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--- a/src/README
+++ b/src/README
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-   Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Jean-Francois Dockes
+   Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Jean-Francois Dockes
    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
    under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
    license can be found at the following location: GNU web site.
    This document introduces full text search notions and describes the
-   installation and use of the Recoll application. It currently describes
-   Recoll 1.20.
+   installation and use of the Recoll application. This version describes
+   Recoll 1.21.
@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
                              2.1.3. Document types
-                             2.1.4. Recovery
+                             2.1.4. Indexing failures
+                             2.1.5. Recovery
                 2.2. Index storage
@@ -107,7 +109,10 @@
                              3.1.13. Search tips, shortcuts
-                             3.1.14. Customizing the search interface
+                             3.1.14. Saving and restoring queries (1.21 and
+                             later)
+                             3.1.15. Customizing the search interface
                 3.2. Searching with the KDE KIO slave
@@ -163,10 +168,6 @@
                 5.1. Installing a binary copy
-                             5.1.1. Installing through a package system
-                             5.1.2. Installing a prebuilt Recoll
                 5.2. Supporting packages
                 5.3. Building from source
@@ -179,19 +180,21 @@
                 5.4. Configuration overview
-                             5.4.1. The main configuration file, recoll.conf
-                             5.4.2. The fields file
-                             5.4.3. The mimemap file
-                             5.4.4. The mimeconf file
-                             5.4.5. The mimeview file
-                             5.4.6. The ptrans file
-                             5.4.7. Examples of configuration adjustments
+                             5.4.1. Environment variables
+                             5.4.2. The main configuration file, recoll.conf
+                             5.4.3. The fields file
+                             5.4.4. The mimemap file
+                             5.4.5. The mimeconf file
+                             5.4.6. The mimeview file
+                             5.4.7. The ptrans file
+                             5.4.8. Examples of configuration adjustments
 Chapter 1. Introduction
@@ -352,8 +355,19 @@
    index build can be forced later by specifying an option to the indexing
    command (recollindex -z or -Z).
+   recollindex skips files which caused an error during a previous pass. This
+   is a performance optimization, and a new behaviour in version 1.21 (failed
+   files were always retried by previous versions). The command line option
+   -k can be set to retry failed files, for example after updating a filter.
    The following sections give an overview of different aspects of the
    indexing processes and configuration, with links to detailed sections.
+   Depending on your data, temporary files may be needed during indexing,
+   some of them possibly quite big. You can use the RECOLL_TMPDIR or TMPDIR
+   environment variables to determine where they are created (the default is
+   to use /tmp). Using TMPDIR has the nice property that it may also be taken
+   into account by auxiliary commands executed by recollindex.
   2.1.1. Indexing modes
@@ -462,7 +476,28 @@
    main configuration file (recoll.conf), or from the GUI index configuration
-  2.1.4. Recovery
+  2.1.4. Indexing failures
+   Indexing may fail for some documents, for a number of reasons: a helper
+   program may be missing, the document may be corrupt, we may fail to
+   uncompress a file because no file system space is available, etc.
+   Recoll versions prior to 1.21 always retried to index files which had
+   previously caused an error. This guaranteed that anything that may have
+   become indexable (for example because a helper had been installed) would
+   be indexed. However this was bad for performance because some indexing
+   failures may be quite costly (for example failing to uncompress a big file
+   because of insufficient disk space).
+   The indexer in Recoll versions 1.21 and later do not retry failed file by
+   default. Retrying will only occur if an explicit option (-k) is set on the
+   recollindex command line, or if a script executed when recollindex starts
+   up says so. The script is defined by a configuration variable
+   (checkneedretryindexscript), and makes a rather lame attempt at deciding
+   if a helper command may have been installed, by checking if any of the
+   common bin directories have changed.
+  2.1.5. Recovery
    In the rare case where the index becomes corrupted (which can signal
    itself by weird search results or crashes), the index files need to be
@@ -785,6 +820,9 @@
    rebuilt, which can be a significant advantage if it is very big (some
    installations need days for a full index rebuild).
+   Option -k will force retrying files which previously failed to be indexed,
+   for example because of a missing helper program.
