Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/qtgui/recollmain.ui.h
+++ b/src/qtgui/recollmain.ui.h
@@ -32,30 +32,126 @@
+#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include "rcldb.h"
+#include "rclconfig.h"
+#include "debuglog.h"
+#include "mimehandler.h"
+extern RclConfig *rclconfig;
+extern Rcl::Db *rcldb;
+static string plaintorich(const string &in)
+    string out = "<qt><head><title></title></head><body><p>";
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in.length() ; i++) {
+	if (in[i] == '\n') {
+	    out += "<br>";
+	} else {
+	    out += in[i];
+	}
+	if (i == 10) {
+	    out += "<mytag>";
+	}
+	if (i == 20) {
+	    out += "</mytag>";
+	}	    
+    }
+    return out;
 void RecollMain::resTextEdit_clicked( int par, int car )
     fprintf(stderr, "Clicked at paragraph %d, char %d\n", par, car);
+    Rcl::Doc doc;
+    doc.erase();
+    if (rcldb->getDoc(par, doc)) {
+	// Go to the file system to retrieve / convert the document text
+	// for preview:
+	// Look for appropriate handler
+	MimeHandlerFunc fun = 
+	    getMimeHandler(doc.mimetype, rclconfig->getMimeConf());
+	if (!fun) {
+	    QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
+				 QString("No mime handler for mime type ") +
+				 doc.mimetype.c_str());
+	    return;
+	}
+	string fn = doc.url.substr(6, string::npos);
+	Rcl::Doc fdoc;
+	if (!fun(rclconfig, fn,  doc.mimetype, fdoc)) {
+	    QMessageBox::warning(0, "Recoll",
+				 QString("Failed to convert document for preview!\n") +
+				 fn.c_str() + " mimetype " + 
+				 doc.mimetype.c_str());
+	    return;
+	}
+	string rich = plaintorich(fdoc.text);
+#if 0
+	//Highlighting; pass a list of (search term, style name) to plaintorich
+	// and create the corresponding styles with different colors here
+	// We need to :
+	//  - Break the query into terms : wait for the query analyzer
+	//  - Break the text into words. This should use a version of 
+	//    textsplit with an option to keep the punctuation (see how to do
+	//    this). We do want the same splitter code to be used here and 
+	//    when indexing.
+	QStyleSheetItem *item = 
+	    new QStyleSheetItem( previewTextEdit->styleSheet(), "mytag" );
+	item->setColor("red");
+	item->setFontWeight(QFont::Bold);
+	QString str = QString::fromUtf8(rich.c_str(), rich.length());
+	previewTextEdit->setTextFormat(RichText);
+	previewTextEdit->setText(str);
+    }
-#include "qfontdialog.h"
+void RecollMain::queryText_returnPressed()
+    LOGDEB(("RecollMain::queryText_returnPressed()\n"));
+    resTextEdit->clear();
+    previewTextEdit->clear();
-#define BS 200000     
-void RecollMain::resTextEdit_returnPressed()
+    string rawq =  queryText->text();
+    rcldb->setQuery(rawq);
+    Rcl::Doc doc;
+    // Insert results if any in result list window 
+    QString result;
+    resTextEdit->append("<qt><head></head><body>");
+    for (int i = 0;; i++) {
+	doc.erase();
+ if (!rcldb->getDoc(i, doc))
+     break;
+ LOGDEB(("Url: %s\n", doc.url.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB(("Mimetype: \n", doc.mimetype.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB(("Mtime: \n", doc.mtime.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB(("Origcharset: \n", doc.origcharset.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB(("Title: \n", doc.title.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB(("Text: \n", doc.text.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB(("Keywords: \n", doc.keywords.c_str()));
+ LOGDEB(("Abstract: \n", doc.abstract.c_str()));
+ result = "<p>" + doc.url + "</p>";
+ resTextEdit->append(result);
+    }
+    resTextEdit->append("</body></qt>");
+    // Display preview for 1st doc in list
+    resTextEdit_clicked(0, 0);
+void RecollMain::Search_clicked()
-    fprintf(stderr, "ReturnPressed()\n");
-    resTextEdit->setFont( QFontDialog::getFont( 0, resTextEdit->font() ) );
-    const char *fname = "utf8.txt";
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "r"); 
-    if (fp) {
- char buf[BS];
-                memset(buf,0, sizeof(buf));
- int n = fread(buf, 1, BS-1, fp);
-                fclose(fp);
-               QString str = QString::fromUtf8(buf, n);
-               resTextEdit->setTextFormat(RichText);
-               resTextEdit->setText(str);
-    }
+    queryText_returnPressed();