Commit Date  
new ru/uk translations from Michael
[ebd7d5] by dockes dockes
2009-02-23 Tree
small pbs with reslist translations
[396618] by dockes dockes
2009-01-30 Tree
updated message files, translated french
[1a0b49] by dockes dockes
2009-01-30 Tree
have ssearch install the lang help section when...
[bbf565] by dockes dockes
2009-01-29 Tree
erase history would crash with empty reslist do...
[713eb8] by dockes dockes
2009-01-28 Tree
fixed status bar messages (were cleared by peri...
[a029ca] by dockes dockes
2009-01-28 Tree
F1 context-enhanced help
[39ceaa] by dockes dockes
2009-01-28 Tree
F1 context-enhanced help
[e800ca] by dockes dockes
2009-01-28 Tree
dont encode urls used for starting help browser
[b52708] by dockes dockes
2009-01-28 Tree
avoid setting 0 sizes
[db021b] by dockes dockes
2009-01-28 Tree
temp ckpt: need to test on real unix
[4c82cd] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
avoid name duplication
[7b1c4c] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
one button for choosing native editors
[6d7b31] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
[765b6c] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
use normal text/html ext app for viewing help
[e9aad2] by dockes dockes
2009-01-23 Tree
allow toggle show text/fields in preview
[631fad] by dockes dockes
2009-01-22 Tree
added saveToFile menu entry to reslist
[bc207a] by dockes dockes
2009-01-21 Tree
added compressedfilemaxkbs
[bf1670] by dockes dockes
2009-01-17 Tree
disable printing to tmp file
[9c5bd4] by dockes dockes
2009-01-15 Tree
ensure reslist parformat is refreshed after edi...
[6e21f5] by dockes dockes
2009-01-15 Tree
arrange so that the select action dialog is pre...
[7cf12d] by dockes dockes
2009-01-14 Tree
fix obsolete tooltip message
[b1dff7] by dockes dockes
2009-01-13 Tree
simplified dialog structure, apparently allowed...
[cc63ea] by dockes dockes
2009-01-12 Tree
suppressed unused vbox
[05d796] by dockes dockes
2009-01-12 Tree
suppressed unused layout in searchClause
[3ed934] by dockes dockes
2009-01-12 Tree
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Showing results of 540