    Of special interest also, maybe, are the -i and -f options. -i allows
    indexing an explicit list of files (given as command line parameters or
    read on stdin). -f tells recollindex to ignore file selection parameters
@@ -867,11 +905,12 @@
    option -x to disable X11 session monitoring (else the daemon will not
-   By default, the messages from the indexing daemon will be discarded. You
-   may want to change this by setting the daemlogfilename and daemloglevel
-   configuration parameters. Also the log file will only be truncated when
-   the daemon starts. If the daemon runs permanently, the log file may grow
-   quite big, depending on the log level.
+   By default, the messages from the indexing daemon will be setn to the same
+   file as those from the interactive commands (logfilename). You may want to
+   change this by setting the daemlogfilename and daemloglevel configuration
+   parameters. Also the log file will only be truncated when the daemon
+   starts. If the daemon runs permanently, the log file may grow quite big,
+   depending on the log level.
    When building Recoll, the real time indexing support can be customised
    during package configuration with the --with[out]-fam or
@@ -946,6 +985,10 @@
    white space in this case (they would typically be printed without white
+   Some searches can be quite complex, and you may want to re-use them later,
+   perhaps with some tweaking. Recoll versions 1.21 and later can save and
+   restore searches, using XML files. See Saving and restoring queries.
   3.1.1. Simple search
     1. Start the recoll program.
@@ -1372,6 +1415,8 @@
    The advanced search dialog helps you build more complex queries without
    memorizing the search language constructs. It can be opened through the
    Tools menu or through the main toolbar.
+   Recoll keeps a history of searches. See Advanced search history.
    The dialog has two tabs:
@@ -1745,7 +1790,24 @@
    Quitting. Entering Ctrl-Q almost anywhere will close the application.
-  3.1.14. Customizing the search interface
+  3.1.14. Saving and restoring queries (1.21 and later)
+   Both simple and advanced query dialogs save recent history, but the amount
+   is limited: old queries will eventually be forgotten. Also, important
+   queries may be difficult to find among others. This is why both types of
+   queries can also be explicitely saved to files, from the GUI menus: File
+   -> Save last query / Load last query
+   The default location for saved queries is a subdirectory of the current
+   configuration directory, but saved queries are ordinary files and can be
+   written or moved anywhere.
+   Some of the saved query parameters are part of the preferences (e.g.
+   autophrase or the active external indexes), and may differ when the query
+   is loaded from the time it was saved. In this case, Recoll will warn of
+   the differences, but will not change the user preferences.
+  3.1.15. Customizing the search interface
    You can customize some aspects of the search interface by using the GUI
    configuration entry in the Preferences menu.
@@ -1912,29 +1974,33 @@
    alternative indexer may also need to implement a way of purging the index
    from stale data,
- The result list format
+ The result list format
+   Newer versions of Recoll (from 1.17) normally use WebKit HTML widgets for
+   the result list and the snippets window (this may be disabled at build
+   time). Total customisation is possible with full support for CSS and
+   Javascript. Conversely, there are limits to what you can do with the older
+   Qt QTextBrowser, but still, it is possible to decide what data each result
+   will contain, and how it will be displayed.
    The result list presentation can be exhaustively customized by adjusting
    two elements:
      o The paragraph format
-     o HTML code inside the header section
-   These can be edited from the Result list tab of the GUI configuration.
-   Newer versions of Recoll (from 1.17) use a WebKit HTML object by default
-   (this may be disabled at build time), and total customisation is possible
-   with full support for CSS and Javascript. Conversely, there are limits to
-   what you can do with the older Qt QTextBrowser, but still, it is possible
-   to decide what data each result will contain, and how it will be
-   displayed.
-   No more detail will be given about the header part (only useful with the
-   WebKit build), if there are restrictions to what you can do, they are
-   beyond this author's HTML/CSS/Javascript abilities... There are a few
-   examples on the page about customising the result list on the Recoll web
-   site.
+     o HTML code inside the header section. For versions 1.21 and later, this
+       is also used for the snippets window
+   The paragraph format and the header fragment can be edited from the Result
+   list tab of the GUI configuration.
+   The header fragment is used both for the result list and the snippets
+   window. The snippets list is a table and has a snippets class attribute.
+   Each paragraph in the result list is a table, with class respar, but this
+   can be changed by editing the paragraph format.
+   There are a few examples on the page about customising the result list on
+   the Recoll web site.
