Switch to side-by-side view

--- a/src/qtgui/reslist.cpp
+++ b/src/qtgui/reslist.cpp
@@ -190,32 +190,26 @@
         LOGERR(("QtGuiResListPager:: aspell not initialized\n"));
     for (vector<string>::const_iterator uit = uterms.begin();
          uit != uterms.end(); uit++) {
         list<string> asuggs;
         string reason;
-	// If the term is in the index, we don't suggest alternatives. 
-	// Actually, we may want to check the frequencies and propose something
-	// anyway if a possible variation is much more common (as google does)
-#warning need to take case and diacs sensibility into account somehow	
-	// Maybe use the xapian index instead ? How to retrieve the
-	// sensitivity flags ?  
-	// We used to call aspell->check() here and continue if it
-	// succeeded.  but this does not work if we are in
-	// case-sensitive mode and the term was not found because of a
-	// case difference (our aspell is all lowercase).
-        // if (aspell->check(*uit, reason))        
-	//     continue;
-        // else if (!reason.empty())
-	//      return;
+	// If the term is in the dictionary, Aspell::suggest won't
+	// list alternatives. In fact we may want to check the
+	// frequencies and propose something anyway if a possible
+	// variation is much more common (as google does) ?
         if (!aspell->suggest(*rcldb, *uit, asuggs, reason)) {
             LOGERR(("QtGuiResListPager::suggest: aspell failed: %s\n", 
+	// We should check that the term stems differently from the
+	// base word (else it's not useful to expand the search). Or
+	// is it ? This should depend if stemming is turned on or not
         if (!asuggs.empty()) {
             sugg[*uit] = vector<string>(asuggs.begin(), asuggs.end());
 	    if (sugg[*uit].size() > 5)