Commit | Date | |
check for empty file name in internfile, else g...
[132926] by |
2012-10-05 | Tree |
implemented proper limitation and error reporti...
[c9f661] by |
2012-10-05 | Tree |
removed list size truncature on filename expansion
[bfd111] by |
2012-10-05 | Tree |
autodiacsens and autocasesens parameters
[2807fa] by |
2012-10-03 | Tree |
Abstracts: improve the way we group terms for q...
[c58941] by |
2012-10-03 | Tree |
comments and small fixes to case/diac code
[cb654c] by |
2012-10-01 | Tree |
merged the case/diac sensitivity code back into...
[52bc9f] by |
2012-09-25 | Tree |
allow multiple directory specs as in dir:/home/...
[6eada8] by |
2012-08-19 | Tree |
defined data structure to pass around the searc...
[dc7b34] by |
2012-08-17 | Tree |
Cleaned up file name handling. Fixes that file ...
[8b3461] by |
2012-04-13 | Tree |
more delistification
[4eaf12] by |
2012-04-12 | Tree |
cosmetics: list -> vector in more places
[ec7b40] by |
2012-04-11 | Tree |
imported gnome unity lens project
[f9835a] by |
2012-03-23 | Tree |
search language: implemented filtering on file ...
[7ddbbb] by |
2012-03-07 | Tree |
Accept and process relative/incomplete paths wi...
[6cdf9a] by |
2012-02-24 | Tree |
GUI: added menu entry to show all the mime type...
[193159] by |
2011-11-25 | Tree |
increase slack for automatic phrases
[8d52e9] by |
2011-10-20 | Tree |
get rid of a few garbage terms during indexing....
[0860b5] by |
2011-10-12 | Tree |
New text to terms processing pipelines: results...
[5fd311] by |
2011-10-07 | Tree |
simplify calls to isStop
[eda494] by |
2011-10-05 | Tree |
Add frequency threshold to avoid adding common ...
[bb2685] by |
2011-10-04 | Tree |
const string cleanup
[38e095] by |
2011-10-01 | Tree |
Search: remove restriction on empty queries by ...
[702fb8] by |
2011-09-30 | Tree |
threading cleanup: add mutex protection around ...
[424e41] by |
2011-09-28 | Tree |
Implement anchored searches: terms to be found ...
[ee0d60] by |
2011-09-20 | Tree |