       The paragraph format
@@ -1997,9 +2063,13 @@
    The default value for the paragraph format string is:
- <img src="%I" align="left">%R %S %L &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>%T</b><br>
- %M&nbsp;%D&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>%U</i>&nbsp;%i<br>
- %A %K
+     "<table class=\"respar\">\n"
+     "<tr>\n"
+     "<td><a href='%U'><img src='%I' width='64'></a></td>\n"
+     "<td>%L &nbsp;<i>%S</i> &nbsp;&nbsp;<b>%T</b><br>\n"
+     "<span style='white-space:nowrap'><i>%M</i>&nbsp;%D</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <i>%U</i>&nbsp;%i<br>\n"
+     "%A %K</td>\n"
+     "</tr></table>\n"
    You may, for example, try the following for a more web-like experience:
@@ -2205,7 +2275,8 @@
    An element is composed of an optional field specification, and a value,
    separated by a colon (the field separator is the last colon in the
-   element). Example: Eugenie, author:balzac, dc:title:grandet
+   element). Examples: Eugenie, author:balzac, dc:title:grandet
+   dc:title:"eugenie grandet"
    The colon, if present, means "contains". Xesam defines other relations,
    which are mostly unsupported for now (except in special cases, described
@@ -2218,13 +2289,22 @@
    (word2 OR word3) not (word1 AND word2) OR word3. Explicit parenthesis are
    not supported.
-   An element preceded by a - specifies a term that should not appear. Pure
-   negative queries are forbidden.
+   As of Recoll 1.21, you can use parentheses to group elements, which will
+   sometimes make things clearer, and may allow expressing combinations which
+   would have been difficult otherwise.
+   An element preceded by a - specifies a term that should not appear.
    As usual, words inside quotes define a phrase (the order of words is
    significant), so that title:"prejudice pride" is not the same as
    title:prejudice title:pride, and is unlikely to find a result.
+   Words inside phrases and capitalized words are not stem-expanded.
+   Wildcards may be used anywhere inside a term. Specifying a wild-card on
+   the left of a term can produce a very slow search (or even an incorrect
+   one if the expansion is truncated because of excessive size). Also see
+   More about wildcards.
    To save you some typing, recent Recoll versions (1.20 and later) interpret
    a comma-separated list of terms as an AND list inside the field. Use slash
    characters ('/') for an OR list. No white space is allowed. So
@@ -2238,8 +2318,10 @@
    would search for john or ringo.
-   Modifiers can be set on a phrase clause, for example to specify a
-   proximity search (unordered). See the modifier section.
+   Modifiers can be set on a double-quote value, for example to specify a
+   proximity search (unordered). See the modifier section. No space must
+   separate the final double-quote and the modifiers value, e.g. "two
+   one"po10
    Recoll currently manages the following default fields:
@@ -2355,12 +2437,6 @@
        be modified or extended. The default category names are those which
        permit filtering results in the main GUI screen. Categories are OR'ed
        like MIME types above. This can't be negated with - either.
-   Words inside phrases and capitalized words are not stem-expanded.
-   Wildcards may be used anywhere inside a term. Specifying a wild-card on
-   the left of a term can produce a very slow search (or even an incorrect
-   one if the expansion is truncated because of excessive size). Also see
-   More about wildcards.
    The document input handlers used while indexing have the possibility to
    create other fields with arbitrary names, and aliases may be defined in
@@ -3249,44 +3325,28 @@
 5.1. Installing a binary copy
-   There are three types of binary Recoll installations:
-     o Through your system normal software distribution framework (ie,
-       Debian/Ubuntu apt, FreeBSD ports, etc.).
-     o From a package downloaded from the Recoll web site.
-     o From a prebuilt tree downloaded from the Recoll web site.
-   In all cases, the strict software dependancies (ie on Xapian or iconv)
-   will be automatically satisfied, you should not have to worry about them.
-   You will only have to check or install supporting applications for the
-   file types that you want to index beyond those that are natively processed
-   by Recoll (text, HTML, email files, and a few others).
+   Recoll binary copies are always distributed as regular packages for your
+   system. They can be obtained either through the system's normal software
+   distribution framework (e.g. Debian/Ubuntu apt, FreeBSD ports, etc.), or
+   from some type of "backports" repository providing versions newer than the
+   standard ones, or found on the Recoll WEB site in some cases.
+   There used to exist another form of binary install, as pre-compiled source
+   trees, but these are just less convenient than the packages and don't
+   exist any more.
