ConfSimple parms(&data);
parms.get(string("url"), doc.url);
parms.get(string("mtype"), doc.mimetype);
parms.get(string("mtime"), doc.mtime);
parms.get(string("origcharset"), doc.origcharset);
parms.get(string("caption"), doc.title);
parms.get(string("keywords"), doc.keywords);
parms.get(string("abstract"), doc.abstract);
return true;