+   The package management tools will usually automatically deal with hard
+   dependancies for packages obtained from a proper package repository. You
+   will have to deal with them by hand for downloaded packages (for example,
+   when dpkg complains about missing dependancies).
+   In all cases, you will have to check or install supporting applications
+   for the file types that you want to index beyond those that are natively
+   processed by Recoll (text, HTML, email files, and a few others).
    You should also maybe have a look at the configuration section (but this
    may not be necessary for a quick test with default parameters). Most
    parameters can be more conveniently set from the GUI interface.
-  5.1.1. Installing through a package system
-   If you use a BSD-type port system or a prebuilt package (DEB, RPM,
-   manually or through the system software configuration utility), just
-   follow the usual procedure for your system.
-  5.1.2. Installing a prebuilt Recoll
-   The unpackaged binary versions on the Recoll web site are just compressed
-   tar files of a build tree, where only the useful parts were kept
-   (executables and sample configuration).
-   The executable binary files are built with a static link to libxapian and
-   libiconv, to make installation easier (no dependencies).
-   After extracting the tar file, you can proceed with installation as if you
-   had built the package from source (that is, just type make install). The
-   binary trees are built for installation to /usr/local.
 5.2. Supporting packages
@@ -3487,7 +3547,7 @@
    Normal procedure:
          cd recoll-xxx
-         configure
+         ./configure
          (practices usual hardship-repelling invocations)
@@ -3624,7 +3684,51 @@
        text files with appropriate encodings, and concatenate them to create
        the complete configuration.
-  5.4.1. The main configuration file, recoll.conf
+  5.4.1. Environment variables
+           Defines the main configuration directory.
+           Locations for temporary files, in this order of priority. The
+           default if none of these is set is to use /tmp. Big temporary
+           files may be created during indexing, mostly for decompressing,
+           and also for processing, e.g. email attachments.
+           Allow adding configuration directories with priorities below and
+           above the user directory (see above the Configuration overview
+           section for details).
+           Help for setting up external indexes. See this paragraph for
+           explanations.
+           Defines replacement for the default location of Recoll data files,
+           normally found in, e.g., /usr/share/recoll).
+           Defines replacement for the default location of Recoll filters,
+           normally found in, e.g., /usr/share/recoll/filters).
+           aspell program to use for creating the spelling dictionary. The
+           result has to be compatible with the libaspell which Recoll is
+           using.
+           Blabla
+  5.4.2. The main configuration file, recoll.conf
    recoll.conf is the main configuration file. It defines things like what to
    index (top directories and things to ignore), and the default character
@@ -3639,7 +3743,7 @@
    Configuration menu in the recoll interface. Some can only be set by
    editing the configuration file.
- Parameters affecting what documents we index:
+ Parameters affecting what documents we index:
@@ -3673,8 +3777,23 @@
            like ~/.thunderbird or ~/.evolution in topdirs.
            Not even the file names are indexed for patterns in this list. See
-           the recoll_noindex variable in mimemap for an alternative approach
-           which indexes the file names.
+           the noContentSuffixes variable for an alternative approach which
+           indexes the file names.
+   noContentSuffixes
+           This is a list of file name endings (not wildcard expressions, nor
+           dot-delimited suffixes). Only the names of matching files will be
+           indexed (no attempt at MIME type identification, no decompression,
+           no content indexing). This can be redefined for subdirectories,
+           and edited from the GUI. The default value is:
+ noContentSuffixes = .md5 .map \
+        .o .lib .dll .a .sys .exe .com \
+        .mpp .mpt .vsd \
+            .img .img.gz .img.bz2 .img.xz .image .image.gz .image.bz2 .image.xz \
+        .dat .bak .rdf .log.gz .log .db .msf .pid \
+        ,v ~ #
    skippedPaths and daemSkippedPaths
@@ -3794,7 +3913,7 @@
            Firefox plugin as ~/.recollweb/ToIndex so there should be no need
            to change it.
- Parameters affecting how we generate terms:
+ Parameters affecting how we generate terms:
    Changing some of these parameters will imply a full reindex. Also, when
    using multiple indexes, it may not make sense to search indexes that don't
@@ -3969,7 +4088,7 @@
            field1 and field2 will be set inside the document metadata.
- Parameters affecting where and how we store things:
+ Parameters affecting where and how we store things:
@@ -4028,7 +4147,7 @@
            memory, you can try higher values between 20 and 80. In my
            experience, values beyond 100 are always counterproductive.
- Parameters affecting multithread processing
+ Parameters affecting multithread processing
    The Recoll indexing process recollindex can use multiple threads to speed
    up indexing on multiprocessor systems. The work done to index files is
@@ -4091,7 +4210,7 @@
  thrQSizes = -1 -1 -1
- Miscellaneous parameters:
+ Miscellaneous parameters:
@@ -4120,6 +4239,16 @@
            Where the messages should go. 'stderr' can be used as a special
            value, and is the default. The daemversion is specific to the
            indexing monitor daemon.
+   checkneedretryindexscript
+           This defines the name for a command executed by recollindex when
+           starting indexing. If the exit status of the command is 0,
+           recollindex retries to index all files which previously could not
+           be indexed because of data extraction errors. The default value is
+           a script which checks if any of the common bin directories have
+           changed (indicating that a helper program may have been
+           installed).
@@ -4211,7 +4340,7 @@
            be set for directories which hold Thunderbird data, as their
            folder format is weird.
-  5.4.2. The fields file
+  5.4.3. The fields file
    This file contains information about dynamic fields handling in Recoll.
    Some very basic fields have hard-wired behaviour, and, mostly, you should
@@ -4282,7 +4411,7 @@
  # mailmytag field name
  x-my-tag = mailmytag
- Extended attributes in the fields file
+ Extended attributes in the fields file
    Recoll versions 1.19 and later process user extended file attributes as
    documents fields by default.
@@ -4294,7 +4423,7 @@
    translations from extended attributes names to Recoll field names. An
    empty translation disables use of the corresponding attribute data.
-  5.4.3. The mimemap file
+  5.4.4. The mimemap file
    mimemap specifies the file name extension to MIME type mappings.
@@ -4307,18 +4436,12 @@
    handled specially, which is possible because they are usually all located
    in one place.
-   mimemap also has a recoll_noindex variable which is a list of suffixes.
-   Matching files will be skipped (which avoids unnecessary decompressions or
-   file executions). This is partially redundant with skippedNames in the
-   main configuration file, with a few differences: it will not affect
-   directories, it cannot be made dependant on the file-system location (it
-   is a configuration-wide parameter), and the file names will still be
-   indexed (not even the file names are indexed for patterns in skippedNames.
-   recoll_noindex is used mostly for things known to be unindexable by a
-   given Recoll version. Having it there avoids cluttering the more
-   user-oriented and locally customized skippedNames.
-  5.4.4. The mimeconf file
+   The recoll_noindex mimemap variable has been moved to recoll.conf and
+   renamed to noContentSuffixes, while keeping the same function, as of
+   Recoll version 1.21. For older Recoll versions, see the documentation for
+   noContentSuffixes but use recoll_noindex in mimemap.
+  5.4.5. The mimeconf file
    mimeconf specifies how the different MIME types are handled for indexing,
    and which icons are displayed in the recoll result lists.
@@ -4330,7 +4453,7 @@
    recoll in the result lists (the values are the basenames of the png images
    inside the iconsdir directory (specified in recoll.conf).
-  5.4.5. The mimeview file
+  5.4.6. The mimeview file
    mimeview specifies which programs are started when you click on an Open
    link in a result list. Ie: HTML is normally displayed using firefox, but
@@ -4399,7 +4522,7 @@
    document. This could be used in combination with field customisation to
    help with opening the document.
-  5.4.6. The ptrans file
+  5.4.7. The ptrans file
    ptrans specifies query-time path translations. These can be useful in
    multiple cases.
@@ -4418,9 +4541,9 @@
            /server/volume2/docdir = /net/server/volume2/docdir
-  5.4.7. Examples of configuration adjustments
- Adding an external viewer for an non-indexed type
+  5.4.8. Examples of configuration adjustments
+ Adding an external viewer for an non-indexed type
    Imagine that you have some kind of file which does not have indexable
    content, but for which you would like to have a functional Open link in
@@ -4450,7 +4573,7 @@
    configuration, which you do not need to alter. mimeview can also be
    modified from the Gui.
- Adding indexing support for a new file type
+ Adding indexing support for a new file type
    Let us now imagine that the above .blob files actually contain indexable
    text and that you know how to extract it with a command line program.